Ham paapee, sang gur ubray, punn satgur kayraa
I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. This is the generous blessing of the True Guru.
This is the guideline given to us in the Bani, by our Gurus, first to be saved and then to be reuinted with WahiGuru Akal Purukh.
Guru Sahiban says: by very good fortune(wadhbhagee jeev) one comes at the sharan of a pooran Satguru, a Sadh, a Gurmukh, a Brahmgyani.
One may say, I do not need any Sadh, any Satguru, any Gurmukh ..... but the fact is, as Guru Sahiban says: we are sinners, and as such, at best, we are moorakhs, we are mugadhs, we are agyanis .... And if this is our situation, what good can come out of us ..... only manmaat. For that reason, we need the company of a Gurmukh, so that first we may overcome our mind and manmaat, and imbibe from Him gurmat. This is the greatness of a Sant, a Satguru.
He is the real Daatar. Why is He so?
Because He showers us, His unlimited Daya Meher, He washes us with the Amrit of Nam, He reminds us of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, with His mahima (Har kiya Katha Kahaniya, Gur meet sunaaiya ...), thus sowing the seed of love in our hearts for the Lotus Feet of Akal Purukh.... not only that, but also removes our agyanta; of all our narrow minded outer rituals, and ineffective forms of devotion, and stressing only on one eternal truth : Wahiguru.
So then He (Gurmukh)asks us: What do you(sikh) really want ?
We(sikhs) say: we want our real Father Satnam!
Then He says: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoiya.
This means, only by Nam Simram, only meditating on the formless, we can merge and become one with Satpurukh. So He gives us the blessing of His Amrit(so Amrit Gur te paaya), His Gurprasad, this Gurprasad (Nam amolak ratan hae, pooray Satgur paas) is not any eatable; but the jugtee, the bhed, the method of Nam Simran(Prabh Ka Simran, Sadh kee sangat), to merge in Wahiguru.
And this Nam Simran, one may ask: how or when to be done? Well, as the Bani says: saas, saas simroh Gobind. This means, at all times as long as you can breathe, or with each breath, in your mind silently. Nobody should know, what one is doing.... why should anybody know about it? It is just a personal and intimate relation between our soul and Wahiguru Akal Purukh. It is Him, whom we have to please, not the world.
So if only Nam Simran can make us one with Wahiguru....have we asked ourselves, why are we so heavily enchained in outer brahams, agyanta, rituals, fastings, moorti pooja, pilgrimages, adoring and worshiping, papers, stones, etc. Are we not thus mahamurakhs?
We are all concerned and connected with our bodies, lands, comunities, castes .... which are all limited and perishable and subject to deacy ...... and thus, we do not look for the only worthy and real and eternal "vastoo" which is Nam, which is Shabad........thus we are lost in fightings, quarrels, controversies, hot discussions .... and waste the precious gift of human birth, which was gifted to us by Wahiguru for only one purpose, which is to go back to Him.
No killings or giving own lives away, will take us to Him. Only Nam Simran, as said by all Gurmukhs of all times and places.
So let us not live in that agaynta, that we are better, we are this, we are that ..... no .... no .... nothing of that sort.
Nobody is high or low by birth, it is as simple as this: either we attach ourselves with Nam and become pure and paviter or we are like dogs looking in the garbage, or as the Bani says: we are decorated dead corpses.
What more clear and how much clear we need our Gurmukhs to express themselves?
It is said, there is no more blind person, than who does not want to see the reality.
And as per the Bani, only Wahiguru, His Gurmukhs, His Sants and His Saacha Nao are true ... so if we have even a gram of common sense, let us leave aside all manmukhta and try to live by Gurmukhta, learned in the Sadh Sangat.
Jin Har Jaapiya, se Har hoiyaa.....
* More information on: harsharan-philosophy.blogspot.com
I am a sinner, saved only by the Company of the Guru. This is the generous blessing of the True Guru.
This is the guideline given to us in the Bani, by our Gurus, first to be saved and then to be reuinted with WahiGuru Akal Purukh.
Guru Sahiban says: by very good fortune(wadhbhagee jeev) one comes at the sharan of a pooran Satguru, a Sadh, a Gurmukh, a Brahmgyani.
One may say, I do not need any Sadh, any Satguru, any Gurmukh ..... but the fact is, as Guru Sahiban says: we are sinners, and as such, at best, we are moorakhs, we are mugadhs, we are agyanis .... And if this is our situation, what good can come out of us ..... only manmaat. For that reason, we need the company of a Gurmukh, so that first we may overcome our mind and manmaat, and imbibe from Him gurmat. This is the greatness of a Sant, a Satguru.
He is the real Daatar. Why is He so?
Because He showers us, His unlimited Daya Meher, He washes us with the Amrit of Nam, He reminds us of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, with His mahima (Har kiya Katha Kahaniya, Gur meet sunaaiya ...), thus sowing the seed of love in our hearts for the Lotus Feet of Akal Purukh.... not only that, but also removes our agyanta; of all our narrow minded outer rituals, and ineffective forms of devotion, and stressing only on one eternal truth : Wahiguru.
So then He (Gurmukh)asks us: What do you(sikh) really want ?
We(sikhs) say: we want our real Father Satnam!
Then He says: Jin Har japiya, se Har hoiya.
This means, only by Nam Simram, only meditating on the formless, we can merge and become one with Satpurukh. So He gives us the blessing of His Amrit(so Amrit Gur te paaya), His Gurprasad, this Gurprasad (Nam amolak ratan hae, pooray Satgur paas) is not any eatable; but the jugtee, the bhed, the method of Nam Simran(Prabh Ka Simran, Sadh kee sangat), to merge in Wahiguru.
And this Nam Simran, one may ask: how or when to be done? Well, as the Bani says: saas, saas simroh Gobind. This means, at all times as long as you can breathe, or with each breath, in your mind silently. Nobody should know, what one is doing.... why should anybody know about it? It is just a personal and intimate relation between our soul and Wahiguru Akal Purukh. It is Him, whom we have to please, not the world.
So if only Nam Simran can make us one with Wahiguru....have we asked ourselves, why are we so heavily enchained in outer brahams, agyanta, rituals, fastings, moorti pooja, pilgrimages, adoring and worshiping, papers, stones, etc. Are we not thus mahamurakhs?
We are all concerned and connected with our bodies, lands, comunities, castes .... which are all limited and perishable and subject to deacy ...... and thus, we do not look for the only worthy and real and eternal "vastoo" which is Nam, which is Shabad........thus we are lost in fightings, quarrels, controversies, hot discussions .... and waste the precious gift of human birth, which was gifted to us by Wahiguru for only one purpose, which is to go back to Him.
No killings or giving own lives away, will take us to Him. Only Nam Simran, as said by all Gurmukhs of all times and places.
So let us not live in that agaynta, that we are better, we are this, we are that ..... no .... no .... nothing of that sort.
Nobody is high or low by birth, it is as simple as this: either we attach ourselves with Nam and become pure and paviter or we are like dogs looking in the garbage, or as the Bani says: we are decorated dead corpses.
What more clear and how much clear we need our Gurmukhs to express themselves?
It is said, there is no more blind person, than who does not want to see the reality.
And as per the Bani, only Wahiguru, His Gurmukhs, His Sants and His Saacha Nao are true ... so if we have even a gram of common sense, let us leave aside all manmukhta and try to live by Gurmukhta, learned in the Sadh Sangat.
Jin Har Jaapiya, se Har hoiyaa.....
* More information on: harsharan-philosophy.blogspot.com
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