Gurbani, Essence of Spirituality VII

                                                         Wadhbhagee jeevas

The  meeting with a contemporary Gurmukh, for the purpose of God realization for each and everyone of us, is of vital importance.


Because as the Bani of Fifth Patshahee says:
gobind gunee niDhaan gurmukh jaanee-ai.
The Lord of the Universe is the treasure of excellence; He is known only to the Gurmukh.

This means, if only a Gurmukh knows the real measure of Wahiguru, His real essence, He knows with what He is pleased, and above all He knows the real way, the real method to realize Him, it is only He, who can teach us the way to realize Him.

Naturally, this is because He sees Him, by direct perception or visualization, as we can see each other. Everbody else talk on presumption of faith or imagination, but only a Gurmukh talks us about Wahiguru, because of self realization and constant comunion with Him.

That is why at other place, the Bani says:
Har kiya katha, kahaniya, Gur meet sunaiya. Which means, my friend Gur Satgur, tells me everything about my beloved Wahiguru.
We must bear in mind, according to Gurmat, these Gurmukhs in reality can do this wonderful job of creating a sincere desire in us to meet Wahiguru, and developing genuine love within ourselves for the Charan Kamal of Wahiguru, because Wahiguru Akal Purukh , has, Himself, assumed the form of a Gurmukh, for all of us, the lost and astrayed souls.

This has to be so, otherwise,who can know the infinite so well?
Naturally nobody.
Except He Himself.

At other place, the Bani says: AApeh Satgur, Aapeh Har, AApeh mel milaveh.
This means: You yourself are the Satgur, the Gurmukh; at the same time You Yourself are the almighty Lord, and thus You Yourself unite us with You.

Have we ever thought, why only a Gurmukh can do so?

That is because, it is only He, who can give us His Gurprasad of Nam, the Bhed, the jugtee of Nam Bhakti.
The Bani says: Nam amolak ratan hae, pooray Satgur paas.

We can clearly see, at each and every step in the Granth Sahib, only Gurmukh and Nam Bhakti are stressed upon, and in fact, this is the only reality in the whole creation, whether in gross, astral , causal or spiritual planes.

The Bani of our Guru Sahibans should be taken literally once well understood completely, then only can it be followed and practiced correctly.

So Guru Arjun Sahib, in the following line tells us, what happens, if we go and join the company of a Sadh a Sant, a Gurmukh, a Sajjan Meet, or if preferred Sadh-Sangat ....

He says:
ho-ay kirpaal da-i-aal har rang maanee-ai.
When He shows His Mercy and Kindness, we revel in the Lord's Love.

This means, when we get in the Sadh Sangat of a Gurmukh, He showers His Daya Meher on us, by bestowing upon us the gift of Nam if we are destined so.....but in any case we are definetely showered with His glance of mercy and forgiveness.

As this Nam Ratan, is the only remedy for cleaning us from the filth of our karmas, it allows us to taste the Amrit of love, of eternity, inside us. It makes us pure, paviter, it makes fearless, and above all, it makes us fit, to merge and become one with out true Father : Wahiguru Akal Purukh.

This all is possible only, with the mercy and blessings of a contemporary Gurmukh, and with His Prasad of Nam.
