The main purpose of each and every being is to get graduation from this creation and go back home, to Sach Khand.
Just as if a child is registered in a well known school which has the best teachers, and goes there uniformed, with the bag full of books also, plays and eats in the recess....but does not pay any attention to what the teacher teaches, neither does the homework, but is very attentive to other things like, the walls of the school and class with the maps and drawings and the blackboard on them(temples, gurdwaras, churches, etc)... then when he goes to the library, he is fascinated with the great number of books there, but never makes any attempts to see and do what is written in them,then, at the end of the day, comes back home and says to his parents: the school is quite spacious, the teachers are very good, I talk to them, and play and do all sort of activities(pilgrimages, fastings, penances, etc).....trying to act as if he has done something big.
This is in reality the picture all of us. We have the best school:Sikhism,we are uniformed, proudly dressed like in our traditionally khalsa style, there is nothing wrong or good in doing so, we are born in a certain community, we have to follow the traditions, but keeping in mind and understanding fully, that, that alone is not enough to meet Wahiguru, we play sports (rituals), we have the best teachers: our Gurus,but the thing is none of us, do what our Gurus have taught us, we have a poor vision, due to maya and avidya or agyanta, plus we have sold ourselves or handed ourselves willingly in the hands of the manmukhs, chosen by us democratically or by the finger, ultimately it makes no difference, and these have mixed the dirty politics with the purity of the teachings of our beloved Gurus, and thus have made us lost all the real essence of their(Bani of the Gurus) teachings, which is nothing than finding shelter at the feet of a Gurmukh of our time, just like when they came also, and by asking and taking the blessing of Gurprasad from them, and do its kamaee of bhakti or sadhna, it is the same thing. In the bible is also made reference to this statement, when it says: Ask(the divine water, the Word or Nam, it is the same thing) and it shall be given...Knock(at His door) and it shall be opened( doing the spiritual practice of Nam Simran is like knocking at His door, so naturally, He will have no option, but to to open for us the chambers of His kingdom).
The holy Anand Sahib is a vast extension of what is written above in a summary:
Anand bhaya meri maee... Satgur toh me paaya------ O my mother, my whole being is in ecstasy, I have found a true Guru, a Gurmukh.
Then what happens, if by good fortune( a wadbhagee jeev) one comes across such a Gurmukh?
Well, one gets the Gurprasad of Nam or Saacha Nao.
a)Then what should one do with it, and b) what happens if worked(kamaee, abyaas) out diligently as per the instructions(jugtee)?
a) When one receives the Gurprasad, as the Bani says : Gur Satgur ka jo sikh akhae... amrit wele jaapey sach Nao, means we have to get up at the ambrosial early hours of the day and do Nam Simran.
b) Then by doing the kamaee of this Nam, Wahiuguru showers us with His unlimited Daya Meher, which works as Amrit for us and washes all our sins, all our sanskaras since we left Sach Khand, making us pure and paviter to be pure like Akal Purukh, to be able to merge our souls in Him, and at the same time allows us to have His darshan and hear His true voice(His Shabad), that is why the Bani says:
Nam jiske man vaseh...vajeh Shabad ganere------means, once we become holy by the practice of Nam Simran and His Daya Meher, we shall be able to hear the divine song, the Akath Katha of Akal Purukh, known as Shabad also, because then this Shabad will pervade in each pore of our true self, our true being. That is what the Bani means also when it says: anter jot niranter Bani, means once we catch hold to that Nam through Simran, we shall be able to have Darshan of that Jot and hear the Akashi Bani, The Anhad Shabad, the Word, the Shabad of which all true Gurmukhs or Gurus of any time, past or present have mentioned and stressed importance upon : Satpurush- Shabad and Satguru(these are the signs which one has to look for, in order to know who and what is truth or fake?
We are lucky that Wahiguru has placed us in the right environments(human birth), now it is for us, to decide and take the right steps and go back home in Sach Khand, or keep going merry go round in the chaurasee ka chakar, the unendable cycle of births and deaths.
It would be advisable, if we take the first choice, in it, lies our welfare...none other than Wahiguru Akal Purukh Himself.
Shabad and ony Shabad matters, as the Bani says:
Shabade dharti Shabade Akash,
Shabade Shabad hoa parkash,
sagli Shrishti Shabad ke paache,
Nanak, Shabad ghate ghat achay
This means: Shabad created the earth, Shabad created the sky, from Shabd cometh all light. The whole world reseth on Shabad. O Nanak, and this Shabd is present in all human beings(everywhere).
This Shabad is not a word of any language, is a power, a highest level of consciousness and bliss, which is got only as grace as Gurprasad from a satgur or a Gurmukh; and that in the Bani is very clear expressed, when it says :
mat koee bharam bhoole sansar...bin Satgur koee na utraas paar: Nobody should stay in delusion, without a Pefect Master, a Gurmukh, a Satguru of the present time,( so that the blessing of Gurprasad maybe possible for us), nobody can ever cross the vacuum between this material plane, to the abode of eternal truth: Sach Khand.
Maybe many will not like what has been written...that is their problem; but not because of that the Bani should be adulterated, or manipulated to the tastes of the masses. We shall be doing a great injustice to our Gurus. As they gave all their lives, in letting us knowing the true Bani, as per instructions from Wahiguru Akal Purukh Himself.
May Wahiguru bless us with clear understanding, it is not in the hands of any man to make us understand the truth in the Bani, only to those whom He wishes by casting His glance of mercy, He makes them meet with a Satguru a Gurmukh of their present time, so then, they do understand so, the Bani in the correct manner.
Just as if a child is registered in a well known school which has the best teachers, and goes there uniformed, with the bag full of books also, plays and eats in the recess....but does not pay any attention to what the teacher teaches, neither does the homework, but is very attentive to other things like, the walls of the school and class with the maps and drawings and the blackboard on them(temples, gurdwaras, churches, etc)... then when he goes to the library, he is fascinated with the great number of books there, but never makes any attempts to see and do what is written in them,then, at the end of the day, comes back home and says to his parents: the school is quite spacious, the teachers are very good, I talk to them, and play and do all sort of activities(pilgrimages, fastings, penances, etc).....trying to act as if he has done something big.
This is in reality the picture all of us. We have the best school:Sikhism,we are uniformed, proudly dressed like in our traditionally khalsa style, there is nothing wrong or good in doing so, we are born in a certain community, we have to follow the traditions, but keeping in mind and understanding fully, that, that alone is not enough to meet Wahiguru, we play sports (rituals), we have the best teachers: our Gurus,but the thing is none of us, do what our Gurus have taught us, we have a poor vision, due to maya and avidya or agyanta, plus we have sold ourselves or handed ourselves willingly in the hands of the manmukhs, chosen by us democratically or by the finger, ultimately it makes no difference, and these have mixed the dirty politics with the purity of the teachings of our beloved Gurus, and thus have made us lost all the real essence of their(Bani of the Gurus) teachings, which is nothing than finding shelter at the feet of a Gurmukh of our time, just like when they came also, and by asking and taking the blessing of Gurprasad from them, and do its kamaee of bhakti or sadhna, it is the same thing. In the bible is also made reference to this statement, when it says: Ask(the divine water, the Word or Nam, it is the same thing) and it shall be given...Knock(at His door) and it shall be opened( doing the spiritual practice of Nam Simran is like knocking at His door, so naturally, He will have no option, but to to open for us the chambers of His kingdom).
The holy Anand Sahib is a vast extension of what is written above in a summary:
Anand bhaya meri maee... Satgur toh me paaya------ O my mother, my whole being is in ecstasy, I have found a true Guru, a Gurmukh.
Then what happens, if by good fortune( a wadbhagee jeev) one comes across such a Gurmukh?
Well, one gets the Gurprasad of Nam or Saacha Nao.
a)Then what should one do with it, and b) what happens if worked(kamaee, abyaas) out diligently as per the instructions(jugtee)?
a) When one receives the Gurprasad, as the Bani says : Gur Satgur ka jo sikh akhae... amrit wele jaapey sach Nao, means we have to get up at the ambrosial early hours of the day and do Nam Simran.
b) Then by doing the kamaee of this Nam, Wahiuguru showers us with His unlimited Daya Meher, which works as Amrit for us and washes all our sins, all our sanskaras since we left Sach Khand, making us pure and paviter to be pure like Akal Purukh, to be able to merge our souls in Him, and at the same time allows us to have His darshan and hear His true voice(His Shabad), that is why the Bani says:
Nam jiske man vaseh...vajeh Shabad ganere------means, once we become holy by the practice of Nam Simran and His Daya Meher, we shall be able to hear the divine song, the Akath Katha of Akal Purukh, known as Shabad also, because then this Shabad will pervade in each pore of our true self, our true being. That is what the Bani means also when it says: anter jot niranter Bani, means once we catch hold to that Nam through Simran, we shall be able to have Darshan of that Jot and hear the Akashi Bani, The Anhad Shabad, the Word, the Shabad of which all true Gurmukhs or Gurus of any time, past or present have mentioned and stressed importance upon : Satpurush- Shabad and Satguru(these are the signs which one has to look for, in order to know who and what is truth or fake?
We are lucky that Wahiguru has placed us in the right environments(human birth), now it is for us, to decide and take the right steps and go back home in Sach Khand, or keep going merry go round in the chaurasee ka chakar, the unendable cycle of births and deaths.
It would be advisable, if we take the first choice, in it, lies our welfare...none other than Wahiguru Akal Purukh Himself.
Shabad and ony Shabad matters, as the Bani says:
Shabade dharti Shabade Akash,
Shabade Shabad hoa parkash,
sagli Shrishti Shabad ke paache,
Nanak, Shabad ghate ghat achay
This means: Shabad created the earth, Shabad created the sky, from Shabd cometh all light. The whole world reseth on Shabad. O Nanak, and this Shabd is present in all human beings(everywhere).
This Shabad is not a word of any language, is a power, a highest level of consciousness and bliss, which is got only as grace as Gurprasad from a satgur or a Gurmukh; and that in the Bani is very clear expressed, when it says :
mat koee bharam bhoole sansar...bin Satgur koee na utraas paar: Nobody should stay in delusion, without a Pefect Master, a Gurmukh, a Satguru of the present time,( so that the blessing of Gurprasad maybe possible for us), nobody can ever cross the vacuum between this material plane, to the abode of eternal truth: Sach Khand.
Maybe many will not like what has been written...that is their problem; but not because of that the Bani should be adulterated, or manipulated to the tastes of the masses. We shall be doing a great injustice to our Gurus. As they gave all their lives, in letting us knowing the true Bani, as per instructions from Wahiguru Akal Purukh Himself.
May Wahiguru bless us with clear understanding, it is not in the hands of any man to make us understand the truth in the Bani, only to those whom He wishes by casting His glance of mercy, He makes them meet with a Satguru a Gurmukh of their present time, so then, they do understand so, the Bani in the correct manner.
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