Avar Karathooth Sagalee Jam Ddaanai
All other efforts are punished by the Messenger of Death,
Govindh Bhajan Bin Thil Nehee Maanai
Which accepts nothing at all, except meditation on the Lord of the Universe.
Sukhmani Sahib Guru Arjun Dev
Naam Rathae Man Niramal Hoe
Attuned to the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind becomes immaculate
Raag Gauri Guaarayree Guru Amar Das
Vin Naavai Ko Mukath N Hoe
But without the Name, no one is liberated
Raag Gauri Guaarayree Guru Amar Das
The Bani constantly reminds us of the One only Truth, which is Nam or Shabad.
Our sikhee, Gurmat, relies only on Nam, and if by anything is well known and accepted universally, it is by the believing in only the one Wahiguru, Nam or Shabad, which are three different words, but refers to the same Essence, same one everlasting Truth.
Apart from this, all else is "koorr".
Because, when nothing else stays, this Power continues on and on ceaselessly.
Everything and everyone, owes its existence to this One Truth. Sant Janas, Gurmukhs, sing the infinte glory throught their Bani.
If any spiritual level acheieved, purity, progress, nearness, or even merging in Wahiguru is ever possible, that is only possible by attaching ourselves with this very Power. And that also by the sacred practice of its Simran alone
This very Power, level of the highest Consciousness, is already within each one of us, irrespective of caste, creed, community, color, nationality, gender, or dharam that may anyone belong, but the fact is no one is without its presence.
Usually, when devotion to Wahiguru through Nam Simran is reffered, people generally have the believing that, this type of worship is only for mahapurkhs, gyanis, or Gurmukhs.....while for the rest of us mortals, ordinary beings, it is suffice to perform any other practice, ritual or dogma which constitute a part and parcel of the so called religions....
But the fact is, anyone of the highly spiritual beings owe their spiritual status through their constant and faithfull devotion and dedication to the jugtee of Nam Simrran.
Then why do we not understand, and want to be less and miss the golden opportunity of our birthright as human beings, to do the right devotion and merge in Him, becoming one with Him?
Or is it that due to our moorakhta, and agyanta, we want to remain with our limited and false individual ephimeral existence?
That also, when all is in our favour to do the right devotion only.
The Bani of Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj in Raag Gauree very cleary says:
Naam binaa jo pahirai khaa-ay, ji-o kookar joothan meh paa-ay
Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well
Without the Naam, one who dresses and eats well
is like a dog, who falls in and eats impure foods.
*Apart from Nam bhakti, if one does anything, it is like poison, it is bandhan, it is karma, it is agyanta. It may look good and attractive at first hand, but in the long run, we are to loose everything, because the poison of karmas, pujas, paaths, rituals, spreads through our whole being, and we die, it means, again we trapped in the endless wheel of births and deaths
Naam binaa jaytaa bi-uhaar. ji-o mirtak mithi-aa seegaar.
Without the Naam, all occupations are useless, like decorations on a dead body.
*He clearly says, if you do not do Nam bhakti as the only devotion of Wahiguru, you may look alive, but you are as good as a dead body, and all your efforts are futile .
Some times, we may wonder why is it so hard for us to understand the supreme importance of Nam and its Simran....
Why do we not understand the simple and direct teachings of our Guru Sahibans?
Why are we so square headed?
Well, although the Bani is open to all in a natural manner, there is a very strong statement in it:
Jaa Aap Kirapaal Hovai Har Suaamee, Thaa Aapanaan Naao Har Aap Japaavai
When the Lord Master Himself becomes merciful,
the Lord Himself causes His Name to be chanted.
Raag Bihaagrhaa Guru Amar Das , 555
Means, nobody can perform the devotion of His Simran, of His Name being chanted, if He does want one to do so; this maybe the reason, of why instead of doing Nam Simran, we do so many other things ...which do not lead us to Him, thus neither our faith becomes strong, nor our mind and intelelect become pure ....and naturally in that state, any decisions we may take, all of them have to be wrong, in the sense, we do nothing as per His instructions to become like Him and merge in Him.
It is a real pity, to have to see and witness all this mayavee play, when we absolutely have everything in our favour:
We are born as human beings,as the highest in the creation, because only human beings are given the faculty and privliege to do the needful and return back Home, Sach Khand.
We have the best Bahagats, Sant Janas, Guru Sahibans on our side, and who have blessed us with their ambrosial Bani(Sikhee), but inspite of all that, we do nothing effective, to achieve that our goal, namely Wahiguru.
To depend, or rest our hopes on anything apart from Nam or the Lotus Feet of Wahiguru, according to the Bani, is the biggest mistake we can make....
That is why it says:
Naavahu Bhulaa Jag Firai Baethaaliaa
Having forgotten the Name, the world is roaming around like a wild demon.
Raag Maajh Guru Nanak Dev
*This is how our Guru Sahibans view us, if we do everything but not Nam Bhakti, they view us as demons...what a shame on us... and as demons, we can never ever enter our True Home, but remain in the planes of Maya. in the unending cycle of births and deaths.
And the funny thing is, inspite of what the Bani tell us to do, we do the very opposite, and still we call ourselves as religious minded people...... utter moorakhta!!!
Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru Waheguru.
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