Many of us, think, that devotion to the Lord consists of several activities.
You see, Wahiguru is One without second. He is like the powerful magnet who attracts us towards Himself.
But then, how does He attracts us?
It is by His Simran alone.
That is why the Bani says: Prabh ka Simran, sabh te oochaa. There is nothing comparable to it. It is the highest devotion which one can offer it at His Lotus Feet..
All other activities, are mere shadows of mannmat, which lead us nowhere.
One may say, what is this ? Don´t you ever have anything else to say, apart from His Simran? You are constantly hammering on Simran alone, in terms of devotion....
Well, it is not me, nor my personal opinion.
It is the very Bani, which insists so much. It is only, that we do what we see others do or say.
That is not correct. We should pay attention with our eyes wide open, to what the Bani says.
Following are the words of Dhan Dhan Satguru Sachay Patshah Arjun Dev Maharaj, where we can see by ourselves the supreme importance in doing the right type of bhakti.
He says:
ਆਠ ਪਹਰ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕਾ ਜਪੁ ਜਾਪਿ
Ath Pehar Prabh Ka Japau Jaap
आठ पहर प्रभ का जपु जापि
Twenty-four hours a day, chant God's Chant.
He clearly says 24 hours .
see, if the day had 25 or 26 hours, one could do 24 hours Simran, and
the remaing time other karamkaands. But no, He says, do His Simran 24
Now we may ask, how to do 24 hours Simran?
The answer is : khaateh, peeteh, chalteh, phirteh, sovat, jaagat, visar na jaat ... premee sunoh prem kee baat.
from this His constant Simran, we should try to sit for some time, and
meditate on His Naam, so that our surtee soars up in the spiritual
realms within, and savour the taste of Bliss, which cometh out of this
His Simran.
Sat Sree Akal.
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