Different types of Bhakti or Devotion

In Bhakti, the devotee establishes a near and dear relationship with the Lord. He cultivates slowly any one of the six Bhavas according to his temperament, taste and capacity.

Bhava are the six kinds of attributes of devotees or Bhavas towards God. The Bhavas differ in type and intensity of feeling. The different Bhavas are arranged in order of their intensity.

Santa Bhava Dhruva and Prahlada had the feeling of a child to its parents.

Dasya Bhava the devotee behaves like a servant. His Lord is his Master. Hanuman is an ideal servant of God.

Sakhya Bhava, there is a sense of equality. Arjuna and Kuchela had this Bhava.

Vatsalya Bhava, the devotee looks upon the Lord as his own child. Yasoda had this Bhava for Sri Krishna. Kausalya had this Bhava for Sri Rama.

Kanta Bhava is the love of the wife to the husband. Sita and Rukmini had this Bhava.

Madhurya Bhava where culmination is reached. The lover and the Beloved become one through the intensity of love. Radha and Mira had this type of love.

The last Bhava is the highest culmination of Bhakti. It is merging or absorption in the Lord. The devotee adores the Lord. He constantly remembers Him. He sings His Name (Kirtan). He speaks of His glories. He repeats His Name. He chants His Mantra. He prays and prostrates. He hears His Lilas. He does total, ungrudging, unconditional surrender, obtains His grace, holds communion with Him and gets absorbed in Him eventually.

In Madhurya Bhava, there is the closest relationship between the devotee and the Lord. There is no sensuality in Kanta and Madhurya Bhavas. There is no tinge of carnality in them. Passionate people cannot understand these two Bhavas as their minds are saturated with passion and lower sexual appetite. Sufistic saints also have the Bhava of lover and the Beloved, Madhurya Bhava. Gita Govinda written by Jaya Deva is full of Madhurya Rasa. The language of love which the mystic uses cannot be comprehended by worldly persons. Only Gopis, Radha, Mira, Tukaram, Narada, Hafiz, can understand this language.

But even higher than all these types of devotion, is the one of a Guru and chela, a Gurmukh and a sikh.

And the best examples we have in the lives of our Guru Sahibans. Just for example, Sachay Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, was the son of  Satguru Ram Das Maharaj, but, He did not take Him as a father, but as His Guru.

And so, even being a single moment away from the beloved Satguru, it seems endless in time, and the sikh feels like a fish out of water, means going through hell...

While, when the sikh is in the company of His beloved Satguru....it is like being in ectasy, in a blissful state, he is most happy and fortunate on the surface of the earth.

And this bond is created by the Gurmukh alone, who has attached His sikh with Himself, with His gurparsad, with the tight rope of Nam.
