Some questions and answers upon "Karmas"

What is the wall of separation between the souls and the Lord Wahiguru?
The thick wall of separation is of our mind and our karmas .
How are sins or karmas created?
Well, sins are created with and by the mind. And as soul and mind are knotted together, so any sins committed by the mind, the soul has to suffer.

Are karmas sins?
Karmas can be bad or good. Bad karmas are naturally sins, but good karmas are also a barrier between souls and Akal Purukh, because ultimately, they also pull down the soul to the creation of reincarnation.
Anything performed in the three worlds( physical, astral or causal) implies karmas. We can not remain "karmaless". No amount of, "yog, jap, tap, rituals, poojas, path, fastings, pilgrimages" can save our souls. And the biggest example we have of this, is of Ravan. That even after so much penances, and powers aquired, he died like a dog. Such is the web spread by Kal and Maya. No body can escape.

Is there anything we can do, which does not bind us in creating karmas, and make us karmaless, even while doing them?
Definetely yes, according to Gurmat. This is the guarantee of our Guru Sahibans.
Their instructions, not only, do not engage us in new karmas, but also clean or burn our storage of all karmas.
Sree Guru Ram Das Satguru Maharaj, in his Amrit Bani in Raag Sarang, clarifies all our doubts and fears in His following words:

ਹਰਿ ਰਾਮ ਬੋਲਿ ਹਰਿ ਰਾਮ ਬੋਲਿ ਸਭਿ ਪਾਪ ਗਵਾਧੂ
Har Ram Bol, Har Ram Bol, Sabh Pap Gavadhhoo
हरि राम बोलि हरि राम बोलि सभि पाप गवाधू ॥
Chant the Name of the Lord, chant the Name of the Lord. It shall rid you of all your sins.

Now, how or from where is that Nam got?
The Bani says:
Nam amolak ratan hae, Pooray Satgur paas.

He says, repeat again and again, the nirmal manth, the Gurparasd got from a Gurmukh, and all your sins shall be washed away.

Sins and dirt are washed by the Nam alone, which is the real Amrit poured by Wahiguru Himself, and not by drinking outer amrits, or bathing in "pools, rivers or tanks", nor by torturing the bodies ... as the Bani says: nimakh nimakh kar sareer katave, tau bee haume mael na jaaveh. This means, cut you may, your body into small pieces, even then your ego, your pride, or your sins shall not be diminished. Neither by giving your life as sacrifice in the name of god .... this is all agaynta ..... infused by moorakhs manmukhs .

Giving up lives, or taking lives, is a very big sin. So let nobody fool us, and make us miss our aim in this human life of finding and meeting Akal Purukh.

Wah Wah Sachay Badshah.
