Gurbani, Essence of Spirituality X

                                              RAAG RAMKALI
                                                            Bani Sree Guru Amar Das

We must all agree that the objective of any real dharma or religion is the liberation of the soul.

Otherwise, it is just a fair of ignorants, moorakhs.

Sachay Badshah Sree Guru Amar Das, through His sweet ambrosial Bani in Raag Ramkali, removes the coverings of veil from our mental eyes, in the form of slogans, symbolisms, rituals, rules, pilgrimages...etc.

If we think, that Gurmat started with Baba Nanak and ended with Sree Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj, then according to the pure paviter Bani of Dhan Guru Amar Das Jee, we are totally wrong.

Sant Janas, Gurmukhs, Satgurus, Braham Gyanis, may appear at any time on the earth...time is no boundary for them.
As they come from the same place, they can never ever come with different truths to share with us humans, because the Truth is only One, and there is no other truth than Satnam.

They tell us, that all our miseries are due to our separation from this Truth. And all the same, they shall end by uniting ourselves to it, and thus merging in it only, there is no other way. Because if that Primal truth is one, the path leading to it has to be one. It just can not be different for different beings. Neither it can change with time, come whosoever it may.

No Gurmukh comes to change it neither, it is all our wrong misconception, and manipulations about their Bani.

Because, whether there are Gurmukhs or not, or better said, whether we are conscious about their presence or not ... outer conditions may have changed, but the One unchangeable Lord Wahiguru and the path leading to Him, is always one.

That does not change, because it is not a physical one... like for an example, a building has stairs to go up or down, but the people living there decide to break them and put an escalator or a lift, as it would be more esay to go up or come down... or even, it would facilitate the transport of goods in shiftings, or also be a help in carrying the food purchased in the supermarkets.

In the above example, we can observe that we can make physical changes, in our surroundings.

But the owner of Sach Khand, Wahiguru Akal Purukh, does no such changes.

Whether it was Sat yuga, Treta yuga, Dwapur yuga or the present Kal yuga, Akal Puruh is the same, and so is the method established by Him, to go back to Him.

So Guru Amar Das tells us:
ਜੁਗ ਚਾਰੇ ਨਾਮਿ ਵਡਿਆਈ ਹੋਈ
Jug Chaarae Naam Vaddiaaee Hoee
जुग चारे नामि वडिआई होई

In all four ages, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is glory and greatness.

He says, in all the four ages, Nam mat is Gurmat, because Nam, is the only eternal and infinite Truth.

So from this we can see and understand, that this Nam Mat or Gurmat, started and existed long before Guru Nanak appeared on the earth, right from the begining of the eras... and thus it can not be detained, even if we want it so, or think it to be so...this is all moorakhta or agyanta, utter ignorance.

Then He says:
ਜਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਲਾਗੈ ਸੋ ਮੁਕਤਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਗੁਰ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਮੁ ਨ ਪਾਵੈ ਕੋਈ
J Naam Laagai,
So Mukath Hovai,
Gur Bin, Naam N Paavai Koee
जि नामि लागै सो मुकति होवै गुर बिनु नामु न पावै कोई

One who holds tight to the Naam is liberated;
without the Guru, no one obtains the Naam.

Here He clearly says, without Nam, nobody can be liberated. And if this is so, what  are we then doing, by putting heavy chains upon us, of race, land, dharam, politics, symbolisms, rules, regulations, comittees... are we really not manmukhs?

Then He says, without a Guru, a Gurmukh, nobody obtains that Nam, or Shabad, or the Word mentioned in the Bible, the Logos mentioned in the greek civilization, or Tao in the chinese, or Kun in the islam...

In the very begining of the Guru Granth Sahib, and then, it is repeated in each ang of it:
Ik Onkar,
Satgur Parsad

This means, there is only one God,
who is realized, by the Gurparsad, the Updesh, the bakshish, given by a Gurmukh only. Wahiguru is a conscious energy of the highest level . And as such, He can not confide Himself in lifless objects made of paper, stone, wood or metal...etc

But as the bani says, He reveals Himself in the Gurmukhs, that is why the Bani says: Parbh jee baseh, Sadh ke hirday
The Lord, resides in the hearts of His beloved Gurmukhs, Sant Janas...

Just as water blends in water, only drops of consciouness (souls), can be recpients of that superconsciousness sea(Akal Purukh), in which they can merge, but never in lifless objects or things.

So if these are laws made by Nature, how can we think otherwise?

Let us always keep a check on ourselves, by always referring to the Bani. Trying to see it´s logical and clear meaning, not what the vast majority sees, thinks and moves about, among the four walls of ignorance created by them and their rulers, though they may think, they are real worshippers of Wahiguru.

Again Sree Guru Amar Das stresses on the vital importance of a Gurmukh, in order to get the Gurparasd of Nam:

ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਹੋਵੈ ਤ ਨਾਮੁ ਦ੍ਰਿੜਾਏ
Guramukh Hovai,
Ta Naam Dhrirraaeae
गुरमुखि होवै त नामु द्रिड़ाए

If only there was a Gurmukh,
Nam could then be implanted.

Now just let us think, if the existence of a Gurmukh or Satguru is vital for our liberation, by the blessing of Gurparsad from Him; Wahiguru can never be cruel and unjust to the rest of us, by stopping sending Gurmukhs to our human level. we may believe whatever we want, but the truths in the Bani, can never be manipulated. Wahiguru can never go against the laws made by Him, because He is not imperfect like us. Today we say something, and then after some few hundred years, we say something different, by misinterpreting His words, due to our narrow mindness, but the fact is, Gurmukhs never change the truths, whether He is the first or the last, times change, people change, but Satpurkh, Shabad and Gurmukhs never change, as it is a one universal and eternal Truth.

Wah wah Sachay Badshah.
