Misinterpretations and misuse of the Bani. Part I

It has been noticed, that the pure paviter Bani of our Guru Sahibans, is being manipulated and misunderstood on several occasions and places.

Not only in the translations available in different formats, but even while kathas are performed by the "kartars", scholars, or even the so called gyanis .

We must bear in mind, the Bani of our Guru Sahibans, is the most precious and perfect in every sense and angle, topped with utmost beauty, and delicious to the tastes of mind and soul.

We are nobody to change it´s meanings.

And moreover, who are we?

What is our status?

For example, when we read, hear or say: Ik Onkar, Satgur Prasad.
What usually people say and interpret in this affirmation is: There is one God, and He is realized by the "Grace" of the Guru.

Now, this way of interpretation is not correct.

Because, grace is "Kirpa". And as we know, at no place our Guru Sahibans say: Ik Onkar, Satgur kirpa. Isn´t it?

What our Gurus mean by Gur Prasad, is the bhed, the jugtee, the bakshish, the updesh of Nam, which they give to those wadbhagee jeevas, who go and take shelter at their Charan Kamal or Lotus Feet.

That is why the bani says: Gur Parsad, kin virlay jaatay...... they are a few handful jeevas, souls, who go and take this type of Gurparsad.

At other place refering to this Gurprasad, as to where to find and get it... it says: Nam, amolak ratan hae, pooray Satgur paas.

Just because , we are told and made to believe so, that after Dasvee Patshahee, there will be no Gurmukhs. So we change some words to justify it. We must bear in mind, the time the Granth Sahib was being prepared, what the Guru Sahibans said were not words for that time alone, though they knew what was going to happen, after the Tenth Emperor left this earhly plane. Their words can not be confined into any time and any space.... their words, their wisdom, is universal for all the humanity or mankind.

Their teachings are called Gurmat. And it is not complicated at all. It is as simple as: Awar kaaj, tere kitteh na kam, mil Sadh Sangat,bhaj kewal Nam. That´s it. Nothing more nothing less. True Gurmukhs, as seen many a times, do never engage us in any other activity or devotion, which is not other than Nam Bhakti; because they come to liberate us from maya, from Kal, from mind, and countless layers of sins and ignorance..... all this can only be solved, with the mighty power of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, which is none other than His saacha Nao, or call it Shabad, Hukum or Nam.

Gurmat did not start with Guru Nanak Maharaj.... neither did it end with Dasvee Patshahee. Their teachings, or Gurmat, is valid for all the 4 yugas.

That is why Fifth Patsahee, clearly says in Sukhmani Sahib:
Eh nidaan japai man koe,
sabh jug mah taa kee gat ho'e

This means: Whoever meditates on this treasure(of Nam) within (one´s body or Harmandir), in any of the four yugas, is liberated.

After reading and understanding these words of Sree Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj, there is no room for any doubt, that the very Granth Sahib, owes its existence to Guru Arjun Dev, who is not different from any true Gurmukh of any time, because as the bani says: Prabh Jee baseh, Sadh ke hirdeh.

So by these words, we can very well understand: Shabad Guru, Dhun Chela.... He alone is a Gurmukh, in whom the Shabad, or Nam or Wahiguru is manifested. Otherwise Wahiguru is omnipresent, means, He is already everywhere, He does not need to move to be somewhere, or to reach anywhere, because He is already everywhere, in stones, papers, mountains, rivers, skies, heavens, hells, etc....etc...etc.

One thing is being present everywhere, other thing is to manifest iteself, in a particular body of a Gurmukh, at a particular time and place.

So, only that being is worthy of our love and devotion, in whom, He is manifest in full consciousness, just as a Gurmukh.

And this is the reason, why all Guru Sahibans are same in glory, refulgence, sweetness, beauty and truth.... because Wahiguru, speaks, writes and works through them. And, if He says, that Gurmat is for all the yugas, means it is eternal.

Means, it started even when Guru Nanak was not there, because, after all who is Nanak? Well, just a manifestation of Wahiguru.

And what is Wahiguru? Well, Wahiguru is not the body, He is a conscious power. So the Guru, is the power manifested in that particular body, at that particular time.

Sachay Badshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj knew, how the Gurmat would be twisted after Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj, with misinterpretaions, rituals, ceremonies .... that is why He started writing and gathering the Banis, so that His work may be continued by His succesors, and leave the most beautiful thing for all of the mankind, so that one may refer to it, for any spiritual aid, even up to the extent, that of finding a true Gurmukh.

One thing is sure, Guru Sahibans can never ever make mistakes, nor create confusions, so if Gurmat is for all the mankind and all times ...... then how can we believe, to those who say and try to make us believe, that after Guru Gobind Singh, there shall be no more Gurmukhs...

The base of Sikhism or Gurmat, and any true dharma is based on 3 elements only, which are: Wahiguru, Satguru or Gurmukh and Nam. If any of these are missing, sorry, but then that is not Gurmat.

Apart from these three, everything is "fanah", everything is "koor", everything is perishable.

Once again, Fifth Patshahee, draws our attention on the importance of Gurmukhs, in the following line, He tells us to go and take shelter at the Lotus feet of a Gurmukh, so that we can enjoy the real bliss, by learning to sing the glory and praises of the one Wahiguru Akal Purukh only.

Sadh Sang mil karoh Anand, gun gaavoh Prabh Parmanand. He says: Rejoice in the company of the Saints(Gurmukhs), and sing the praises of God.

Wah wah Sachay Badshah.
