What is Shabad Guru ? Part I

Shabad Guru, means the Shabad is the Guru. Now let us see, what does the word Guru mean? The word guru is composed by 2 syllables. The first one gu, means darkness, and the second one ru, means light, so the word  by itself means the one who takes us from darkness towards the light.

This guru, usually is meant for teachers, professors, who teach us and prepare us with the knowledge as sciences, arts and sports... In each and every field, we have to learn something from some "master" or "ustaad".

Now what is Shabad?  Shabad in true sense, mentioned in the Bani, is as same as Wahiguru Akal Purukh, as Satnam, as Alakh Purukh, as Agam Purukh... as Anamee...different terms, but one supreme reality.

And this Shabad, is Nirankar also, and morover the Bani tells us: Sach Khand vaseh Nirankar. This Shabad is also the Aad Guru by itself, since the very begining without any end, means, He is a perfect Guru by Himself, He did not have to learn anything from anybody, as He is the very first, without any second. The Bani in the mool mantra, very beautifully says:

Ik Onkar : there is only one Creator

Satnam: He is truth, means He exists forever, He is eternal, and His nature is Nam, or call it Shabad. So Satnam means, the Nam which is everlasting, throughout in the eternity. When the Gurmukhs use the term Truth, they refer it to something which is everlasting and is unchangeable. So, in this sense, that Nam, is Sat, means it is everlasting, is eternal.

Karta Purukh: He is the creator of all the creation,  all the khands, brahmands, astral, causal and the pure spiritual realms or regions, with its rulers, up to Sach Khand, where He is resides, and that realm is also eternal and changeless like Him, that is why, the term Sach, is put before Khand, which means region.

Nirbhav, Nirvair: He is fearless and without any enemity with anybody, who is He to be afraid of? Who is above Him?

Akal Moorat: He is beyond the parameters of time and space, so He is eternal in terms of time.

Ajoonee: He does not die or is born like us, because He is birthless.

Seibhang: He exists by Himself, He is self sufficient, He depends on nobody, He is all by Himself.

My God, see how beautifully, and in a simplified manner, our Guru Sahibans have described the undescribable.

So that Shabad is an avastha, a highest level of consciousness, which is in simple words, is Sach-Chit-Anand, means everlasting truth, all consciousness, and all bliss. It is a life force existence by itself.

Now when we say, Shabad Guru, it means, that Shabad which is all pervading(sarva vyapak), all powerfull(sarva shakti shalee), all knowing(anteryamee), He irradiates light of wisdom, of kowledge, and love, anybody in the  presence of this nam or Shabad, gets showered by its light(gyan, purity), knowledge(chetanta), and love(prem, bakshish).

Now, where, what for and why does He comes to manifest Himself. For these questions the Guru Granth Sahibs tells us:

Har Jee baseh sadh ke hirdey...Harjee baseh Sadh kee rasna... Har ka sevak, so Har jeha, bhed na jaano manush deha ... Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, bhed na bhaee... in summary, the bani says, He is to be found in His manifestations as Sadhs, as Gurmukhs. That is why, these Sadhs, these Gurmukhs, will always lay importance on one Wahiguru, and its real nature of Shabad, and the  only method of Nam Simran, to realize Him and merge in Him. These Gurmukhs may come at any time or any place, time and place is no boundary for them, but their main teachings will always be of Nam and Shabad, as it is the only reality. They will not come to create any new dharma, or confuse and engage us with useless futile outer activities, neither they mix up into politics.... their only concern is Wahiguru and its bhakti through Nam Simran....they do not dress in any particular way, nor do they do anything(perform miracles) to attract masses, they earn their own living bread, and they will always say: you are the living temple, where Wahiguru resides, so worship Him there...the rest of the creation is "fanaah" perishable, is consciousless, or subhuman lower species, just as plants, insects, birds, fishes and animals, in which, He is not to be found. The human form, is the only privileged form, for this blessed realization, this form is also called "Nar Naryanee deh".

Gurmukhs can be at any times or palces, like our Guru Sahibans, or the rest of Gurmukhs, some  mentioned in our Bani, like: Kabir Sahib, Guru Ravi Das... and others like Paltu Sahib, Dariya Sahib, Sant Tukaram . If we see the teachings of all these Gurmukhs, Nam or Shabad, is their main objective , through Nam Simran alone... these are the visible  signs  among them, so to say, to recognize them.

But to recognize them, is not in our hands at all. This type of Gurmukh maybe our very neighbour, oe even born in our house as a family member, but if we are not destined to recognize and accept Him, we shall never be able to do so.

For example, Prithi Chand, had a father, and a brother as Gurmukhs , but inspite of being so near them, and having their darshan so much, he failed to recognize them, what a pity... But the thing is, no one can go against His will. On the other side you may be living seven seas away, but you will autmatically get pulled to a Gurmukh, because Wahiguru has so willed.

Now the following questions, of what for or why does He come?  According, to the teachings our Gurus, He comes to awaken us from our deep sleep, for we have forgotten our origin, and have been once again fallen off from the track of real bhakti, and have entangled ourselves in  squareminded religions, outer practices, like pilgrimamges, baths at so called holy places...and a large list of these practices.

As Wahiguru is the only reality, and if we have to reach the undescribable One, Nirankar;  so naturally, only the resident of that Anamee Region, call it Sach Khand if you want, is the only capable and all powerfull one, to take back with Him, whom He wants so.Otherwise we are all wandering astray in the Chaurasee ka chakar...

So He comes and manifests Himself in the form of a Gurmukh, as seen according to the Guru Granth Sahib. But what for?
For our liberation from maya, and Kal Purukh, who have kept us prisoners here ...up to the region of Braham or Trikuti.

Naturaully only the one beyond from Braham, means Paarbraham Parmeshwar, which  is the only power, superior,to defeat, these barriers in the way of the soul towards its destination, Sach Khand.

Now, this Shabad, works as Guru for the soul, towards the Sat, shows and guides  him through the path of Nam, with its light and sound of Shabad.

This is when we say Shabad Guru, Dhun Chela...means the real form of the Gurmukh is Shabad, and the real form of a sikh, the disciple is the soul. Neither the Satguru is the body, neither the sikh is the body, beacuse both of them, shall have leave their physicall coverings(bodies) sooner or later, but the evolution and progress continues, through out all astral causal and spiritual stages, with the company of the Shabad Guru, who once got hold of that particular soul on the earth plane, by giving it the Gurparsad, the updesh, the bakshish.

And that is why also, the Bani says: Sant sang, Prabh anter deetha. Means, in the company now of Shabad, who once was a Gurmukh, a Sant , a Sadh while I was on the earth present like Him, and got His Gurparsad, God realization is possible. That is why the bani says: Ik Onkar, Satgur parsad, means the only one Wahiguru Akal Purukh, can be realized by the Gurprasad got from a Gurmukh, because if there is no Gumukh, where can Gurparsad be got?

And so He can never be unjust to us His children, He knows, without Gurparsad we can never ever get true freedom...so naturally He has to continue come, time after time as a Sant, a Gurmukh... a Sadh.

The Bani says: Sant parsad, jaapiye Har Nao, means, the gurparsad a Gurmukh gives us as a blessing, through its jaap, its kamaee, its bandagee, is the valid method to reunite us with Akal Purukh.

I know many may object what I say, because we have different backgrounds and envoiremnets, where we have been brought up, but if given a deeper insight to the Bani, we shall see the logic side and its real meaning.

People along the history, have tried to hide the truths of the Bani, and have thus  twisted its meaning, because themselves are agyanis, and have have done a big unjustice to the humanity, by hiding and twisting the truths of the Bani, but as long as Gurmukhs go on coming at our human level, the truths of the Bani, shall be presented to us, in a logic and rational manner,  only then, can real unwavering faith be planted in us.

Wah wah, Sachay Badshah, Ooch Apaar Beant Soami, kaun jaane guna Tere.