Can Naam Simran Help In Curing Diseases/problems?

We are already  failed, and our condition is hopeless  and of pity. So any devotion done, even  for any selfish motives, in His court is accepted.

How one calls one´s father, that is not much important. He knows how weak we are. But anyhow He is such a wonderful Father, that He says, though out of pain or despair just remeber me, just call me with a sincere heart, and see I will come running to your aid.

But there is definetely a difference in calling a worldly father and a heavenly Father like Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

While our calling Him, we are elevated, our consciousness soars high in the spiritual realms. And when we thus communicate with Him in this way, we are spiritually washed, our thinking and understanding the laws of Nature undergo a drastic change, in comparison to the earthly point of view.

Now in our present condition, we may question Him about our so called problems of any type, be it may health, mental, economical ... or any other .....

But once we  elevate even a little bit our consciousness within, then we shall not even  ask Him any such selfish things .....

Otherwise it is more likely we blame Him as usually we do. We may not voice our thoughts, but surely more than once we may have thought, my God, why me?

Why do I not get this or that ? Or be like him /her, or even better.... and an endles such list....

We should keep in mind, He is a Perfect Being.

He can make no mistakes.

And so, if  He can not make mistakes, then, what is there for Him to rectify?

It is we, who are short sighted. And we are telling Him to do this or that, like if He was the Aladino´s genie in the lamp.

We do not try to know and  understand the Nature, but rather we want the Higher consciousness, to come to our level and get involved in our selfish petty minded game... Is it not moorakhta from our side, to do something which is unlogic? Then too we harshly blame Him, for not fulfilling our expectations, and so shamelessly we say God does not exist ....

I am not disheartening  anyone...but it is better, if we go through the precious priceless Bani, and dye ourselves with the colors of His Beant wadeeayee . Then there will be no complaints, but only "shukur hae Sachay Patshah" on each step in our lives.

For example,Christ was nailed; Dhan Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj was ill treated badly and tortured physically ...

Just let us  think a litle bit, they were the embodiments of that Supreme Power. 

What could they not do if they wished to? By freeing themselves and punish their culprits...

But instead, they said: Tera bhaana meetha laage ....

In these 4 words, if paid proper attention there is a lot of wisdom for us humans to learn and apply it in our lives. Then almost all of our problems shall vanish away...
So in the end we could well say, it is all about, the attitude based on faith and devotion we adopt, to face all situations.

Sat Sree Akal.
