Bihaagarhaa Mehlaa 4
Some Sat Bachans of Chauthvee Patshahee Dhan Dhan Satguru Ram Das Maharaj :
sabh jee-a tayray toon varatdaa mayray har parabh toon jaaneh jo jee-ay kamaa-ee-ai raam.
All beings are Yours - You permeate them all. O my Lord God, You know what they do in their hearts.
In this line above, Guru Jee is telling us, He the Supreme Lord, whom we call Wahiguru Akal Purukh, is the creator of absolutely all beings. Unlike us, who discriminate and segregate different people of different races, different dharams, due to our narrow mindedness and agyanta, we fail to see the Jyot of Wahiguru, not only in us, or the rest of humans, but as well as in the rest of beings or creatures.
har antar baahar naal hai mayree jindurhee-ay sabh vaykhai man mukraa-ee-ai raam.
The Lord is with them, inwardly and outwardly, O my soul; He sees everything, but the mortal denies the Lord in his mind.
Guru Jee clearly says, He, the Lord, is within and outward everyone and everywhere, there is no such place, where He is not. But due to the impurities on our minds, we fail to see Him as omnipresent. A child may not know, what is oxygene, but still he breathes that very oxygene. One day he grows, and comes to know about its name; but knowing or not knowing the name of that essential thing called oxygene to be alive, does not change the fact, that we may give different names to it in different langauges, but that thing oxygene exists by itself, and is the same for all.
We may see the stupidity, if some fools fight saying my oxygene is superior to yours. This is how moorakh humans behave, they give different names to that one universal existent Truth, then fight and kill each other. This shows their agyanta only. Had they known that, that one oxygene is the life giver to all, in spite of different words given to name it, they would never fight.
Thus there are some very stupids, who take each and every chance, to engage in disputes and see diversity. Not all are born for God realization, it is by His hukum, people are born in different dharmas, races, countries, etc... so we should respect His hukum, if by bad luck they know little or nothing of Gurmat.
What the hell can they do? No gyani, no scholar can ever convince anyone, if it is not written on their forhead. So instead to get angry, or condemm anyone, we should, as said before, respect His hukum, and feel sorry for them.
That primal Truth is universal, and is one, we call it and know it as Satnam, Satpurukh, Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
Others may deny this fact, and say there are multiple truths(that is their agyanta), but not because of that, we should behave as donkeys and start quarreling, because in them also, He is the reason of their existence, Without Him, that One, there is no other. If there are lesser levels of conciousness, even then, He is in them.
manmukhaa no har door hai mayree jindurhee-ay sabh birthee ghaal gavaa-ee-ai raam.
The Lord is far away from the self-willed manmukhs, O my soul; all their efforts are in vain.
The Lord is far away, in the sense, that due to the agyanta of the manmukhs, they have lost the jewel inside their home, and go out with a torchlight to find it in the streets, thus, all their efforts are useless(rituals, customs, ceremonies, etc, outer actions).
jan naanak gurmukh Dhi-aa-i-aa mayree jindurhee-ay har haajar nadree aa-ee-ai raam.
Servant Nanak, as Gurmukh, meditates on the Lord, O my soul; he beholds the Lord ever-present
Here Guru Jee tells us clearly, He is not found or met, by just belonging to any particular religion or dharam, but, by meditating on Him, through His simran, then we shall see Him in everyone and everywhere.
say har dargeh painaa-i-aa mayree jindurhee-ay ahinis saach samaanay raam.
They are robed in honor in the Court of the Lord, O my soul; night and day, they remain absorbed in the True Lord.
By meditating on Him, there comes a time, when the soul gets the "rus" of the Amritful Naam, and looks forward to sit at one place and do abhyaas as much as possible.
tin kai sang mal utrai mayree jindurhee-ay rang raatay nadar neesaanay raam.
In their company, the filth of one's sins is washed away, O my soul; imbued with the Lord's Love, one comes to bear the Mark of His Grace
naanak kee parabh bayntee mayree jindurhee-ay mil saaDhoo sang aghaanay raam.
Nanak offers his prayer to God, O my soul; joining the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy, he is satisfied.
In these 2 lines above, Guru Jee tells us about how to know and love Him, through Sadh Sangat, the company of the Holy.
hay rasnaa jap gobindo mayree jindurhee-ay jap har har tarisnaa jaa-ay raam.
O tongue, chant the Name of God; O my soul, chanting the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, your desires shall be extinguished.
By meditating on Him, by doing His Simran, we get rid of our desires, trishnas, not otherwise,which are a hindrance on our path towards Him
jis da-i-aa karay mayraa paarbarahm mayree jindurhee-ay tis man naam vasaa-ay raam.
He, unto whom my Supreme Lord God shows Mercy, O my soul, enshrines the Name in his mind.
Once again, doing this type of Bhakti of repeating His Naam, it is not in one´s hands, but by His apaar kirpa on them, whom He wants to get out of this mahabhavsagar of maya and kal.
jis bhaytay pooraa satguroo mayree jindurhee-ay so har Dhan niDh paa-ay raam.
One who meets the Perfect True Guru, O my soul, obtains the treasure of the Lord's wealth.
Sat Bachan.
vadbhaagee sangat milai mayree jindurhee-ay naanak har gun gaa-ay raam.
By great good fortune, one joins the Company of the Holy, O my soul. O Nanak, sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord
It is not in one´s hands to join Sadh Kee Sangat, even that, is by His Kirpa
thaan thanantar rav rahi-aa mayree jindurhee-ay paarbarahm parabh daataa raam.
In the places and interspaces, O my soul, the Supreme Lord God, the Great Giver, is pervading.
There is no such realm, whether visible or invisible, where He is not present.
taa kaa ant na paa-ee-ai mayree jindurhee-ay pooran purakh biDhaataa raam.
His limits cannot be found, O my soul; He is the Perfect Architect of Destiny.
He is Ooch Apaar Beant Soami.
sarab jee-aa partipaaldaa mayree jindurhee-ay ji-o baalak pit maataa raam.
He cherishes all beings, O my soul, as the mother and father cherish their child.
He takes care even of those, whom we dislike or reject, due to our narrow mindedness, all beings belong to Him.
sahas si-aanap nah milai mayree jindurhee-ay jan naanak gurmukh jaataa raam.
By thousands of clever tricks, He cannot be obtained, O my soul; servant Nanak, as Gurmukh, has come to know the Lord
There is no way to get ever closer to Him, no matter how much chaturaee, akalmandee, we may use, unless we put into action the jugtee given to us by our Guru Sahiban for His realization.
Sat Sree Akal.