Bani Guru Ram Das, Raag, Sree Raag.
Jinaa Satgur Purakh, na bhayti-o say bhaagheen vas kaal.
Those who do not have the good fortune to come in contact with a living contemporary Sadh, or a Satguru .... are for sure, to go in the hands of Kal, means, they have still to wander in the cycle of births and deaths.
The Bani clearly says, without any doubt, "Satgur Purakh"; which means, a Sadh, a Satguru in a human form.
We do always read, speak and hear Sri Guru Granth Sahib as Guru or Satguru. But if we go through the Banis of all it´s angs, the Satguru referred and mentioned in it, is about Wahiguru Akal Purakh, as Satguru in human form.
We may read the Bani, from the begining to the end, even, one million times, it is all about: Wahiguru, Nam or Shabad and Sadh kee Sangat. Now Sadh in the bani, does not mean, a sadhu with colored robes, malas, tilaks and ashes splashed on thier bodies, neither a sanyasi, nor a yogi ....but that human being who is good, humble and simple in character, more beautifull than a hundred full moons, much brighter than even thousand Suns together, with the perfume and scent of Nam emanating from His pure paviter body. But we should bear in mind, that wonderful and beautiful physical swaroop of the Gurmukh is not the Satguru. The real Satguru is the Shabad or Nam, manifested in that body. The satguru is Wahiguru Himself, manifested in that body, "not the body". That is why the Bani says: Shabad Guru, Dhun Chela. Means, that Shabad, that power, that level of consciouness in it, is the Satguru. Just as we sikhs (disciples) also, are not the body, but our souls, in our perishable bodies.
Just as a mahapurush has said: the real Gurmukh is the Shabad in that body of that time, the real disciple or sikh is the soul in that body of that time, because both of them have to off shed and leave back their bodies sooner or later, one day . Only Shabd is eternal, souls are eternal. When we leave this earthly plane, the Gurmukh who gave us the Gurprsad, is with us, guiding us with His Shabad light and sound ..... until, we reach in the lap of Satnam. This is another sign, of a true Gurmukh.
So when we look for a Satguru, we have to pay attention not to where are they from, or how do they dress, or any external appearances; but we have to pay attention and find only, if they talk of only one Supreme reality: Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and if the way to realize Him, is of Nam bhakti, and if they give the Gurprasad of Nam Dhan freely, and also if they do sewa themselves of the sangat, without caring for their personal self, but just for the benefit of the sangat. Then they are extremely humble, they do not go in hot arguments and discussions; looking into their beautiful faces, we feel the drishti of love, of daya meher .... naturally it has to be so, they are the embodiment of Satnam.
These Sadhs or Gurmukhs, do not come to create any new religion or dharma, nor bind us in politics, rituals, etc ... and they may be from race, country or dharma born in ....but thier message will always be only one, the one of love and devtion for Wahiguru Akal Purakh, through Nam Bhakti. These Gurmukhs, like our ten Gurus, like Guru Ravidas, like Kabir Sahib, Sant Tukaram, like Sant Paltu Sahib, like Tulsi Sahib, and some more, were Gurmukhs of the same spiritual level, though they were from different lands, but gave us one same message, the message of Wahiguru and Nam Bhakti; only that, nothing more, nothing less.
As Nam or Shabad is the only reality, because everything apart from it, is false, as everything is for a limited time, everything is thus perishable. All the creation, even our very bodies, are made from the 5 perishable elements: earth, water, fire, air and ether. The only difference between living beings or creatures and non living beings, is, consciousnes; the ray or soul in them. So everything is subject to decay and wiped away, except consciousness or soul, which can not be destroyed or finished.
And amomg all living creatures, human beings are of the highest rank. Even above "gods", "devis and devtas". That is why the human body is called, Nar Narayani Deh, which means, the body where, Har Himself resides.
Wah wah Sache Badshah, wodorous are your ways, we moorakhs can never comprehend your inmensity, your majesty ...
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