Sikhism is a way, a path, where only two go hand by hand, to ultimately become one with Him.
No single, no triple nor multiple.
It is path to be treaded by two. If they are not two, it can not be travelled.
And two here means, a Gurmukh and a Gursikh, a Satguru and a sewak, a Beloved and a lover.
Sikhism means, discipleship. And to be a disciple, or a sikh, means to follow a discipline. The discipline of Gurmat.
Now, the question is, who is a Gurmukh? Who is a Satguru? Let us ponder a little bit on this issue, before we continue further, because there are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings revolving around it, and due to it, many of us are misled to agyanta, or utter darkness, to maya.
First of all, who are we? Are we the body? Obviously not, because the physicall body is just a covering, a garment, which gets old and torn. So then, who are we? The answer is, we are a microscopic particle, a soul, of the infinite ocean Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
And then, let us see, who is a Gurmukh? Is he a human being like us? Yes. He also looks like us, (like all our Guru Sahibans, and the true Gurmukhs in the rest of the world, though fewer), He also one day, has to leave the world like us. So if the body is just a covering, what to say about the soul?
Well, the soul is not related to the body, nor to the mind; it is Consciousness, related to it´s origin, the Suprconsciousness Parbrham Parmeshwar.
The difference between a Gurmukh and a gursikh, is , their level of consciousness. While one(gursikh) is limited and is a prisoner in the creation, ovepowered by mind, maya, karmas and Kal.... the other one(Gurmukh), has His consciousness in the lap of Satpurush, is free and all powerful, He is the master of everything, is the beloved one of Wahiguru, and Wahiguru does, as this (Gurmukh) wishes. Why is this so? Because, the Gurmukhs, Satgurus, come to our human level, with the message of love and mercy (Daya Meher) of Akal Purukh. They are the embodiment of Akal Purukh, that is why they are not subject to any limitations like us. But inspite of being all powerfull, they remain content and work under the laws of nature. They do not display miracolous powers. Thet do not want masses, they accept real lovers of Satpurukh, who are brave and are ready to play the game of love....which leads them to merge and blend in the end, their souls in Wahiguru.
And what is that message? The message of Wahiguru is: hey my dear souls, I know your sufferings, you have been away from me since aeons, Kal has entrapped you with maya, and you shout for help in pain and despair.
So believe firmly, and listen carefully to my Beloved Son, Gurmukh; and get from Him, the method or jugtee, to break all your chains and be free, so that your soul may return back to me, with the guiding hand of the Satguru at all times (aithe outhe naal).
Now the prasad that they(Gurmukhs) give in form of jugtee or bhed, is the blessing of Nam. The Bani says: Gur bachnee, Har Nam oucharey. Means, the gurmanter, the words that a Gurmukh gives to us, lead us, to be one with that primal Nam or Shabad.
Now this just does not end like that. Once a relation or bond is established between a Gurmukh and a Gursikh, this does not breaks or ends just like that. Beacuse, now the responsibilty and duty of taking back that particular blessed or "wadbhagee" soul back to Akal Purukh, has just commenced; any or both may leave the physicall body, but it is carried on the astral or causal planes, with their respective astral and causal bodies; then only they cross Par Braham.
And here it is, when the soul really realizes the need and guidance of a Gurmukh. Once ParBraham is reached, there is utter darkness, though the soul has the equivalent light of sixteen souls, even then, there is such darkness, that it can not move even an inch. As we know guru means light, and Sat means truth, so there, that Gurmukh who has that radiance of Wahiguru Himself, helps to cross that soul, all the inner stages and make that soul reach safely in Sach Khand, in the lap of it´s real Father, Satpurush.
This is the wondrous job of a Gurmukh. This is the satguru we talk in Gurmat and love Him, not any other mortal human being. Gurmukh is that Guru, who is not limited to the physical. He is not like our school teachers, from whom we learn, but then we go to one place, and they remain or go to other places, they do not know anything more about us.
Now this is, just about our worldly limited "gurus or teachers", from whom we learn sikhiya. But then, what to say, about those transient, perishable idols of paper, wood, metal or stone, whom the whole world worships in one way or the other.
When we leave this world, and they reamin here, until they are destroyed; how can they guide us inside, when our souls leave this plane?
So it is clear, only that human body which has the living consciousness level of Wahiguru, can be worthy and entitled to be called a Satguru or a Gurmukh, and the one, which can give us the Gurprsad, and guide us in the inner spiritual stages.
That is why, from the Bani, we can realize the supreme importance of a Gurmukh. For example at one place it says: Mil mere Gobinda, apna Nam deho. This means, come and meet me my Lord, and bless me with your Nam.
Now let us think and reason logically, if that Gobind, does not come at our human level as a human being, how shall He come? Can He come as an animal ? No, we can never understand it´s language, and it is below the human category.
Wahiguru can never go in those joonees, neither as a plant or tree, neither as a ghost. It has to be at our level, to make us understand the truths of the Bani, and at the same time give us His Gurprasad.
Let us observe carefully, the bani does not say, hey my Gobind, show me yourself. Rather, come and meet me as a Gurmukh and give me the bakshish of your Nam.
Because, the Gurmukhs know, only when there is Gurprasad, can Gobind be realized; and to obtain Gurprasad, a Gurukh is essential.
At other place in the Bani, it is said: Sun Sajjan Preetam mereeya, meh Satgur devoh dhikal, again, it does not say hey Wahiguru, give me your darshan...rather it says: o my beleoved friend Lord, bless me, so that I come across a Satguru, a Gurmukh...
It is this type of Gurmukhs which we have to look and find for our spiritual uplift. These words are not mine made, these words are from the Guru Granth Sahib itself, we may take any ang, it is the same, it is only that we are misled, so that we may never ever think and act according to the teachings of the Bani, but just superficially and outwardly, there where is no ruhaniyat.
The ocean of ruhaniyat is inside, and we are not being allowed to go deep, by the manmukhs, which themselves are deluded in agyanta, neither they understand the Bani, nor they want others to do so. And if anybody like Gurmukhs tell us the truth, these manmukhs create a havoc in the society, and start slandering and abusing them, either verbally or phisically.
We may like it or not, but the Bani is very simple and clear, inspite of manipulations and misunderstandings, Satpurukh, Satguru and Nam, are the only objectives of our souls, nothing more nothing less, this is what our Guru Granth Sahib, tells us, from each of it´s Angs.
Have we ever stopped to think, how we are being manipulated and diverted away from the truths in the Bani, that lead us to find a Gurmukh and achieve our objective of being one with Wahiguru? We have already limitations upon us, such as land, name, mazab, religion, country, race, social status, so many discriminations...and then we are put more chains on, of rituals, dogmas, codes of conduct, pilgrimages......and a large etc. So, how can we find our true way?
The bani clearly says and simply: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoeeya.
The cause of our imprisonment is our attachments and desires for this world, that pull us down here. And the cause of our liberation is also going to be our attachment with a Gurmukh.
Why? Because, our attachements with the perishable and unconsciouss, brings and bind us back here, and our love and attachement with the enlightened, liberated and eternal(Gurmukh), makes us free, enlightened and pure just as the Gurmukh Himself.
That is why our Bani says : Dhan so wela jit Darshan karna, haun balharee Satgur Charna. Lakh khusheeya Patshaeeya, jeh, Satguru nazar kareh.
What is this nazar about?
It is His bakshish, of Gurprasad.
Wah wah sache Badshah.
No single, no triple nor multiple.
It is path to be treaded by two. If they are not two, it can not be travelled.
And two here means, a Gurmukh and a Gursikh, a Satguru and a sewak, a Beloved and a lover.
Sikhism means, discipleship. And to be a disciple, or a sikh, means to follow a discipline. The discipline of Gurmat.
Now, the question is, who is a Gurmukh? Who is a Satguru? Let us ponder a little bit on this issue, before we continue further, because there are a lot of misconceptions and misunderstandings revolving around it, and due to it, many of us are misled to agyanta, or utter darkness, to maya.
First of all, who are we? Are we the body? Obviously not, because the physicall body is just a covering, a garment, which gets old and torn. So then, who are we? The answer is, we are a microscopic particle, a soul, of the infinite ocean Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
And then, let us see, who is a Gurmukh? Is he a human being like us? Yes. He also looks like us, (like all our Guru Sahibans, and the true Gurmukhs in the rest of the world, though fewer), He also one day, has to leave the world like us. So if the body is just a covering, what to say about the soul?
Well, the soul is not related to the body, nor to the mind; it is Consciousness, related to it´s origin, the Suprconsciousness Parbrham Parmeshwar.
The difference between a Gurmukh and a gursikh, is , their level of consciousness. While one(gursikh) is limited and is a prisoner in the creation, ovepowered by mind, maya, karmas and Kal.... the other one(Gurmukh), has His consciousness in the lap of Satpurush, is free and all powerful, He is the master of everything, is the beloved one of Wahiguru, and Wahiguru does, as this (Gurmukh) wishes. Why is this so? Because, the Gurmukhs, Satgurus, come to our human level, with the message of love and mercy (Daya Meher) of Akal Purukh. They are the embodiment of Akal Purukh, that is why they are not subject to any limitations like us. But inspite of being all powerfull, they remain content and work under the laws of nature. They do not display miracolous powers. Thet do not want masses, they accept real lovers of Satpurukh, who are brave and are ready to play the game of love....which leads them to merge and blend in the end, their souls in Wahiguru.
And what is that message? The message of Wahiguru is: hey my dear souls, I know your sufferings, you have been away from me since aeons, Kal has entrapped you with maya, and you shout for help in pain and despair.
So believe firmly, and listen carefully to my Beloved Son, Gurmukh; and get from Him, the method or jugtee, to break all your chains and be free, so that your soul may return back to me, with the guiding hand of the Satguru at all times (aithe outhe naal).
Now the prasad that they(Gurmukhs) give in form of jugtee or bhed, is the blessing of Nam. The Bani says: Gur bachnee, Har Nam oucharey. Means, the gurmanter, the words that a Gurmukh gives to us, lead us, to be one with that primal Nam or Shabad.
Now this just does not end like that. Once a relation or bond is established between a Gurmukh and a Gursikh, this does not breaks or ends just like that. Beacuse, now the responsibilty and duty of taking back that particular blessed or "wadbhagee" soul back to Akal Purukh, has just commenced; any or both may leave the physicall body, but it is carried on the astral or causal planes, with their respective astral and causal bodies; then only they cross Par Braham.
And here it is, when the soul really realizes the need and guidance of a Gurmukh. Once ParBraham is reached, there is utter darkness, though the soul has the equivalent light of sixteen souls, even then, there is such darkness, that it can not move even an inch. As we know guru means light, and Sat means truth, so there, that Gurmukh who has that radiance of Wahiguru Himself, helps to cross that soul, all the inner stages and make that soul reach safely in Sach Khand, in the lap of it´s real Father, Satpurush.
This is the wondrous job of a Gurmukh. This is the satguru we talk in Gurmat and love Him, not any other mortal human being. Gurmukh is that Guru, who is not limited to the physical. He is not like our school teachers, from whom we learn, but then we go to one place, and they remain or go to other places, they do not know anything more about us.
Now this is, just about our worldly limited "gurus or teachers", from whom we learn sikhiya. But then, what to say, about those transient, perishable idols of paper, wood, metal or stone, whom the whole world worships in one way or the other.
When we leave this world, and they reamin here, until they are destroyed; how can they guide us inside, when our souls leave this plane?
So it is clear, only that human body which has the living consciousness level of Wahiguru, can be worthy and entitled to be called a Satguru or a Gurmukh, and the one, which can give us the Gurprsad, and guide us in the inner spiritual stages.
That is why, from the Bani, we can realize the supreme importance of a Gurmukh. For example at one place it says: Mil mere Gobinda, apna Nam deho. This means, come and meet me my Lord, and bless me with your Nam.
Now let us think and reason logically, if that Gobind, does not come at our human level as a human being, how shall He come? Can He come as an animal ? No, we can never understand it´s language, and it is below the human category.
Wahiguru can never go in those joonees, neither as a plant or tree, neither as a ghost. It has to be at our level, to make us understand the truths of the Bani, and at the same time give us His Gurprasad.
Let us observe carefully, the bani does not say, hey my Gobind, show me yourself. Rather, come and meet me as a Gurmukh and give me the bakshish of your Nam.
Because, the Gurmukhs know, only when there is Gurprasad, can Gobind be realized; and to obtain Gurprasad, a Gurukh is essential.
At other place in the Bani, it is said: Sun Sajjan Preetam mereeya, meh Satgur devoh dhikal, again, it does not say hey Wahiguru, give me your darshan...rather it says: o my beleoved friend Lord, bless me, so that I come across a Satguru, a Gurmukh...
It is this type of Gurmukhs which we have to look and find for our spiritual uplift. These words are not mine made, these words are from the Guru Granth Sahib itself, we may take any ang, it is the same, it is only that we are misled, so that we may never ever think and act according to the teachings of the Bani, but just superficially and outwardly, there where is no ruhaniyat.
The ocean of ruhaniyat is inside, and we are not being allowed to go deep, by the manmukhs, which themselves are deluded in agyanta, neither they understand the Bani, nor they want others to do so. And if anybody like Gurmukhs tell us the truth, these manmukhs create a havoc in the society, and start slandering and abusing them, either verbally or phisically.
We may like it or not, but the Bani is very simple and clear, inspite of manipulations and misunderstandings, Satpurukh, Satguru and Nam, are the only objectives of our souls, nothing more nothing less, this is what our Guru Granth Sahib, tells us, from each of it´s Angs.
Have we ever stopped to think, how we are being manipulated and diverted away from the truths in the Bani, that lead us to find a Gurmukh and achieve our objective of being one with Wahiguru? We have already limitations upon us, such as land, name, mazab, religion, country, race, social status, so many discriminations...and then we are put more chains on, of rituals, dogmas, codes of conduct, pilgrimages......and a large etc. So, how can we find our true way?
The bani clearly says and simply: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoeeya.
The cause of our imprisonment is our attachments and desires for this world, that pull us down here. And the cause of our liberation is also going to be our attachment with a Gurmukh.
Why? Because, our attachements with the perishable and unconsciouss, brings and bind us back here, and our love and attachement with the enlightened, liberated and eternal(Gurmukh), makes us free, enlightened and pure just as the Gurmukh Himself.
That is why our Bani says : Dhan so wela jit Darshan karna, haun balharee Satgur Charna. Lakh khusheeya Patshaeeya, jeh, Satguru nazar kareh.
What is this nazar about?
It is His bakshish, of Gurprasad.
Wah wah sache Badshah.
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