Amrit and Amrit Wela Part 3

                              A few lines from the Bani, regarding, what is Amrit in reality?                                                       Raag Soohee: Guru Arjun Dev

Har amrit bharay bhandaar sabh kichh hai ghar tis kai bal raam jee-o.
The Lord's Ambrosial Nectar is an overflowing treasure; everything is in His Home. I am a sacrifice to the Lord.

When Guru Sahiban says: Har Amrit bharay bhandar.... have we ever stopped to ask ourselves which Amrit is He referring to? Is it man made by any of the elements of which this whole creation is made of: like water, fire, air,earth, or akash? Of course not.

Because these are meant to nourish the body. They are fake, mayavee, illusion.This amrit is not for the soul. For the soul, there is only one Amrit. And having Amrit means to have the one, by which, one shall become inmortal, to quench the thirst of desires forever, to wash all our sins and sanskaras, to make us pure paviter, to merge back in Him.

Though it is quite clear, He is referring to the real and only Amrit existing... and that is His Nam or Shabad, flowing inside each and everyone of us all the 24 hours, irrespective of class, caste, creed, nationality or place of birth. It is inside each being, each person, whether he is a criminal, a thief, a sadhu, a sant or a mahatma.
And one when has tasted this Amrit, one becomes a Brahamgyani, one becomes a swan from a crow, one, just shreds off all the evil tendencies automatically. It just washes off any dirt, whether of the mind or the soul.
That is why in the next line, Guru sahiban says the following words to make us understand what the real Amrit is, of which nobody talks to us, so none of us are aware, but this is the truth, as they are the words of Wahiguru Akal Purukh Himself, expressed through His Gurmukhs:

naanak naam mahaa ras meethaa an-din man tan peevaa.
O Nanak, the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is the sweetest and most sublime essence. Night and day, I drink it in, with my mind and body.

We can see what is said in such a simple and direct manner, He says: I drink it in, means it is inside us, it is already and always there, nowhere outside to be found or made. How and where is it had then? Well, Guru Sahiban says: with my mind and body, which means, sitting down at one place, no need to go anywhere, and doing Nam Simran, and by that, we make ourselves subtle, and try to contact that Nam or Amrit, which is pervading, in the whole creation, in all the directions, and by doing so, one needs not to go anywhere else neither do anything more. That is why it is said in Sukhmani Sahib: Prabh Ka Simran: Sabh te oocha... Prabh ka Simran Jap, tap,puja..tirath ishnan....means everything comes into it and with it, such is the greatness of Nam Simran.

Man deals blindly with the outer (gross)aspects of this world and creates(spiritual) confusion.
But the Gurmukhs of any time and place, will always say only one thing: Wahiguru and His Nam Simran, which deals only with the soul, and frees him from all bondages, thus working as real Amrit.
