Bani of Satgur Sachay Badshah Sree Guru Nanak Dev Maharaj

Chalay Naam visaar, taavan tati-aa
Those who depart from this world, forgetting the Naam, shall be roasted in the frying pan.

Ih parsaad, guroo tay jaanai.
This is known by Guru`s Grace.

To all of us, who have changed Gurmat into a ritualistic and polluted transformation, with rules, regulations, do´s and dont´s, or even politics, the Bani of our Guru Sahibans clearly warns us against them, that, do all sort of rituals and other external practices, each day, with even 24 hours of full dedication, and because of that, call yourself a sikh, but if you do not do Nam Simran, got as Gurparsad from a Gurmukh, one is simply drowned and burnt in the hell of creation.

All all these things are well understood, only when one enters and keeps the company of the Gurmukhs, in their sangat or Sadh kee sangat.

Bin sachay vaapaar janam birthi-aa.
Ant na paaraavaar na kin hee paa-i-aa.
Without dealing in Truth(Nam), life is worthless.
And no one has ever found the Lord`s end, or limitation.

Sabh jag garab gubaar tin sach na bhaa-i-aa.
All the world is enveloped by the darkness of egotistical pride. It does not like the Truth(Nam or Shabad).
Nobody is interested, in what our Gurus taught about Nam, but everybody is keen in trying to fullfill the rituals and ceremonies, which are related to the body and thus chain us more strongly with karmas in this creation, and then too, we proudly say we are sikhs.

Sorry to say, but we are sikhs(disciples and followers) of the fanatics and moorakhs manmukhs.

Because the Gurmukhs or Sant Janas, only come to remind us of the one supreme truth, which is Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and also bless us with the only way to return to Him, which is Nam Simran, as these words are reflected in the following line:

Pat saytee, ghar jaahu naam vakhaanee-ai
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, one returns to his true home with honor.

But because our mind and hearts have been locked, with misunderstandings, so we say Gurmukhs or Sant Janas do not exist, and shall never ever come on earth again, so we fail to understand the true value of Gurmat, though we have memorized it like parrots.

The bani clearly says:
Satgur mileh, ta Gurmat paaee.

It is a pitiful scene, that while we have the best teachings, but still be do not benefit our souls from it, we are trapped by Kal, mind and maya, like the rest of the world and their religions, by getting entangled in external practices, and thus lost the reality of Shabad or Nam alone.

Prabh Ka Simran sabh te oochaa,
The meditation of the Lord, is the highest religion.
Prabh ka Simran, man kee mael jae.

With the meditation on the Lord, the dirt of the mind is washed away.

How simple, sweet and direct are the words of our Guru Sahibans.
