Gurbani, essence of Spirituality IX

It is commonly beleived by the vast majority of mankind, that Lord Wahiguru Akal Purukh, has some human like form like us but much finer and preetier, and that when one dies, one goes there in His presence, one retains, somehow one´s form.

Or that past Gurmukhs, or our Guru Sahibans, once left this material plane, are all seated, in His Darbar like ministers in the palace of a king.

This is a very big mistake made by most of us. And because of the root cause of this ignorance in the very depth of our rusted minds and hearts, we fight and kill each other in the name of dharam or religion, each one claiming it´s superiority over the others.

Such a stupidity. Such a pity.

According to our Guru Sahibans, we know that Wahiguru is a highest level of Consciouness, which is a creative, loving, blissful, and merciful energy.

Fourth Patshahee, Sree Guru Ram Das, tells us something about this matter in His bani:
ਰਾਮ ਨਾਮੁ ਹੈ ਜੋਤਿ ਸਬਾਈ ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਆਪੇ ਅਲਖੁ ਲਖਈਆ
Raam Naam Hai Joth Sabaaee Guramukh Aapae Alakh Lakheeaa
राम नामु है जोति सबाई गुरमुखि आपे अलखु लखईआ

The Light of the Lord's Name permeates all; the Gurmukh knows the unknowable.
First of all, He says, the Light of the Lord´s Name permeates all.

Let us pause and clear a little bit this matter, Ram Nam or Nam, are not reffered as some words, but as a type of Energy like Sun for example, which irradiates the Holy Light and lits with life force, the lamps of the hearts and souls of all beings without any distinction of colour, caste or creed.

So, if He is the same in each and everybody, what sense has it got to fight or kill in the name of land, dharam or religion?
Is He different, in different people?

The answer is no, as seen according to Guru Ram Das.
So, is it not foolish to kill or die in the name of religion?
And if our souls are like rays of that same divine light in all, it means we are not the body, neither the mind, but we are also a level of that energy and consciousness, knows as Satnam.

And if it is the light(soul) which merges in the light(Satnam), then why so much ego or importance of our land or dharam, which shall be left behind here? Which are consciousless, transient and perishable, and which can not be taken with us.

So why even to kill or die in the name of land?
Utter foolishness.
This all due to ignorant fanatics, who themselves get drowned and pull along many others with them in the wheel of eighty four.

Our Gurus aim and objective, is only Wahiguru. Nothing of rituals and ceremonies, nor rules and regulations which divide and limit mankind into the four walls of ignorance. Their only support, is on Nam alone.

"Haun jeeva Nam dhiaye".
I live by meditating on Nam alone.
This is Gurmat

The He says:
ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਪਰਚੈ ਕੰਚਨ ਕਾਇਆ ਨਿਰਭਉ ਜੋਤੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਮਿਲਈਆ
Guramukh Parachai Kanchan Kaaeiaa Nirabho Jothee Joth Mileeaa
गुरमुखि परचै कंचन काइआ निरभउ जोती जोति मिलईआ

The Gurmukh is inspired by Nam, his body is golden because He is filled with the Light of Nam, and then, when He leaves this plane, His light merges into the Light of the Fearless Lord.

So we see, in the end, if our Guru Sahibans and Gurmukhs, merge in that Nam, who are we to retain our limited identities, when we try to reach there? We are no men no women, we are not whites or blacks, we are not from east, south, north or west, we are not sikhs, christians, muslims or hindus. But according to our beloved Guru Ram Das, and all Gurmukhs, we are rays of the divine Light, that is our true nature, and this ray, once purified from all impurities of sins and sanskaras, through Nam simran,merges back to its source: Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

Wah wah Sachay Badshah .
