Devil Called A World-Wide Convention Of Demons.
In His Opening Address, He Said,
"We Can't Keep People From Going To Pray."
"We Can't Keep Them From Reading Their Holy Books And Knowing The Truth."
"We Can't Even Keep Them From Forming An Intimate Relationship With Their God ".
"Once They Gain That Connection With God, Our Power Over Them Is Broken."
"So Let Them Go For Their Prayers; Let Them Have Their Covered Dish Dinners,
But Steal Their Time, So They Don't Have Time To Develop A Relationship With God.."
"This Is What I Want You All To Do," The Devil Continued...
"Distract Them From Gaining Hold Of Their God And Maintaining That Vital Connection Through Out Their Day!"
"How Shall We Do This?" His Demons Asked.
"Keep Them Busy In The Non-Essentials Of Life And Invent Innumerable Schemes To Occupy Their Minds," He Answered.
"Tempt Them To Spend, And Borrow."
"Persuade The Wives To Go To Work For Long Hours Where They Meet Others & Bond With
Un Scullions Activities We Have Planned.
Make The Husbands To Work 7 Days Each Week, 12 Hours A Day, So They Can Afford Their Empty Lifestyles."
"Keep Them From Spending Time With Their Children."
We Have Already Succeeded In Stopping Prayers In Schools.
We Have Also Succeeded In Bringing Violence To Schools With Children Now Bringing In Guns.
Let Us Cause Them Grief & Turmoil In Their Lives..Leaving Them With No Time On Hand.
"This Will Cause Their Families To Fragment, Soon Their Homes Will Offer No Escape From
The Pressures Of Work!"
"Over-Stimulate Their Minds So That They Cannot Hear That Still, Small Voice Of Their Concence."
"Entice Them To Play The Radio Or Cassette Player & Their Newly Acquired Gadets Whenever They Drive."
Keep Their TVs, VCRs, CDs And Their PCs Going Constantly In Their Home And See To It That Every Store And Restaurant In The World Plays Non-Religious Music Constantly & Serves
Un Healthy Foods To Corrupt Their Minds.."
"These Products Will Jam Their Minds And Break That Union With God.'
Leave Them With No Time To Think..Keep Them On The Run"
"Fill Their Coffee Tables With Playboy Magazines And Newspapers."
"Pound Their Minds With The News 24 Hours A Day."
"Invade Their Driving Surroundings With Inviting Billboards."
"Flood Their Mailboxes With Junk Mail, Mail Order Catalogs With Useless Commodities, Sweepstakes, And Every Kind Of Catalogues Offering Free Products, Services And False Hopes Of Winning The Lottery.."
Let Them Charge Their Cards To The Brim & Be Always In Debt"
"Keep Skinny, Beautiful Naked Models On The Magazines And TV So They Will Believe That Outward Beauty Is What's Important, And They'll Become Dissatisfied With Their Spouses.”
"Entice The Wives To Have Affairs With Co-Workers.. Keep Them Too Tired To Love Their Husbands At Night."
"Give Them Headaches Too! A Sure Shot Way Of Breaking Bonds & Seeking Outside Sources"
"If They Don't Give Their Husbands The Love They Need, They Will Begin To Look Elsewhere."
"That Will Fragment Their Families Quickly!"
"Give Them Distractions To Distract Them From Teaching Their Children The Real Meaning Of Life."
"Even In Their Recreation, Let Them Be Excessive."
"Have Them Return From Their Recreation Exhausted."
"Keep Them Too Busy To Go Out In Nature And Reflect On God's Glory & Creations.
Send Them To Amusement Parks, Sporting Events, Plays, Concerts, And Movies Instead."
"Keep Them Busy With Video Games & Cell Phones..Keep Their Minds Busy With Fantasies !"
"And When They Meet For Spiritual Fellowship, Involve Them In Gossip And Small Talk So That They Leave With Troubled Consciences. "
"Crowd Their Lives With So Many Good Causes They Have No Time To Seek Power From God"
"Soon They Will Be Working In Their Own Strength, Sacrificing Their Health And Family For The Good Of Our Cause."
"It Will Work!"
It Was Quite A Plan!
The Demons Went Eagerly For Their Assignments, Causing People Everywhere To Get Busier And More Rushed, Going Here And There In Circles.
Having Little Time For Their God Or Their Families.
Having No Time To Tell Others About The Power Of God To Change Lives.
I Guess The Question Is, Has The Devil Been Successful In His Schemes?
You Be The Judge and witness also!!!!!
Though this devil´s plan, is working and having full effect on almost everybody, it has also already started working on us as sikhs, and the proof is that, we also have forgotten the true message of Gurmat, of our Guru Sahibans, which is exclusive single minded love and devotion to Wahiguru Akal Purukh alone at all times, through Nam Simran( SAAS SAAS SIMROH GOBIND), but we can see, that we have astrayed away from their basic and real teachings; and diverted ourselves on outer symbols, codes of conduct, ritulas, and dirty politics.
Our Guru Sahibans objective is to arise our attention and consciousness, inwards and upwards(towards Wahiguru).... but we weak, naughty and stupid humans, have a natural tendency of going downwards and outwards, which means mayavee creation.
When shall we leave all our nonsense?
Why do we fail to live to Gurmat?
The answer is, we need the strength and constant support of NAM, which can be got from a Gurmukh of our times... That is why the Bani says:
Sant ka sang wadbhagee paayae.
Prabh ka Simran, Sadh ke sang.
The whole world is engaged is some type of simran: some do on Wahiguru, some on Satnam, some on Mool Mantar, some on Har, others on Ram, on Gobind, and so on..... the list is endless ..... this all "maanmat".
The Bani clear says: Ikonkar, Satgur Parsad. There is only one Lord Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and He is realized by the updesh, by the bhed, by the jugtee, given as bakshish, as Parsad, by a Gurmukh. It also says: Gur Bachnee, Har Nam oocharey. This means, the updesh given by a Gurmukh, is the real Nam of Wahiguru, and this is the Nam, of which, has to be done it´s kamaee, it´s Simran.
And this coming at the sharan of such a true Gurmukh or Satguru, is by the grace of Wahiguru alone, so only a few handful believe and go to get that Gurparsad. This Gurmukh will stress only on Nam Simran, making us realize that all other outer rituals and activities are useless in the eyes of Akal Purukh, that is why also the bani says: Har Simran, Prabh aap Nirankara, which means, that subtle, invisible, unaccesible Lord Wahiguru is hidden, but manifested by the Simran of the Gurparsad.
And this has to be so, as the pure paviter Bani of our Guru Sahibans say: Sant sang, Prabh anter deetha. Which means: in the company of that Gurmukh, who gave me the Gurparsad, I was able to see my beloved Wahiguru Akal Purukh. But let us not take the word company or "sang" literally on the physical level only, but, means also on the inner spiritual planes, right up to Sach Khand. The bond established between a gursikh and a Gurmukh, once the guriskh gets the Gurparasd from a Gurmukh, ends only in Sach Khand, where the "boond" soul, the wave Gurmukh, and the ocean Wahiguru Akal Purukh become one, without distinction.
Such is the greatness, the mahanta of a Gurmukh
The Bani clearly mentions: Sant Sang.... means, it has to be in the company of such a Gurmukh, not otherwise.
We have to engrave on our minds that the Bani of our Gurus, is utter truth, nobdy can manipulate it, adulterate it ....nor it was meant only for those some hundred years back .... it is changeless, eternal, stable, and firm, for all ages and times...not a single word can be added nor twisted..... and those who do so, are the enemies, are theieves of mankind ...for whom, our Gurus left their ambrosial Bani.
Nam Simran, being the base of Gurmat, was so also in Satyuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapur Yuga...and is much more now also in Kal Yuga. And it will continue to be so for the following generations.
Gurmat did not start with Guru Nanak .... neither did it end with Dasvee Patshahee Guru Gobind Singh.
Though in that period of time, it was much made known by them, and all the Gurmukhs in the rest of India, whose Banis are added in the Granth Sahib... because all of them declare Nam or Shabad as the one ultimate eternal truth and reality.
"Mein andhule kee tek, Tera Nam adhaara" Without the light, support and guidance of Nam, we are all spiritually blind.
This we should keep present always in our dirty minds. Nam alone is truth, Nam alone is the way to Wahiguru and Nam alone is Wahiguru.
In His Opening Address, He Said,
"We Can't Keep People From Going To Pray."
"We Can't Keep Them From Reading Their Holy Books And Knowing The Truth."
"We Can't Even Keep Them From Forming An Intimate Relationship With Their God ".
"Once They Gain That Connection With God, Our Power Over Them Is Broken."
"So Let Them Go For Their Prayers; Let Them Have Their Covered Dish Dinners,
But Steal Their Time, So They Don't Have Time To Develop A Relationship With God.."
"This Is What I Want You All To Do," The Devil Continued...
"Distract Them From Gaining Hold Of Their God And Maintaining That Vital Connection Through Out Their Day!"
"How Shall We Do This?" His Demons Asked.
"Keep Them Busy In The Non-Essentials Of Life And Invent Innumerable Schemes To Occupy Their Minds," He Answered.
"Tempt Them To Spend, And Borrow."
"Persuade The Wives To Go To Work For Long Hours Where They Meet Others & Bond With
Un Scullions Activities We Have Planned.
Make The Husbands To Work 7 Days Each Week, 12 Hours A Day, So They Can Afford Their Empty Lifestyles."
"Keep Them From Spending Time With Their Children."
We Have Already Succeeded In Stopping Prayers In Schools.
We Have Also Succeeded In Bringing Violence To Schools With Children Now Bringing In Guns.
Let Us Cause Them Grief & Turmoil In Their Lives..Leaving Them With No Time On Hand.
"This Will Cause Their Families To Fragment, Soon Their Homes Will Offer No Escape From
The Pressures Of Work!"
"Over-Stimulate Their Minds So That They Cannot Hear That Still, Small Voice Of Their Concence."
"Entice Them To Play The Radio Or Cassette Player & Their Newly Acquired Gadets Whenever They Drive."
Keep Their TVs, VCRs, CDs And Their PCs Going Constantly In Their Home And See To It That Every Store And Restaurant In The World Plays Non-Religious Music Constantly & Serves
Un Healthy Foods To Corrupt Their Minds.."
"These Products Will Jam Their Minds And Break That Union With God.'
Leave Them With No Time To Think..Keep Them On The Run"
"Fill Their Coffee Tables With Playboy Magazines And Newspapers."
"Pound Their Minds With The News 24 Hours A Day."
"Invade Their Driving Surroundings With Inviting Billboards."
"Flood Their Mailboxes With Junk Mail, Mail Order Catalogs With Useless Commodities, Sweepstakes, And Every Kind Of Catalogues Offering Free Products, Services And False Hopes Of Winning The Lottery.."
Let Them Charge Their Cards To The Brim & Be Always In Debt"
"Keep Skinny, Beautiful Naked Models On The Magazines And TV So They Will Believe That Outward Beauty Is What's Important, And They'll Become Dissatisfied With Their Spouses.”
"Entice The Wives To Have Affairs With Co-Workers.. Keep Them Too Tired To Love Their Husbands At Night."
"Give Them Headaches Too! A Sure Shot Way Of Breaking Bonds & Seeking Outside Sources"
"If They Don't Give Their Husbands The Love They Need, They Will Begin To Look Elsewhere."
"That Will Fragment Their Families Quickly!"
"Give Them Distractions To Distract Them From Teaching Their Children The Real Meaning Of Life."
"Even In Their Recreation, Let Them Be Excessive."
"Have Them Return From Their Recreation Exhausted."
"Keep Them Too Busy To Go Out In Nature And Reflect On God's Glory & Creations.
Send Them To Amusement Parks, Sporting Events, Plays, Concerts, And Movies Instead."
"Keep Them Busy With Video Games & Cell Phones..Keep Their Minds Busy With Fantasies !"
"And When They Meet For Spiritual Fellowship, Involve Them In Gossip And Small Talk So That They Leave With Troubled Consciences. "
"Crowd Their Lives With So Many Good Causes They Have No Time To Seek Power From God"
"Soon They Will Be Working In Their Own Strength, Sacrificing Their Health And Family For The Good Of Our Cause."
"It Will Work!"
It Was Quite A Plan!
The Demons Went Eagerly For Their Assignments, Causing People Everywhere To Get Busier And More Rushed, Going Here And There In Circles.
Having Little Time For Their God Or Their Families.
Having No Time To Tell Others About The Power Of God To Change Lives.
I Guess The Question Is, Has The Devil Been Successful In His Schemes?
You Be The Judge and witness also!!!!!
Though this devil´s plan, is working and having full effect on almost everybody, it has also already started working on us as sikhs, and the proof is that, we also have forgotten the true message of Gurmat, of our Guru Sahibans, which is exclusive single minded love and devotion to Wahiguru Akal Purukh alone at all times, through Nam Simran( SAAS SAAS SIMROH GOBIND), but we can see, that we have astrayed away from their basic and real teachings; and diverted ourselves on outer symbols, codes of conduct, ritulas, and dirty politics.
Our Guru Sahibans objective is to arise our attention and consciousness, inwards and upwards(towards Wahiguru).... but we weak, naughty and stupid humans, have a natural tendency of going downwards and outwards, which means mayavee creation.
When shall we leave all our nonsense?
Why do we fail to live to Gurmat?
The answer is, we need the strength and constant support of NAM, which can be got from a Gurmukh of our times... That is why the Bani says:
Sant ka sang wadbhagee paayae.
Prabh ka Simran, Sadh ke sang.
The whole world is engaged is some type of simran: some do on Wahiguru, some on Satnam, some on Mool Mantar, some on Har, others on Ram, on Gobind, and so on..... the list is endless ..... this all "maanmat".
The Bani clear says: Ikonkar, Satgur Parsad. There is only one Lord Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and He is realized by the updesh, by the bhed, by the jugtee, given as bakshish, as Parsad, by a Gurmukh. It also says: Gur Bachnee, Har Nam oocharey. This means, the updesh given by a Gurmukh, is the real Nam of Wahiguru, and this is the Nam, of which, has to be done it´s kamaee, it´s Simran.
And this coming at the sharan of such a true Gurmukh or Satguru, is by the grace of Wahiguru alone, so only a few handful believe and go to get that Gurparsad. This Gurmukh will stress only on Nam Simran, making us realize that all other outer rituals and activities are useless in the eyes of Akal Purukh, that is why also the bani says: Har Simran, Prabh aap Nirankara, which means, that subtle, invisible, unaccesible Lord Wahiguru is hidden, but manifested by the Simran of the Gurparsad.
And this has to be so, as the pure paviter Bani of our Guru Sahibans say: Sant sang, Prabh anter deetha. Which means: in the company of that Gurmukh, who gave me the Gurparsad, I was able to see my beloved Wahiguru Akal Purukh. But let us not take the word company or "sang" literally on the physical level only, but, means also on the inner spiritual planes, right up to Sach Khand. The bond established between a gursikh and a Gurmukh, once the guriskh gets the Gurparasd from a Gurmukh, ends only in Sach Khand, where the "boond" soul, the wave Gurmukh, and the ocean Wahiguru Akal Purukh become one, without distinction.
Such is the greatness, the mahanta of a Gurmukh
The Bani clearly mentions: Sant Sang.... means, it has to be in the company of such a Gurmukh, not otherwise.
We have to engrave on our minds that the Bani of our Gurus, is utter truth, nobdy can manipulate it, adulterate it ....nor it was meant only for those some hundred years back .... it is changeless, eternal, stable, and firm, for all ages and times...not a single word can be added nor twisted..... and those who do so, are the enemies, are theieves of mankind ...for whom, our Gurus left their ambrosial Bani.
Nam Simran, being the base of Gurmat, was so also in Satyuga, Treta Yuga, Dwapur Yuga...and is much more now also in Kal Yuga. And it will continue to be so for the following generations.
Gurmat did not start with Guru Nanak .... neither did it end with Dasvee Patshahee Guru Gobind Singh.
Though in that period of time, it was much made known by them, and all the Gurmukhs in the rest of India, whose Banis are added in the Granth Sahib... because all of them declare Nam or Shabad as the one ultimate eternal truth and reality.
"Mein andhule kee tek, Tera Nam adhaara" Without the light, support and guidance of Nam, we are all spiritually blind.
This we should keep present always in our dirty minds. Nam alone is truth, Nam alone is the way to Wahiguru and Nam alone is Wahiguru.
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