
What does the word religion mean?

This word religion comes from the latin langauge,"religare", means union with the origin. That´s it.

And consequently, real religion is that which unites us with the Lord.

And if it is so, what is it, that does so?

Our Guru Sahibans, have the answer for this. Their simple and direct teachings give us the correct direction to walk and achieve that particular and noble aim, namely Wahiguru.

Our Gurus do not entangle us in any type of symbols nor slogans, neither any rules nor regulations .... they only have Wahiguru as their support.

Wahiguru is the only rule, Wahiguru alone is the one truth(SATNAM) .... that truth, which is all pervading and abiding. His home(Sach Khand) is our true home ....and it is this eternal home where we should keep our aim and attention ...and not any material land ...... millions came before us ....millions shall still come .... all shall go. No one stays to make this land where we are born, his perpetual home can not be so.

Everything here is ephimeral and transitory, then why to run after shadows? Are we not blind and fools by doing so? Why so much pride for being born in a particular caste, land or mazab? Are we going to carry any of these, with us? If not so, then why so much pride? All these things(rituals, dogmas, regulations ...etc) are chains around our necks to take us direct to the cycle of births and deaths.

Politicians and fanatics fool us, and make us waste our precious lives. We are falsely believing and taking all these things as the the pillars of sikhism.

All these superficial and outer things have nothing to do with ruhaniyat or spirituality. As said, they are like laws, to get us registered at the municipality offices.

But our Guru Sahibans, warn us against all these practices, which divert us from the path of Gurmat as instructed by them.

As said before true religion is that which helps us to unite ourselves with Him.

And our Gurus say:
naanak naam milai vaddiaaee gur sabadhee sach paaeae
O Nanak, through the Naam, glorious greatness is obtained; through the Word of the Guru's Shabad, the True One is found.

This means: Nam is only one eternal truth, in which, by merging our souls, salvation is got.
And how or when does this take place ?

The Bani clearly says: through the bakshish or Gur prasad, got from a Gurmukh, Wahiguru Akal purukh is met, not otherwise.
That is why all Gurmukhs, from any place or time, stress only on Nam, on Wahiguru .... as this is the only exclusive requirement to meet the beloved Akal Purukh, nothing else matters, do whatever we may ..... without Nam , we are like dead corpses.

Nam is the foundation of all creation, whether material, astral, causal or pure spiritual ... not only that .... but even going to the extent that,Wahiguru sprang from it , such is it´s greatness.

While the religious leaders, learned ones, the politicians, the samaj or society tell us to do many things, in order to believe that we are sikhs .... but our Gurus tell us, we are sikhs if we follow Gurmat ... and what is Gurmat in a few simple words ?

Gurmat is: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoiya.
He who meditates on the Lord by His simran, automatically becomes the Lord.
