Wahiguru Akal Purukh, Nam or Shabad and Sadh Kee Sangat... Part 1

The bani says:

This means: Anything which exists, is created by Nam or Shabad. Without Nam or Shabad there is no shore.

From these beautiful and full of wisdom words, what Guru Sahiban wants to tell us, is that, Nam or Shabad is the real form of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, even the form of Wahiguru or Satnam, emanated from Shabad.

So Shabad is the begining of everything. In our physical world, we need a body to be seen, and express ourselves. But Shabad has no roop nor rang, so is Wahiguru.

This Shabad is to be only experienced, by the seeing faculty and hearing faculty of the soul. The seeing faculty is called "Nirat" and the hearing faculty is called " Surat".

That is why referring to this Shabad is said in the Bani: Anter Jot Niranter Bani. Means this inner Shabad has light and the sound of divine melody. This Shabd when experienced by the soul, has an purifying effect on the soul, it is like the Amrit reffered by our Gurus´in the Bani.

Also in the Anand Sahib, reference is given to this Shabad: Nam jinke man vaseh, vaajeh Shabad ganereh.

Means, those who meditate on the Gurparsad received as bakshish, and still their minds, listen to these divine melodies within, thus cleanse their minds and karmas, become pure paviter, and become fit to merge their consciousness in Wahiguru Akal Purukh, and become one with Him.

This is the only way, to meet and become one with Satpurukh, and this is what our Guru Sahibans have stressed upon always. That is why as seen in the beginning, it said Bin Naavai nahin kou thao, means without Nam Bhakti, all else is futile. These words are of Guru Sahibans themselves, are not of any scholar or board member, neither any professor or Phd or doctorate in religion or theology.

All the world may mislead us with their misinterpretations or other reasons, but in the end after all, is only ignorance.

On the other hand, the Bani of our Guru Sahibans, is clear, simple and direct to the point always.
Apart from Nam Bhakti, they will never tell us to engage in, or bind us in outer things. We may do or not do any outer things; but if we have not done Nam Bhakti, we have done nothing......
