O Nanak, the NAM, the Shabad is the only vehicle which shall transport oneself to Wahiguru, whosoever boards it, shall reach there, in Sach Khand. There is no other way, neither was, neither shall be. If the Lord is one, naturally, the way going back to Him, has to be one. Just as one has to enter a mother´s womb, in order to be born in this world, irrespective of class, creed or color, in a similar way, if we want to go back to Him, we have to board the plane of NAM.

Now the question arises: Where can that Nam be found? Is it in the jungle? No. Is it in the mountains? No. Is it in the seas or rivers? No. Is it in the holy text books? No. Is it from the trees or animals or other places of pilgrimage? Absolutely not!

Then, where is it obtained?
The Bani says: Awar kaaj, tere kiteh na kam. Mil sadh sangat, aur bhaj kewal Nam.
Which means, no other thing will be of any use to you, go and take sharan or shelter to a Sadhu, a Gurmukh, get from Him, the Gur Prasad, and then, only meditate upon it, do it`s kamaee, it`s bhakti(bhaj kewal Nam).

That is why it is also said in the Bani:
Jis vakhar ko lain toon aaya, Ram Nam, Santan ghar paaya.

Which means, the real business that you have come to perform in this world, is to gather as much as possible the dhan, the wealth of the Nam of Satpurush, and that Nam, is got , once you go and take shelter at the lotus feet of a Sant, a Gurmukh.

Take the Bani, from any page, from any angle, we shall only find mahima of Satpurush, Shabad or Nam and Satguru or a Gurmukh.
