The path for worshippers, according to Gurmat.

What is the difference between a Gurmukh...and the gyanis, the scholars, religious leaders, or the common human being?

Well, the differences are many... but the most remarkable is that, while a Gurmukh, comes to liberate us from this world, with the sword of Nam, to cut from the roots all our karmas and attachments, and take us along with them, to our true home Sach Khand, and on the other hand, we want to imprison, retain and bind them here in the creation, with our ignorance and limitations, by saying that He is now worshipable in papers, books, stones, walls, bricks, statues, water, mountains, etc. How silly and "mugadhs" are we..... our nonsense has no limits.

By being so long in the chaurasee ka chakar, we have taken this mayavee creation as our true land...up to the extent that we do not understand nor follow the teachings of our Guru Sahibans, and behave as mad people, drunkards, with the liquor of maya and haume, and instead of going to our True Home, we do all sort of nonsense, act against the principles of Gurmat, and thus condem ourselves perpetually in this creation of Kal.

But no matter how stupid we all are, Wahiguru comes time after time as a Gurmukh, to show us the way, the light, with the power and love of Nam alone, to guide and take back with them(Gurmukhs), to those few handful of jeevas(souls), who come to their shelter, and take the Amrit of their bakshish of Gurparasd of Nam.

These days, we can see so many disasters have ocurred at the so called pilgrimages, where the manmukhs go to worship and adore, in their manmukhta do idol worship, of the lifeless .... of the conciousless ....

Let us use a little bit of common sense. Wahiguru Akal Purukh, is all powerful, if He was in those lifless objects and items...surely no disaster can dare to come and hurt to those devotees; even those statutes and figures at the pilgrimages scenes get destroyed by the action of nature forces. Let us try to seek Him where the Bani says, and then surely our lives will never be in danger: Prabh Jee baseh, Sadh Ke hirdeh. Har Simran meh aap Nirankara ....

Wahiguru is inside us, and so is Sach Khand, but has anybody ever heard, that there were tsunamis, heavy rainfalls, floods, earthquakes or storms in Sach Khand? Then why do we fail to understand that Wahiguru, can never be found in lifless and inert things.

His one ray , gives life. And the withdrawl of that ray of divinity, makes those things made of all the five elements or even one self...lifeless.

How can we ever think even, of bottleing Wahiguru in lifeless things ? .... It is ridiculous.

So simple, but we foolish, never understand this, and start fighting and quarelling and saying, my religion is superior to others, and then we ritualize the teachings of Gurmat, give it the name of so and so religion, and become fanatics... to the extent that we do not want to live, but die and kill in the name of "my religion".

Shame on all of us.

Wahiguru does not want our lives, He just wants our filthy minds and haume or ego, at His lotus feet with Nam Simran, so that we may become pure, and be able to merge in Him. This is the message of a true Gurmukh of any time and any place.

Wah Wah Sachay Badshah.

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