Usually Satguru, is taken as a sadhoo, a baba, a mahapurush...
But, He is none of these.
He is much much more....
To talk about the greatness of a true Satguru, is quite difficult, because He is not an ordinary human being.
He is the embodiment of the very Supreme Being, Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and as such, it is impossible to sing adecuately His infinite Glory.
First of all, He is a all Consciousness, of the highest order, and as such, He is also all bliss, all wisdom, just as Wahiguru Himself, with the only difference, that Wahiguru is Nirankar, while He has assumed the akaar human form, for the benefit, of we the human beings.
Wahiguru knows, we can never ever see Him with these our physicall eyes, we are so much full of filth, that we can not even imagine how great He is, forget seeing Him...He is beyond our limited and dirty mind.
The Bani talks about this our poor and weak condition:
Hum mailey, tum oojal kartey
Meh nirgun, koee gun nahee...
Hum moorakh, Tum chatuer sianey ...
So if this is our condition, let us think, how will we ever even sing His pure glory with our dirty tongues, which are engaged in lying, slandering, abusing.... With our ears, we can not listen to His celestial melodious voice , because they are filled with the wax of listening to others faults, and slandering, hearing dirty language; our divine vision is covered with the sins of looking at other´s wives; others wealth and property, others summary, all of our sense organs have filled us with filth(sins) ....and in spite of all these our countless negative virtues within us, we still say and think, we are religious, we belong to so and so religions, we go to pilgrimages, we perform prayers so many times, we follow the rules and regulations of our religions, so how can we be bad ?
And above all, we fight, kill or give up our lives in name of our religions...
Shame on us, we are just fooloing ourselves. If ever we practiced religion in the true sense, it does not matter to which so called religion we belonged, we would have divine virtues within us like: forbearance, humility, forgiveness, compassion, detachment, contentment..... but rather, we are filled with demonly qualities: anger, lust, ego, arrogance, vengeance, shortminded, untruthfullness, stone hearted...and a huge list of negativities ....
What a contradiction, in spite of feeling so religious, the fact is we are as good as demons ....
What does the word religion means?
It comes from the latin word religare, which means, the path that reunites us with our origin, which is Wahiguru Akal Purukh, God or Supreme Being. God is benevolent and all forgiveness.
Christ was nailed on the cross, and He said: Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing...
Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj was tortutred mercilessly,and He said: Tera bhaana meetha laage: means, Thy will is dear to me.
If we had even a tiny trace of divinity within us, due to all our so called religious practices, we surely would have the spark of mercy and compassion within us ...Because He is an infinte Ocean of Love, mercy and forgiveness.
The teachings say: as you think or dwell upon, so you become. So let us sincerely ask ourselves, and have a peep within us, why have I not acquired any of the divine virtues, inspite of me being so religious?
The natural and logic answer we shall get is, all your practices are in the wrong direction, that is why they yield no positive effects .... Up to now we are in a state of ilusion, of ignorance, of darkness....
Christ laid down the base for our spiritual growth, in just 2 lines, with very clear and simple words.
He said: Firstly, love thy Lord with all the heart, mind and soul, above all things.
Secondly, love thy neighbour as yourself
Throughout the history, we can see, we have misbehaved , abused and tortured these Sant Satgurus, whenever they have appeared on the surface of the earth.
And that also when the reason of their coming, is solely for our benefit, in terms of spiritual uplift.
The Bani says: Sant sang anter, prabh deetha. This means in the company of a Saint, a Satguru, within me, I was able to see the Lord
Again it says: Mat koee bharam bhoolay sansaar, bin Satguru kou na utraas paar. Means, without a Satguru nobody can cross the creation to attain salvation.
Again at a different place it says: Shabad Guru surat dhun chela It means, the Shabad is the Guru, and the disciple is the soul.
Wherever and whatever we read, it says, that the travelling on the path to His Court, is done always by two; one is the Master or Sant Satguru, and the second is the soul, the disciple, the sikh.
Some may say, what rubbish?
How can a man guide a soul?
This is the main problem for the "manmukhs".
For they pretend to be spiritual, but they do not pay any attention to the words in the Bani, to what they mean, and try to see the depth and real value of it.
Most of us read the Bani as parrots, without understanding. Nobody cares to see what the Bani really says, nobody is interested in the reality. Most of us are brainwashed, we are not allowed to think and ask questions. Just do it and follow it, as you see, that´s it.
Many of us say: Guru maaniyo Granth. Have we ever stopped to think and see what it means?
Because we may not like to face the truth, and torture ourselves with the feeling that we have been fooled since we were born, and I know, this is a very painful experience...
Well continuing with today´s topic, it is the very Sree Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj, which tells us who is the true Guru or Satguru.
The Bani says: Ghar ke ander Ghar dikhlae, so Satguru Purakh sujaan. This means, He who shows you your True Home within you, know Him as a true Satguru.
What is that True Home within your home?
What does this mean?
This means, He who takes out your attention from the unreal and perishable world or creation, and turns it within you to look for that Supreme Being, and not only that, but actually guides you until you reach your True Home, Sach Khand, and merges our individual soul drop in the Infinite Ocean Wahiguru Akal Purukh..
This is the True Satguru, for which one has to look for. This True Satguru does not engage us in any sort of rites nor rituals. He imparts His teachings, His updesh, His Gurparsad, without any distinction as per caste, creed, religious background, nationality, or gender. His blessings are the same for the whole of mankind. And by accepting Him as one´s Guru, one need not change one´s way of life, dressing, customs...nothing of that sort. Neither leave some types of rituals and start other new ones....
He says, Wahiguru is within you. You need not go anywhere nor do anything. For that purpose, you just need to lead a moral life, and go within your body through Nam Simran, just as Christ reffered to this body as : the Temple of the Living God; or as the Bani says: Nar naraynee deh.
This is the first sign of a real Gurmukh, a Sant Jan, a Gurmukh. He draws our attention from the outer creation, to the Lord within us.
Secondy, He wins His daily bread, by His hard work. He does not depend on alms, nor is He a burden on His congregation. He does not take even a penny, rather He gives away from His own earnings to the needy...
Thirdly, He always says, I am the dust of my Sangat.
Fourthly, He performs no miracles to attract anybody, or to impress anyone, or increment thus the number of followers. He lives in the will of the Father, though He is already one with Him.
Fifth,He does not accept any offerings, garlands of flowers, lamps, nor does He allow anybody to touch His Feet ot bow unto Him...
Sixth, He uses the ship of Nam or Shabad, to ferry across those souls who come under His shelter.That is why it says: Nanak Nam jahaz hae, jeh chareh soee utrare paar
As Christ also said: I have come to collect the marked sheep by my Father. Not anybody, but these particular souls.
Though their teachings are universal and free for all, but only those will believe, who have been marked by the Father to be brought back.
The Bani clearly gives us more hints of these Perfect Masters, or Sant Satguru. As it says:
Aapeh Satguru, aapeh Har, aapeh mel milaveh: He Himself is the Satguru, He Himself is the Lord, He Himself reunites us with Him.
Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, Bhed na Paee(Bhaee). O Nanak, there is no difference, between a Sadh, a Satguru and the Lord.
I am sure many will arise and say, this is all rubbish or lies, and this type of Satguru, is all fake and cult.
This is all product of their shortmindedness, or even from the pain of having been believing for what they thought to be true, and so by listening these truths, they shall leave no stones unturned to slander and abuse to this type of Satguru whether verbally or physically.
But, the fact is, it will be a greater loss for their souls, a greater pain for them, for when they go away from this world, and when questioned in the next world by the messengers of death, by not making the most use of this the physicall form of human body and achieve the goal of God realization, under the guidance of such a rare, but a real and True Satguru.
Four conditions are required for self realization and God realization:
a) His Grace
b) our births in the human form
c) Sant Satguru, once we get in touch with Him by being in His presence, comes the next step, in the below line
d) His GurParsad, His bakshish, His Daya Meher, His updesh, which is nothing else but the jugtee of Nam or Shabad.
The Bani says:
Aap japaae, japeeyeh so Nao; aap gavaahe, so Har gun gaaveh.
This means:
To whom He wants, He makes him repeat His Name in meditation, and to whomsoever He wants, He makes him sing His infinite Glory.
Sat Sree Akal.
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