Raag Goojree, Bani Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj Sachay Badshah
Shabad:Thoon Dhaathaa Jee-aa Subhunaa Kaa, Busuhu Mere Mun Maahee
ਤੂੰ ਦਾਤਾ ਜੀਆ ਸਭਨਾ ਕਾ ਬਸਹੁ ਮੇਰੇ ਮਨ ਮਾਹੀ
We must bear in our minds, that our Guru Sahibans, Gurmukhs of alll times and places, are people sent by Wahiguru Akal Purukh... not only that, but according to the Bani, Akal Purukh resides in them, and thus Himself sings His glory, so that we may know something about His majesty, His inmensity, His boundless size, His limitless love, mercy, Daya Meher, His bakshish... that is why He is known as Ooch Apaar Beant Soami, which means: the Highest, Unfathomable, & Infinite Lord.
And the main purpose of His coming as a Satguru, a Gurmukh, a Sant, a Brahmgyani, is just to collect our souls and take them back with Him, to our Nijh Ghar Sach Khand.
And if it was not so, we by ourselves, can never ever even think about Him, so what to say about the subtle and mysterious path leading to Him.
Of which, even the gods of the status of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva know not about it... so what to say about we ordinary mortal beings.
All the souls of gods, demigods, and the rest of beings below Parbraham, are entrapped and misled by Kal Purukh and his faithful servant Maya.
That is why, the bani says: Sant sang, Prabh anter deetha. Means, in the company of a Gurmukh I was able to have the darshan of my Lord Wahiguru.
Why is this so?
Because that wadbhagee soul , who is now in the company at all times with the Gurmukh, if it was alone, surely the mighty Kal had cheated her, but seeing her in the company of a Gurmukh, who is a manifestation of Wahiguru Himself, he does not block their way, but rather bows down in reverence, as he very well knows, that once one who is under the shelter of a Gumukh, he can not touch even one hair of that soul, he dares not to go even near that soul, because now that soul has got the protective hand of a Gurmukh on her head. This is the majesty of a Gurmukh, any words to praise Him, are but only ridiculous.
What else does the Bani has to say about such a Gurmukh, so that one may look for one? Well, tenth Patshahee could not be more clear, when He said Guru maaniyo granth. Means, look for and accept that being as Gurmukh, who is described in the Granth Sahib.
Now, who is that being qualified to be called as a Satguru, which the Granth Sahib mentions us. In this sense also, our Guru Granth Sahib is very very straight forward; it says: Ghar ke ander ghar dikhae, so Satgur Purukh sujaan. Means, He who shows you your True Home inside your own home body temple, is known as a Satguru.
My God, such beautiful words .... so simple and truthful words... and we maha-moorakhs are doing all the opposite... shame on us, and still we proudly call ourselves sikhs?
What sikhiya are we following of our Guru Sahibans?
We are much engrossed and lost in our own ritulas, ceremonies and rules and regulations. Our Guru Sahibans´ only aim was Wahiguru...that is why they said: Saas Saas simroh Gobind...this was their only rule and ritual. This rule is the real maryada of the soul. We may be surprised why all Guru Sahibans stress so much on Nam Bhakti and not on other rules which we all know by heart... Because this rule, is the true liberator of the soul from the clutches of mind, maya and Kal .
That is why they said: Awar kaaj tere kitteh na kam, mil sadh sangat(a Gurmukh), aur bhaj, kewal Naam. And so if this rule is followed with sincerity, they promise us that we shall meet and become one with Akal Purukh. That is why they stated: Jin Har jaapiya, se Har hoiya. No other way,do whatever we may. If we want to meet Wahiguru, we must, leave all else aside, and put into action, the simple and easy method of Naam Simran.
Otherwise due to our attachments, for our outer and external practices, taking them as pillars of sikhism, we shall at most return as ghosts at those places, which we take as our own identities of mazab or dharam.... means we have been misled by Kal, who has suceeded in stopping us from proceeding towards and thinking of SatPurukh, means we have lost our precious human birth to meet Wahiguru...who knows when shall we get it again or not?
True mazab is the one which unites us with Wahiguru, not keeping us away from Him, by diverting our attention towards fulfilling rules, and regulations established by board members .... not by our Guru Sahibans.
We think, if we sacrifice and give our lives for the purpose of our mazab, so we shall go direct to Sach Khand...Wrong, totally wrong.
The Bani says, only by meditating on Him, we can become one with Him...so if we do not do that, and rather fight, kill or suicide, how shall we ever become one with Him?
Purity of heart and mind is not gained without Nam Simran, so how can we cheat ourselves, by beleiving that we shall merge in the Amritsar of Nam in Sach Khand, just like that so easily, without the must of sikhiya of our Gurus, which is Naam Simran alone ... This our behaviour, is all "maanmat".
As it is said: jahaah aasaa, tahaah basaah; means: as you think, so you become. You think about your outer temples, it´s prosperity, and you feel responsible for it´s security ... so you become a ghost care-taker and dwell there.
You think and meditate of the Lord alone, you become one with Him. So it is our thinking, our mind, which takes us to the place we deeply feel about, it is a simple law of Nature. Nature always fulfills our desires. So we must take care in what we desire. Of course, the wisest thing is to desire the Lord alone, because once He becomes ours, then we do not need anything, means we have everything.
Millions came before us, we shall pass away also... the Creatror is wise enough to take care of His creation, who are we to interfere with it?
Our only business and worry should be: when am I going to merge and become one with my dear beloved Wahiguru?
That is what Guru Arjun dev is telling us in today´s Shabad:
ਸਾਸਿ ਸਾਸਿ ਤੇਰਾ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਮਾਰਉ ਤੁਮ ਹੀ ਕਉ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਆਹੀ
Sas Sas Thaera Nam Samaro, Thum Hee Ko Prabh Ahee
सासि सासि तेरा नामु समारउ तुम ही कउ प्रभ आही
With each and every breath, I contemplate Your Name; O God, I long for You alone.
We can clearly see, He is saying: my Lord I long for you alone through the Simran of your Naam, this is my business alone, the rest is your business...
Wah wah Sachay Badshah....
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