Sathigur Kaa Sach Sabadh Kamaavahu
Meditate on the true Shabad, given by a Satguru

Thhir Ghar Baithae, Prabh Apanaa Paavahu
Remain steady and stable within the home of your own self, and find God

Raag Asa, Guru Arjan Dev Maharaj.

Above are the words of Sachay Patshah, Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj.
He is telling us that, do the Simran of Nam only. You do not need to go anywhere, nor need anything else.
No rituals, no rites, no pilgrimages, no flowers, fruits, incense, lamp....nothing of that sort.

It is our mind, which we have to get treated, which is the root cause of our sorrows, pain, and our presence in the endless cycle of births and deaths.

Wahiguru has everything, there is nothing  that we weak humans can give Him, everything is polluted by us. And He knows that, but even then, He accepts our "kachee bhakti". So during our bhakti of Nam Simran, we still our minds, and that is offering Him, our mind.

And He, as a washerman, washes the dirt accumulated on it, and thus gets it purified , with the (soap)Amrit of His Nam.

Then once the mind is purified and pacified,  it does not bother the soul anymore, and releases the soul from it´s clutches.

It is like the rat is given mercury in the traps, set to catch it, and as it´s belly is heavy and can not move by ingesting it, so it stops doing mischiefs and lays down, then the house owner catches it and throws it away the  from its house.

In the same way, once the mind tastes the "ras" of Nam, it gets defeated by the soul. Nam is the only medicine to nullify the mind forever, anything else is temporary.

Once this mind is conquered, then the soul crosses the causal region and enters Parbraham region, it is only then, that it is pure in essence and nature, as it has been removed from the phiysicall, astral and causal coverings on it.

Continuing with Nam Bhakti, the soul proceeds further and reaches Sach Khand. There it gets the darshan of Akal Purukh Satnam, and merges in it. That is why the bani says: Jin Har jaapiya, se Har hoeeya. Any soul, Sant, Gurmukh, Satguru, upon reaching there become one with Him, without any distinction.

Many of our brothers or sisters have that impression, even the rest of mortals, that even by reaching His abode, each and everyone continues with his/her own personality. Which is totally wrong. Suppose today anyone of us reaches Sach Khand, we shall only see Akal Purukh Guru Sahibans, no Gurmukhs, no saheeds, no Sants....nothing.


Because they have blended in Him, they have merged in Him, becoming Him.

They emerged from Him, for a particular purpose, for a particular period of time, to bring back with them an alloted number of souls marked by Wahiguru, and once they reach there back, the wonder or wonder happens, nobody remains as such, because all from individual drops, souls; have become the One mighty Ocean.

So this is one braham , one misconception we have to get it cleared. Maybe somebody is thinking , one day when I reach Sach Khand, I shall see the 10 Gurus sitting beside Akal Purukh, the other bhagats mentioned in the Bani, or even the other Gurmukhs who have been coming at our human level, like Sant Paltu Sahib, Sant Tukaram, Sehjo Bai, Guru Ravi Das, Kabir Sahib, etc...all of them together like in a congress.

That is not Gurmat.  The bani says: Sach Khand vaseh Nirankar. There in Sach Khand only Wahiguru exists, so naturally anybody upon arriving there, becomes Him.

Is it not that the purpose of any sikh, of any seeker?

As long as we do not merge and become one with Him, we are imperfect, we are still in the realms of mind, maya, kal and karmas.....Be it may Baikunth, Swarg or heavens...all these stages are under Maya, thus are transient and perishable, are very much in the boundaries of Parlay and Mahaparlay.

And so the Bani tells us, that in order to become one with Him, we should only give our mind, body and soul, to the only one Akal Purukh. Har iko Daata seviye, Har iko  dheeaeeyeh.

It is moorakhta to place our hopes on any other beings, apart from one wahiguru Akal Purukh. He is the one sustainer, protector for absolutely all beings.

If we depend on anyone else apart from Him, we shall never get freed from Maya.

Just let us think. Either we are with Him, or we are not with Him.

So  If anybody past, we worship or show our reverence, what is the sense in it?

If that individual soul has merged in Him, then why not directly worship Him; and if that is not the case, and those souls are supposed to be somewhere, because some say that they have been seen, then too, what is the sense in worshipping them, because if they have not succeded in reaching Wahiguru, and are stuck somewhere for any reason, how can they avail us?  They can only avail us up to what they themselves have achieved, and surely they are not one with Wahiguru, that is why they are being seen, and not Wahiguru . In darkness only stars and moon can be seen. There where the powerful Sun is, no stars or moon are seen...

So let us give our love, faith and devotion, to the only one Wahiguru Akal Purukh. It is popularly known: jaisa dheeayeeh, taisa hoeeyeh. As you meditate so you become. If you meditate on the one Perect Lord Wahiguru, you shall reach there where He is. If you meditate on anything apart from Wahiguru, we shall never reach Him.

He is "sarvavyapak", means omnipresent.

So if He is present everywhere and in everyone, is it not shameful to place our hopes and faiths on any others than Him?  Read the Bani, only His mahima, His wadeeayee is described, that also just a fraction of His inmense Majesty.

Why have we created and added so many external elements in Gurmat, thus creating and spreading delusion among the human beings? The essence of Nam in Gurmat is lost, and only rites , rituals, pilgrimages, moortee pujas are the daily bread in our lives...

The Bani alerts us by saying, do whatever you may, but if you do not do Nam Simran... then that what you have done, is just like decorating a dead corspe.

Singhoo, the Bani left by our Guru Sahibans and Gurmukhs, is a treasure beyond measure. Let us go throughly, and put into practice what it says: Awar kaaj, tere kitteh na kaam, mil Sadh Sangat, bhaj kewal Nam.

To end this post, I would like to bring the following words of Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, as a gist of Gurmat.

Sun sundar, saaDhoo bachan uDhaaree.
Listen, O beautiful soul-bride: By the Word of the Holy Saint, you shall be saved.
jo ih mantar kamaavai, naanak, so bha-ojal paar utaaree.
One who practices this Mantra, O Nanak, swims across the terrifying world-ocean

Raag Aasaa, Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj.
