We limited humans, what mahima can we sing of Wahiguru? Of Him who is.oooch, apaar, beaant....Soami. The real katha of Himself is done by Himself. Naturally, if He is limitless, His katha has to be limitless in the true sense. Now who can perform that type of katha? Nobody. Except Himself. That is what and why, Guru Amar Das, says in His composition Anand Sahib, regarding the Amar Katha sung by Wahiguru Himself, through His expression of Nam, of Shabad in the following words:

He starts stating, what does that Shabad look like or sound like....
vaajay panch sabad  tis ghar sabhaagai.
The Panch Shabad, the five primal sounds, vibrate in that blessed house.
Then He states, what happens in the body(house) where that pure paviter Shabad is manifested and heard....
ghar sabhaagai sabad vaajay kalaa jit ghar Dhaaree-aa.
In that blessed house, the Shabad vibrates; He infuses His almighty power into it.
Then He continues to confirm what else happens when one listens to that Nam or Shabad, He says all the five vices: kam, krodh, lobh moh and ahankar are vanquihed... not only that He says... moreover we win the war with Kal, and make ourselves free in the true sense, thus then we are able and capable to reach Sach Khand....
panch doot tuDh vas keetay kaal kantak maari-aa.
Through You, we subdue the five demons of desire, and slay Death, the torturer.

Then He clearly says, who only can achieve this...only those who are wadbhagee by birth, can do the bhhakti of real Nam...through His inmense is not in one´s(human being) hand to believe or not is possible only through His Daya Meher...
Dhur karam paa-i-aa tuDh jin ka-o se naam har kai laagay.
Those who have such pre-ordained destiny are attached to the Lord's Name.
Then in the next line He explains what is the condition of those who listen to this Akash Bani, Anhad Bani, Sachee Bani... He says those who listen to it constantly, have real peace and tranquility. He also explains that in outer temples, for example the bell is rung for a limited time ....but this Shabad of Wahiguru is non stop striking...that is why as seen in the below line, He uses the words Anhad vaajay
kahai naanak tah sukh ho-aa thit ghar anhad vaajay.
Says Nanak, they are at peace, and the unstruck sound current vibrates within their homes.
The He says, that Celestial music is filled with bliss, and is the solution for fulfilling one´s desires...but not worldly desires, not mayavee desires, but those desires which are at the root of each and every soul, and those are none other than to meet its beloved Wahiguru...
anad sunhu vadbhaageeho sagal manorath pooray.
Listen to the song of bliss, O most fortunate ones; all your longings shall be fulfilled.
As said and seen in the previous line, He confirms and guarantees that by listening to this Anhad Bani or Shabad, one meets and obtains the true Lord, none other than Wahiguru Akal Purukh, who is the fountain of limitless happiness, and so, in this way we reach Sach Khand...this is what Guru Sahiban wants to make us understand.
What is in Sach Khand?
Well, Wahiguru.
And once merged in Wahiguru what is our state?
We become pure paviter like Him, and full of Anand(which means complete happiness)
paarbarahm parabh paa-i-aa utray sagal visooray.
I have obtained the Supreme Lord God, and all sorrows have been forgotten.

My God, our Gurbani is the manifestation or the highest truths in the most simple manner available to all human beings.

Have we ever asked ourselves, why do we listen to the kathas? Well, because we may want we want real gyan, real happiness... The kathas by the mortals are o.k to an extent, but as taught by Guru Amar Das, the Real Katha, with which we can really obtain these desirable fruits, is possible by the Real Katha sung by Wahiguru Himself, which is utmost attracting, utmost beautifull, utmost pulling and above all, utmost true.... His Nam, His Shabad.

Wah Wah, pyare Wahiguru, haun tumko sadke jaava....
