The relation between a Gurmukh and a gursikh .....

How or when do we become a sikh, a disciple of a Satguru or a Gurmukh?

The Granth Sahib, to whom, we take as a guru, as a guide in spirituality, has also an answer for it, and gives us the right directions to go and find our goal or purpose of life. We must bear in mind, that our Guru Sahibans are very wise, full of spritual gyan, as they are one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh, they know about our human nonsense and stupidity ... and to extent we can degrade ourselves, that is why they left the Granth Sahib for us, and said: Guru maaniyo Granth, means, find out and accept the Gurmukh, according to the characteristics described in the Granth Sahib.

It mentions many a times, that particular being as: a Gurmukh, a Sant Jana, a Brahmgyani, a Sadh .... all these terms are synonymous...but refer to the same active power of Wahiguru in them, the power of Shabad or Nam. And the support of this affirmation of truth, is in the following quotes of Gurmat:

Prabh Jee baseh, Sadh kee rasna : The Lord Wahiguru resides in a Gurmukh, thus speaks the words uttered by a Gurmukh.

Prabh Jee baesh, Sadh ke hirday: The Lord Wahiguru, resides in the the very being of a Gurmukh, so naturally whatever He thinks, says or does, is done in the will of Akal Purukh.

Nanak, Sadh, Prabh, bhed nahee bahee: Nanak proclaims, there is no difference between a Sadh, a Gurmukh and the one Lord Wahiguru.

And at other place it is more clear, when it says:
Ghar mein Ghaar dikhae, so Satgur Purukh sujan.

Means, He, who shows you, your true home(Sach Khand) inside yourself(your body), take Him as a Satguru. Let us pay a careful attention to these beautiful words once again.... it does not say, take him as a guru, who just tells you do this or that ....but it says: He is with you inside you at all times, goes with you and guides you up to Sach Khand with His light, His grace, His mercy and His infinite love.

That is why the Bani also says: Sant sang, Prabh anter deetha. Means, only in the company of such a Satguru, could I have the darshan of Wahiguru.

Gurus are in thousands, but the one which is of our interest, is the one Guru Granth Sahib has just described it for us above.
So we can clearly understand, that a Gurmukh, is not the body, it is that power of Shabad , of Nam, which is working in the physical frame of a Gurmukh.

Because, as we know no physical body, can go inside another physical body to reveal the divinity in us .... it is senseless, it is utter nonsense... and we all well know, the Bani of our Gurmukhs is utter truth, in all times and places. Nobody can change it.

And there is no true sikh, without that type of true Gurmukh descrbed above; so It says:
Darshan dekh jeeva Gur tera,
pooran karam hoveh Prabh mera

It is by a very good fortune or destiny that, by His grace alone, that one comes in the shelter of such a Gurmukh.

Then what does the sikh asks for, when he arrives in the company of such a Satguru?
The sikh prays and says: Ehe Benanti suno Prabh mere, deh Nam, kar apne chere.

This means: my Lord, I have only one plead, one request at your holy feet.... give me a particle of your bakshish of Nam bhakti, Nam dhan, so that I may be entitled to call myself, a sikh, a disciple of Yours ....

This is in a nutshell, the Gurmat taught by all true Gurmukhs of all times and places, and thus also the gyan given to us by Guru Granth Sahib Jee Maharaj, which is : Satpurukh, Gurmukh and sadh kee sangat, or His company, which works on us as a Philosophers Stone, on our corrupted and rusted minds, thus cleaning us from all impurities.

Wah wah Sachay Badshah, kaun janeh gun Tere.
