Some more questions in the spiritual path of a sikh, and the answers for them, that the Granth Sahib gives us:
* On the importance of human birth:
(1353-9, shsik®qI, mÚ 1)
nihfalaN tas-y janmas-y jaavad barahm na bindtay.
The mortal's life is fruitless, as long as he does not know God.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
kichh sang na chaalai laakh karorai.
Of your thousands and millions, nothing shall go along with you.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
parabh jee ko naam ant pakrorai.
Only the Name of God will call to you in the end. So we must try to get in touch with it as soon as possible, as we do not know, when will the pranas stop coming into our body and thus be late for us and we miss an unvaluable oportunity in meeting with Him.
*On how Nam acts upon us by meditating upon it, and what are the visble effects?
(1302-13, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
naamo gaavan naam Dhi-aavan naam hamaaray paraan aDhaarai.
I sing the Naam, and I meditate on the Naam. And thus The Naam is the Support of my breath of life.
(1302-14, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
naamo gi-aan naam isnaanaa har naam hamaaray kaaraj savaarai.
The Naam is spiritual wisdom, the Naam is my purifying bath. The Naam resolves all my affairs.
(1302-14, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
har naamo sobhaa naam badaa-ee bha-ojal bikham naam har taarai.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is glorious grandeur; the Naam is glorious greatness. The Name of the Lord carries me across the terrifying world-ocean.
*On rituals, man´s insignificance and His infinite power and grace:
1304-7, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
anik poojaa mai baho biDh khojee saa poojaa je har bhaavaas.
I have studied countless ways of worship in all sorts of ways, but that alone is worship, which is pleasing to the Lord's Will. An what worship pleases Him the most? Nam Simran. Because this is the only practice which takes us nearer to Him, not only that, but merges our consciousness in Him.
(1304-7, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
maatee kee ih putree joree ki-aa ayh karam kamaas.
This body-puppet is made of clay - what can it do by itself?
(1304-8, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
parabh baah pakar jis maarag paavhu so tuDh jant milaas.
O God, those humble beings meet You, whom You grasp by the arm, and place on the Path.
*What is the only important thing in this world and why?
1302-18, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
naam binaa jayto laptaa-i-o kachhoo nahee naahee kachh tayro.
Except for the Naam, whatever you are involved with is nothing - nothing is yours. Why is Nam so important , or better said the most important? Because it is the only power, beyond mind, parlay and mahaparlay. Every other thing is thus perishable , made of the 5 tattwas.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
kichh sang na chaalai laakh karorai.
Of your thousands and millions, nothing shall go along with you. So do not waste time in useless things.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
parabh jee ko naam ant pakrorai.
Only the Name of God will call to you in the end. And if this is so, why are we so stupids or mugadhs, that we fail to understand this simple truth.
Because we humans are uncapable of anything by ourselves, that is why Guru Sahiban has described our normal conditions:
kuchil kathor kapat kaamee.
I am filthy, hard-hearted, deceitful and obsessed with sexual desire. This means, we are wraped in come anything good be the output then, though tiny?
We humans at most are, entangled in outer forms of worship, and for that again Guru Sahiban describes us in the following lines:
1301-14, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
jaap taap naym such sanjam naahee in biDhay chhutkaar.
Chanting and deep meditation, penance and austere self-discipline, fasting and purification - salvation does not come by any of these means.
*How is the Lord obtained? Again Guru Arjun Dev says it in Raag Kaanraa that:
(1300-9, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
pooran param jot parmaysur simrat paa-ee-ai maan.
Meditating in remembrance on the Perfect Supreme Divine Light, the Transcendent Lord. And what is this meditating on the Supreme Being or how is it to be done? Well, as seen before, this devotion is the highest one, and it is none other than Nam Simran.
Now we may ask ourselves, if we are nothing, how to get to know about this Nam which the Bani mentions and the qualities of Wahiguru...for that also Guru Sahiban has the following answer:
1300-12, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
saaDhsangat niDh har ko naam.
The Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Guru Arjun Dev, fifth patshahee, more clearly and with precise directions, wipes out our doubts on this matter of Nam and its importance:
(1357-1, shsik®qI, mÚ 5)
nach durlabhaN danaN roopaN nach durlabhaN savarag raajnah.
Wealth and beauty are not so difficult to obtain. Paradise and royal power are not so difficult to obtain.
nach durlabhaN bhojanaN biNjanaN nach durlabhaN savachh ambreh.
Foods and delicacies are not so difficult to obtain. Elegant clothes are not so difficuilt to obtain.
nach durlabhaN sut mitar bharaat baaNDhav nach durlabhaN banitaa bilaaseh.
Children, friends, siblings and relatives are not so difficult to obtain. The pleasures of woman are not so difficult to obtain.
nach durlabhaN bidi-aa parbeenaN nach durlabhaN chatur chanchleh.
Knowledge and wisdom are not so difficult to obtain. Cleverness and trickery are not so difficult to obtain.
durlabhaN ayk bhagvaan naamah naanak labDhi-yaN saaDhsang kirpaa parabhaN.
Only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is difficult to obtain. O Nanak, it is only obtained by God's Grace, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Thanks to our beloved Gurus, we are blessed with the eternal truth, in the form of their teachings.
Wah Wah Wahiguru Sache Badshah.
* On the importance of human birth:
(1353-9, shsik®qI, mÚ 1)
nihfalaN tas-y janmas-y jaavad barahm na bindtay.
The mortal's life is fruitless, as long as he does not know God.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
kichh sang na chaalai laakh karorai.
Of your thousands and millions, nothing shall go along with you.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
parabh jee ko naam ant pakrorai.
Only the Name of God will call to you in the end. So we must try to get in touch with it as soon as possible, as we do not know, when will the pranas stop coming into our body and thus be late for us and we miss an unvaluable oportunity in meeting with Him.
*On how Nam acts upon us by meditating upon it, and what are the visble effects?
(1302-13, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
naamo gaavan naam Dhi-aavan naam hamaaray paraan aDhaarai.
I sing the Naam, and I meditate on the Naam. And thus The Naam is the Support of my breath of life.
(1302-14, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
naamo gi-aan naam isnaanaa har naam hamaaray kaaraj savaarai.
The Naam is spiritual wisdom, the Naam is my purifying bath. The Naam resolves all my affairs.
(1302-14, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
har naamo sobhaa naam badaa-ee bha-ojal bikham naam har taarai.
The Naam, the Name of the Lord, is glorious grandeur; the Naam is glorious greatness. The Name of the Lord carries me across the terrifying world-ocean.
*On rituals, man´s insignificance and His infinite power and grace:
1304-7, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
anik poojaa mai baho biDh khojee saa poojaa je har bhaavaas.
I have studied countless ways of worship in all sorts of ways, but that alone is worship, which is pleasing to the Lord's Will. An what worship pleases Him the most? Nam Simran. Because this is the only practice which takes us nearer to Him, not only that, but merges our consciousness in Him.
(1304-7, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
maatee kee ih putree joree ki-aa ayh karam kamaas.
This body-puppet is made of clay - what can it do by itself?
(1304-8, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
parabh baah pakar jis maarag paavhu so tuDh jant milaas.
O God, those humble beings meet You, whom You grasp by the arm, and place on the Path.
*What is the only important thing in this world and why?
1302-18, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
naam binaa jayto laptaa-i-o kachhoo nahee naahee kachh tayro.
Except for the Naam, whatever you are involved with is nothing - nothing is yours. Why is Nam so important , or better said the most important? Because it is the only power, beyond mind, parlay and mahaparlay. Every other thing is thus perishable , made of the 5 tattwas.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
kichh sang na chaalai laakh karorai.
Of your thousands and millions, nothing shall go along with you. So do not waste time in useless things.
(1304-16, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
parabh jee ko naam ant pakrorai.
Only the Name of God will call to you in the end. And if this is so, why are we so stupids or mugadhs, that we fail to understand this simple truth.
Because we humans are uncapable of anything by ourselves, that is why Guru Sahiban has described our normal conditions:
kuchil kathor kapat kaamee.
I am filthy, hard-hearted, deceitful and obsessed with sexual desire. This means, we are wraped in come anything good be the output then, though tiny?
We humans at most are, entangled in outer forms of worship, and for that again Guru Sahiban describes us in the following lines:
1301-14, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
jaap taap naym such sanjam naahee in biDhay chhutkaar.
Chanting and deep meditation, penance and austere self-discipline, fasting and purification - salvation does not come by any of these means.
*How is the Lord obtained? Again Guru Arjun Dev says it in Raag Kaanraa that:
(1300-9, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
pooran param jot parmaysur simrat paa-ee-ai maan.
Meditating in remembrance on the Perfect Supreme Divine Light, the Transcendent Lord. And what is this meditating on the Supreme Being or how is it to be done? Well, as seen before, this devotion is the highest one, and it is none other than Nam Simran.
Now we may ask ourselves, if we are nothing, how to get to know about this Nam which the Bani mentions and the qualities of Wahiguru...for that also Guru Sahiban has the following answer:
1300-12, kwnVw, mÚ 5)
saaDhsangat niDh har ko naam.
The Treasure of the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is found in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Guru Arjun Dev, fifth patshahee, more clearly and with precise directions, wipes out our doubts on this matter of Nam and its importance:
(1357-1, shsik®qI, mÚ 5)
nach durlabhaN danaN roopaN nach durlabhaN savarag raajnah.
Wealth and beauty are not so difficult to obtain. Paradise and royal power are not so difficult to obtain.
nach durlabhaN bhojanaN biNjanaN nach durlabhaN savachh ambreh.
Foods and delicacies are not so difficult to obtain. Elegant clothes are not so difficuilt to obtain.
nach durlabhaN sut mitar bharaat baaNDhav nach durlabhaN banitaa bilaaseh.
Children, friends, siblings and relatives are not so difficult to obtain. The pleasures of woman are not so difficult to obtain.
nach durlabhaN bidi-aa parbeenaN nach durlabhaN chatur chanchleh.
Knowledge and wisdom are not so difficult to obtain. Cleverness and trickery are not so difficult to obtain.
durlabhaN ayk bhagvaan naamah naanak labDhi-yaN saaDhsang kirpaa parabhaN.
Only the Naam, the Name of the Lord, is difficult to obtain. O Nanak, it is only obtained by God's Grace, in the Saadh Sangat, the Company of the Holy.
Thanks to our beloved Gurus, we are blessed with the eternal truth, in the form of their teachings.
Wah Wah Wahiguru Sache Badshah.
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