Raag toddee mehalaa 4 ghar 1
Raag Todee, Chau-Paday, Fourth Mehla, First House
jan naanak naam guroo thae paaeiaa dhhur masathak bhaag likhaeraa
Servant Nanak has obtained the Naam from the Guru; such is the destiny inscribed upon his forehead
What a pity, we say we have the Granth Sahib as Gurus´words, but alas, we do not follow what is written in it. As we can see in the above line, and not only there, but throughout the whole Granth Sahib, in each paragraph of each page, only mahima of Nam or Shabad and Satguru or Gurmukh is sung, and this we do neither understand nor try to follow.
It clearly states: Servant Nanak, has obtained the updesh, the gurprasad, the Nam from a true Satguru or a Gurmukh. Here Guru sahiban refers to a human Guru, a conscious being, whose consciousness has merged and is one with Wahiguru.
That being is a human being at our physical level and at the same time His consciousness is at Akal Purukh ´s level. Only the one, who is beyond the creation of 5 tattwas, maya and kal..... can elevate our souls, our consciousnesses to higher and purest level of Sach Khand, the abode of Nirankar, Satpurukh, through His power of Anahad Shabad, which is mentioned in Anand Sahib also...Nam jiske man vaseh...vaajeh Shabad ganere....
Nothing made of any of the 5 elements alone, single or combined together can take place of a true Guru. Because the real Guru is not the body, He is the bani manifested(that is why the Bani says : Bani hae Guru, Guru Hae Bani; which means, that Anahad Shabad or Bani comes in the form of a Guru, and then when His mission of taking across the souls from Bhavsagar is accomplished,He goes and merges Himself in that Shabad or Bani, from where He emanated) the Shabad manifested takes the body for a temporary mission, for some particular number of souls. He comes to give Gurprasad to those wadbhagee jeevas, who come to His Sharan, His Lotus Feet, and once He leaves this physical plane, He may appoint a successor to carry on the job of ferrying the souls from this side of the shore to that one, of Sach Khand. This is the way designed by Wahiguru , for the souls to return back to Him...no man can change this way....it has been so in the past...it is even now in the present...and it shall be so in the future.
That is why also, in the ending of the line above the same is said in a simple and clear statement: dhhur masathak bhaag likhaeraa, which means, only on those foreheads, if it is written to believe in a Gurmukh of his time, and go and humbly ask for Nam Daan(Gurprasad), shall surely go and get it, and do the real job of getting the human form, which is to liberate from the chaurasse ka chhakar, by doing Nam Simran, by doing Nam bhakti or abyaas and merging once and forever their souls in Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
Raag Todee, Chau-Paday, Fourth Mehla, First House
jan naanak naam guroo thae paaeiaa dhhur masathak bhaag likhaeraa
Servant Nanak has obtained the Naam from the Guru; such is the destiny inscribed upon his forehead
What a pity, we say we have the Granth Sahib as Gurus´words, but alas, we do not follow what is written in it. As we can see in the above line, and not only there, but throughout the whole Granth Sahib, in each paragraph of each page, only mahima of Nam or Shabad and Satguru or Gurmukh is sung, and this we do neither understand nor try to follow.
It clearly states: Servant Nanak, has obtained the updesh, the gurprasad, the Nam from a true Satguru or a Gurmukh. Here Guru sahiban refers to a human Guru, a conscious being, whose consciousness has merged and is one with Wahiguru.
That being is a human being at our physical level and at the same time His consciousness is at Akal Purukh ´s level. Only the one, who is beyond the creation of 5 tattwas, maya and kal..... can elevate our souls, our consciousnesses to higher and purest level of Sach Khand, the abode of Nirankar, Satpurukh, through His power of Anahad Shabad, which is mentioned in Anand Sahib also...Nam jiske man vaseh...vaajeh Shabad ganere....
Nothing made of any of the 5 elements alone, single or combined together can take place of a true Guru. Because the real Guru is not the body, He is the bani manifested(that is why the Bani says : Bani hae Guru, Guru Hae Bani; which means, that Anahad Shabad or Bani comes in the form of a Guru, and then when His mission of taking across the souls from Bhavsagar is accomplished,He goes and merges Himself in that Shabad or Bani, from where He emanated) the Shabad manifested takes the body for a temporary mission, for some particular number of souls. He comes to give Gurprasad to those wadbhagee jeevas, who come to His Sharan, His Lotus Feet, and once He leaves this physical plane, He may appoint a successor to carry on the job of ferrying the souls from this side of the shore to that one, of Sach Khand. This is the way designed by Wahiguru , for the souls to return back to Him...no man can change this way....it has been so in the past...it is even now in the present...and it shall be so in the future.
That is why also, in the ending of the line above the same is said in a simple and clear statement: dhhur masathak bhaag likhaeraa, which means, only on those foreheads, if it is written to believe in a Gurmukh of his time, and go and humbly ask for Nam Daan(Gurprasad), shall surely go and get it, and do the real job of getting the human form, which is to liberate from the chaurasse ka chhakar, by doing Nam Simran, by doing Nam bhakti or abyaas and merging once and forever their souls in Wahiguru Akal Purukh.
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