There is only one reality: Wahiguru Akal Purukh
Everything else is "koorr"(false), is "maya"(illusion), is "fanah"(perishable).
And so, we may dress in any way, means wear any types of clothes on our body, or let our hair, or nails grow .... others shave even their heads .... this is like an actor playing different roles in different films, at different places, topics, dressing, even make ups are done to appear more young or old, or sick or fat ....... all these elements are fullfilled to meet the mental design of the director, but the identity and nature of that actor is maintained intact, at the end of the day when he is out of the studios.
Similarly, we dress and follow some social rules and regulations, code of behaviour, and thus dress and wear complements on our bodies; but we must bear in mind, that inspite of all that, we are the same soul for Wahiguru, we can not cheat Him, and we also, in our innermost, we know who we are, what is our name, where we were born, what are our family relations ... and so on ..... nothing changes in that sense; these garments, these complements are just to cover and decorate the body, they are no aids in ruhaniyat or our spiritual developement.
They by themselves can not get us closer to Wahiguru. Though in the eyes of our fellow people, we may appear appealing accordingly to the code of conduct established by the social and political leaders.
This is the main differnce between "Sants" or Gurmukhs and the worldly people or so called religious leaders. These Sants or Gurmukhs´main objective is to draw out our attention from the world, and focus only and only on one Wahiguru Akal Purukh, through Nam Bhakti.
Rest does not matter at all. Our spiritual progress is measured by the mental purity we gain, and this naturally is only possible by Nam Simran. In the eyes of Wahiguru, the only important thing is the purity of our mind, of our soul. He does not gives importance like we limited humans, at what we wear, or not wear ... or anything else. He is only concerned of our love for Him, through bhakti, through devotion, which leads us to merge one day in Him. This is really what we should all try to look for and find in our interior mirror.
Prabh ka Simran, sabh te oocha.
We all know, that our karmas, our agyanta, our moorakhta, our manmat .... is all in our mind. And for removing away this, we do nothing.
Rather we are induced and limited to pay attention on the gross body, which is perishable. All our kam, krodh, moh, lobh and ahankar is is in our mental plane, and this filth can not be altered by these outer appearances or roles.
We are forced to believe in a subtle way, that by this we are going in the right direction, which in reality is the oppsite way, because the Bani says only one thing, and we are doing many other things, and naturally, in the wrong direction. So how can the objective(Wahiguru) be reached?
All these bad attributes, if they are not washed away, they are barriers between us and Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and so we do not even move an inch towards Wahiguru, in spite of all our these efforts, and thus waste our golden opportunity of this human life of becoming one with Him, with what our Guru Sahibans have stressed upon in the Bani : Nam Simram. Saas Saas simroh Gobind.
This Simran of Gobind, of Har, cleans us from all mental impurities, which are barriers, are layers upon layers of filth, of karmas, and makes us fit to stay in the Charan Kamal(Lotus Feet) of Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
All this is only possible to know and practice, due to the grace of Sadh Sangat, company of a Gurmukh.
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