Aapay Guru, Chela


How many times have we not heard or read these words? 

But do we really know the depth or the beauty in them?

Though the words are four only in numbers, but there is a deep meaning in them.

It means, that Wahiguru, who comes as Gurmukh at our physical human level, for our spiritual uplift, and is our Guru also, because that is what His job is, to guide us with His Jot, and dissolve all our "brhams", all our spiritual ignorance. 

So, here the Bani is telling us, that, that very Gurmukh, who is our spiritual Guru within, is also at the same time a chela.

We may first get surprised, as per how a Guru can be a Chela at the same time. So let us first ask ourselves, what is the meaning of chela? Chela as we all know, means a disciple, a sikh, a sewadar ....

But here, the Bani is saying, He who is the Guru, is also a chela. But a unique chela, without any other alike.

Because, this Gurmukh, this Satguru, comes under the hukum of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, to awaken us jeevas from our deep sleep, and to remind us of our Nijh Ghar, Sach Khand, and at the same time reunite our souls with the power of Shabad, to that Primal Power or Supreme Consciousness, namely Satpurukh or Satnam.

So that´s it. The Gurmukh, is a sewadar of Wahiguru Akal Purukh. 

There is a unique beauty in the Bani, for as we all know, Wahiguru is the highest and Supreme reality, but here He is calling Himself a sewadar, a chela.... 

Is there any other parralell like this anywhere?  Wah, wah....

This is the value and mahanta of sewa. 

With the sewa of our souls of Nam, we merge in Wahiguru; and with the sewa done by a Gurmukh of Akal Purukh, we get the chance in this human form, to be blessed first, at being at the Lotus Feet of such a Gurmukh, to get the amolak ratan of Nam, the jugtee of Nam, the Gurparsad of Nam, and by the practice of which, we get purified of al the filth on us, such as karmas, sanskaras, vices; and become pure, paviter, spotless, just as Wahiguru Himself, to in the end, merge in Him and become one with Him.

That is why the Bani says: Jevad Aap, tevad Teree daat
That is His bakshish on us.

Means, He blesses us, by making us, as big and pure as He Himself is,  as said before, by merging in Him and becoming one with Him.

Mera Har Prabh Sundar, meh saar na jaana.
Wah wah Sachay Patshah.
