What is Amrit ?

What is the concept we have of Amrit?
That it is something pure and divine that helps us in cleaning our sins, our dirt accumulated since immemorial times. That it is liquid and it is to be had through our mouths....That is the what most of us know and believe it to be true, irrespective of most of the religions. Hindus have it, Christians also know it as "the blessed water", and in Sikhism also we know about it....
In spite of having true Gurus in our Sikh dharam, we are lost like the rest of the world in outer things.....rituals, ceremonies....giving a lot of importance to the outer forms and manners.... we have lost the sight of the essence of truth, which our Guru Sahibans practiced themselves and taught us. The outer so called amrit can never be what we tend to believe it to be.

According to Guru Arjun Dev in raag Gond, says the following words:
naam niranjan neer naraa-in.
The Name of the Immaculate Lord is the Ambrosial Water.

It is a pity, we have given the reins of our lives in the hands of some chosen ones, with big name, but after all empty in contents. That is why we are going astray. Nobody is bothered about what the bani says. It is like a blind guiding a blind. Because they themselves are unaware of the real importance of the Bani, so they are more involved and occupied of the outer forms, which is much simpler and easier.
But it is a pity, to waste one´s life, without accomplishing the task for what Wahiguru has sent us here as human beings, and that is to realize Him through His Nam, and merge in Him.
The whole Granth sahib, the different saints of different ages, all sing His glory, and the greatness of His Nam or Shabad.

Well, going back to the topic of this post, if we really want to know what is the real Amrit, whether the liquid one we get at almost all temples, churches , gurdwaras...etc or His Nam. We can experiment it by ourselves.
How? Very simple.

First, we may for whole one year take as much as possible the so called outer amrit, if possible everyday, every week or monthly... depending on one´s circumstances.
And see if our kam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar and the mind have come under control... if we have become more pure minded and humble. If so, congratulations.

If not, we may take the second step, and see the the difference by our own selves, which is as described below:

The second year, we may do Nam simran regularly at home, every single day without fail. And then again observe for ourselves, if there are any changes in our attitude, in our perception of the reality.... according to our Gurus, surely changes have to be take place, it is their guarantee, and their words never fail.... we shall and must become pure and paviter, enough to feel His grace.

Then yes, we can by our own experience see what is the real Amrit, the Nectar of eternal life. The Amrit will not be a concept for us, but rather a convincing reality.

Wahiguru jee kee fateh!
