Shabad Guru surat dhun chela Part II

Guru, is a word of two syllables : Gu and Ru.

Gu means darkness, and Ru means, the one who takes out from the darkness towards the Light.

Darkness here means, ignorance, agyanta, and Light means gyan, knowledge.

But what type of knowledge does Guru Sahiban refer to?

Well, academic or worldly sciences are also knowlege, but are limited, because that knowledge is the outcome of the limited, namely mind.

On the other side, Gurbani tells us: Sabh meh Jot, jot hae soee. Which means, the Light is present in all beings, and that Light is the True Supreme Being, which we commonly know as God, Wahiguru, Parmatma, Khuda, and so on in different languages and religions.

Now this Jot, is an supraconsciouss energy, an infinite Ocean of love,and mercy. It is not someone physicall,with beards, and a royal outfit, sitting on a throne and watching all beings to judge, by punishing or rewarding us.

This a very wrong idea, which most people have due to agyanta, and because of this ignorance, people of different faiths, fight and kill in name of their so called gods, committing atrocities, wanting to impose their god on others, as if, their god needed numbers...

Shame on all of them, who in name of religion commit crimes against others... It would be more accurate to say, they are not followers of god, but of the devil, because they are full of arrogance and hatred.

There is a saying, as you dwell, so you become. So, logically if the outcome is hatred and violence, our common sense tells us, they do not worship any real god, but their own mental wicked projections.

The Royal King, Sachay Patshah, does not ever judge anyone, as said before, that Highest level of Supraconsciousness, is all love and mercy; if HE wee ever to judge anyone, then, there would be no place for us to seek refuge, because we are all sinners.

Just as sunlight is the same, in intensity and refulgence for all places, all countries, all people, so is that Light or Jot, same for all souls, it does not distinguish between different people of different nationalities or religions, or genders, nor collective particular groups or individuals.

Anybody who opens the windows of his/her heart, gets the benefit of that Light with all its contained virtues, as gyan-knowledge, love, peace, bliss, and fearlessness.

It would be foolish, if some would say, the sunlight in my country or house is superior to yours...
It may sound ridiculous, but it is our reality, that is how we are.

Why can´t we all be superior?
Why have some to be inferior to others, religion wise? When all recieve the same measure of that Primal Light.

This means, either we are dumb, or we are blind.

So going back to the quote: sabh meh jot, Jot hae soee, as being a creative consciouss energy, this energy is called in the Granth Sahib also as Shabad or Nam, in the Bible as the Word or Logos, the chinese know it as Tao, the muslims know it as Kalam-Ilahi.

That reality is the same, but only that, those lovers of God, Bhagat Jan, Guru Sahiban, Gurmukhs, Sant Jan, mystics of different places, and times, have called it with different names, but it is the same reality, no more, no less.

It is we fools, who want to possess that reality, and think of having a monoploy over it, when the fact is, it is universal and belong eqaully to all, thus from there on, we want to impose our faulty perception of that Reality on others, when the fact is we have not any actual experience about that Energy, and because of that demencial attitude, we fight and kill others...

What god is that, who is so weak, who needs huge numbers of followers to inflate its ego ... If that god is so powerful, we should tell him, do not tell me to fight and kill others, better you go and kill the gods of othere religions, win them and come back to tell me about your victory over them.
Because if you win over other gods, then all others will have no options, but to worship you, because then you alone will exist....😅😅😅😅😉

Let us all see, how strong is that our god, for whom we commit horrible atrocities. It would be advisable, if those short minded could tell their respective gods, better  you go and fight other gods as you are very powerful, for I can not kill or destroy, something which I have not created, thus have no rights on others.

Human fanatic foolishness has no limits....

So, as we have seen, that Reality of Light, is called Shabad or Nam also in Gurbani. That Light is Primal, permanent, unchangeable and eternal.

Guru Nanak Maharaj, tells us in the begining of the Granth Sahib: Ik Oankar, Sat-Nam
This means, there is only one Creator, which is Nam, and that Nam is Truth. Truth here is referred, as that reality, which is changeless and eternal, because all other things perish one day or the other, sooner or later.

Jesus Christ tells us something similar in the Bible : in the beginging was the Word, the Word was with God, and that Word was God.

Let us pay attention to their words, none of these 2 Gumukhs, refer to that Reality as something with a particular body, size, colour, shape, dress or nationality. But as an Infinte Consciousness, which is Omnipotent, Omnipresnce and all Bliss.

All other spiritual gods, angels, godesses, trinities along with their spouses, are not denied of their existence, but those are not the ultimate reality, known as Wahiguru, Nam, Shabad, Satnam, Word, Akahand Jot, Sachee Bani...some of the terms with which that Supreme Reality is known, but, is above all these limited exprsessions in any language or religion, actually that Power has no name, it is anamee, means nameless.

Mytics, Gurmukhs and Guru Sahiban have described that reality as :
Alakh = unseen, Agam = unfathomable, and Anamee = nameless.

And what  a tragedy, that we foolish humans, fight among ourselves and kill others, by proudly saying, that my this or that god is superior to all others, utter blindness, thus ignorance ...

Sat Sree Akal.
