Gurbani: Essence of Spirituality


Gauree, Fifth Mehl, Maajh

Har Har Naam japay jap, tari-aa jee-o.
Chanting and meditating on the Name of the Lord, Har, Har, I have been saved.

These words above are from the bani of the 5th Patshahee Guru Arjun Dev. As usual, these Gurmukhs, need not to express themselves through large lectures, some words, some lines are enough to convey us the depth of their message in a simple crystal clear way. It is only we are mugadhs, we are full of avagunas ..... so naturally, we do not understand them, and proudly behave in a manmukh manner.

But the truth is the truth.

My God, such beautiful words, they are filled with Amrit, with the Nectar of immortality.

Let us pay a little bit of attention to them, as per what they say. They deal with the salvation of our souls, which is what we all long for .... to become one with Him.

And as we all know, we are away from Him. So, what Guru Sahiban is telling is, if you want to become one with Him, you have to do Naam jaapna, meditate on Him, with His Naam.

This is true religion. 

Religion is a word which comes from the latin: religare. And it means union with the Lord. So this updesh, this jugtee of becoming one with Wahiguru Akal Purukh, is the real dharma, the essence of sikhism, and at the same time it is universal; because Guru Sahiban does not say: only such and such people from a particular comunity, class, caste, geographical location, etc. have the exclusive right for doing this type of bhakti.

And His words also imply, that, if you want to merge in Wahiguru and become one with Him: you need not do anything else, no rituals, no ceremonies, no pilgrimages, no fastings, no worshipping to lifless objects(idol worshipping),and images ..... nothing of that outer and lower types of worshipping, rather, our Guru Sahibans, draw our attention to where the eternal reality is present, and that is our human body, which is also known as Nar Naryani Deh ....means, this human body is the real temple, where the Lord Himself resides.

So let us all ask ourselves: how is my life fashioned? Has it got to do something with the words of Guru Sahiban as stated above, or is it, we are watching how other hundreds of thousands, of some millions do (it does not matter if these are of our comunity or not) are going astray, and so we are following and imitating them ..... It is not important, how the world behaves and the direction it goes ..... that is not important ..... What is important, is if we follow the teachings of our Guru Sahibans.

The truth our Gurus expound, is not achieved by belonging to a particular community, or by dressing in this or that way, or by 
any other outer means .... that Supreme Truth, known as Wahiguru,is achieved, by Nam Simran, Nam Abhyaas. This is what all true Gurmukhs of all times, have stressed upon ...and this law has to go on for the futher yugas.

That is why the Bani says: AAd Sach, Jugad Sach, Hae Bhee Sach .... Nanak, hosee bhee Sach. Means, this truth was so, since the begining of the eras, it is so even now, and it shall be so for the forthcoming eras.

If we are proud of belonging to a particular caste, creed, or comunity, then the the bani says: if you are proud of belonging to a particular community, caste or religion .... you are sure to become prey of Yam Kal.

So, we can see, either we try to merge in Wahiguru only through His Saacha Nao .... or either we do everything else, and achieve nothing, but surely go with Yam doots, and fall again in the wheel of Births and Deaths.

In the eyes of Gurmukhs, there are only two classes of people. One is that which follow their teachings and through their Gurprsad, become worthy to merge their souls in Wahiguru ...and the 2nd is the rest of the creation, which never enjoins Sadh Kee Sangat, and thus reamin without Nam.

That is why Guru Arjun Dev in Raag Aasaa says:

Nanak naavai baajh, sanaat. 
O Nanak, without the Name, they are wretched outcasts (vile and despicable).

Are we able to see, how our Guru Sahibans are clear and precise in their teachings? 
For them Nam alone exists ... so either we try to become one with Him through Nam Simran(previously getting it as Gurprsad), or either we are donkeys and remain without it.

That is it all. Nothing more, nothing less. No religions, no castes, no creeds, no communities, no rituals ...nothing of that sort.

Only Wahiguru, and His Nam.

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