Convert Part II

We humans, have created so many divisions, so many limitations, so many barriers, so many differences .....

And because of these differences we go mad and fight and kill...invade others countries........ just for nothing ...... but waste of bloodshed ....then too, we say it is for my the name of my god...stupid fanatics

We are different due to outer layers, but once we leave this world and leave back our bodies for which we did so many atrocities, so many sins...who is a sikh? who is a muslim? a christian or a hindu there?

If the sun(god) has no nationality, how come the ray(soul) is going to have one?

If the ocean(god) has no caste, creed, no come a simple drop(soul) is going to have one?

We are all sure insane, we are blind ....

Sree Guru Angad Dev Maharaj through His bani in Raag Maajh, removes all our doubts of this type, regarding: dharam, zaat, paat..with these His following words:

ਅਖੀ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਵੇਖਣਾ ਵਿਣੁ ਕੰਨਾ ਸੁਨਣਾ
Akhee Baajhahu Vaekhanaa Vin Kannaa Sunanaa
अखी बाझहु वेखणा विणु कंना सुनणा
To see without eyes; to hear without ears;

ਪੈਰਾ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਚਲਣਾ ਵਿਣੁ ਹਥਾ ਕਰਣਾ
Pairaa Baajhahu Chalanaa Vin Hathhaa Karanaa
पैरा बाझहु चलणा विणु हथा करणा
To walk without feet; to work without hands;

ਜੀਭੈ ਬਾਝਹੁ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਇਉ ਜੀਵਤ ਮਰਣਾ
Jeebhai Baajhahu Bolanaa Eio Jeevath Maranaa
जीभै बाझहु बोलणा इउ जीवत मरणा
To speak without a tongue-like this, one remains dead while yet alive.

He says, when we reach there in His Darbar, we shall not need our eyes, neither tongue, nor hands, nor feet to walk....  we are different as long as we dress differently, have different physicall features, different skin colours...and so on.

And so if all these diffrences are not required there, and moreover we do not carry them with ourselves, then who is there a sikh, a muslim, a christian or a hindu? If the bodies are not there, then where are the diffrences?

There is nobody to ask us, show me your passport, let me see what is your nationality, or let me see which country do you come from?

Who were your ancestors?

What ritulas did you perform?

To which religion did you belong?  There are no such physicall proofs required, or credentials to be presented ....

This is all ignorance at our worldly level ....

There only your karmas, your attitude towards others, your sins, are going to be taken into consideration.... our karmas are going to define our future, our destiny.

Apart from that, what is going to be valued, is, our true love and devotion  for Him. 

Love and devotion, as per the teachings of our Guru Sahibans and all Gurmukhs from any time and place, which is only Nam , Shabad Bhakti.

The Bani throughout repeatedly draws our attention, towards that one eternal Truth, which is Nam or Shabad, to which they say, if you want to be saved and free yourself from the cycle of births and deaths, attach youself to it by meditating upon it, leave aside all your "maanmat", and exclusively devote yourself to this Nam, then from it you will get the true Amrit, made by Wahiguru Himself, which is flowing within you all the 24 hours.... and by drinking that Amrit, you shall become immortal.

Once you taste and savour this Amrit, all your filth of karmas, of sanskaras, of so many lives shall all be washed wil become pure paviter, your mind will not bother you anymore with its doots  of  kam, krodh, lobh,  moh, and ahankar ...maya and kal will become your servants ...they will no longer ever be able to stop you from going back to your Father´s House, Sach Khand, where you will surely reach, that also not alone, but, in the company of the Shabad Guru.

Such is the mahanta of our Gurumukhs... and our beloved Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
