NAM, what a beautiful word! Have we ever given a thought to what is this all about? We may have read or heard about it, or we may have an remote idea about it, but it is almost impossible to understand it fully...why? Because it is a reality, which trascends the limits of mind and maya. It is the very essence and nature of Wahiguru Akal Purukh. And about this Nam or Shabad, even the gods of the height of Brahma, Vishnu, or Mahadev, with its parents Kal Purukh and mother Shakti, do not know the greatness about it, so what to say about us, normal mortal human beings, though our souls are drops of Sat Purush, or say, rays from the one Sun. But we do come to know about it up to an extent in the company of Sadh Sangat, from where we get the right and precise method, as Gurprasad, as stated in almost each line, each parragraph and page of the Granth Sahib, and the following lines confirms this statement in :
(1363-13, Punhy, mÚ 5)
"mil mil khaaveh sant sagal ka-o deej-ee."
Meeting and joining together, the Saints drink it in, and give it to everyone.
And further on it says:
(1363-13, Punhy, mÚ 5)
jisai paraapat ho-ay tisai hee paavnay.
He alone is blessed with it, who is destined to receive it.
So once we get it, it is not to be hidden, rather, worked out,"kamaee karnee", and why to do it´s kamaee or jaap, because as we read in the following lines:
(1363-2, Punhy, mÚ 5)
panch sataaveh doot kavan biDh maarnay.
The five evil enemies are tormenting me; how can I destroy them?
(1363-2, Punhy, mÚ 5)
teekhan baan chalaa-ay naam parabh Dha-yaa-ee-ai.
Shoot them with the sharp arrows of meditation on the Name of God.
Here we clearly see that the only effective method of overcoming these five deadly passions(kam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar) is by Nam Simran or Nam abhyas. And once these enemies and it´s masters mind, maya and Kal Purukh are defeated by this practice, our way to Sach Khand is free from these obstacles and the soul speeds up like a rocket direct to the lap of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, it´s true home and origin.
And then what else happens once we reach our true Nij Ghar?
(1363-5, Punhy, mÚ 5)
saglay ho-ay sukh har naam Dhi-aavanaa.
All comforts are obtained by meditating on the Lord's Name; because our heavenly Father Wahiguru is the endless and unlimited storehouse of the real happiness.
So brothers and sisters, hurry up, our limited account of our swaasas(inspirations and expirations) is being exhausted with each passing second in this allien land of Kal, where misery and pain are its natural characteristics, and where death is certain... let us not misuse this golden opportunity of human birth, which Sat Purush has gifted us, and make the best use of it with the best thing ever possible, and that is Nam Simran or Nam Bhakti. It is not me who is saying it, it is said by all our Gurus´ as we can read by ourselves in the Granth Sahib, or the banis of the true Bhagats, like Kabir, Tulsi Sahib, Ravi Das...etc... the mahima of Wahiguru is infinite as Himself, and we come to know about it only in the company of the Gurmukhs, as stated above.
(1363-13, Punhy, mÚ 5)
"mil mil khaaveh sant sagal ka-o deej-ee."
Meeting and joining together, the Saints drink it in, and give it to everyone.
And further on it says:
(1363-13, Punhy, mÚ 5)
jisai paraapat ho-ay tisai hee paavnay.
He alone is blessed with it, who is destined to receive it.
So once we get it, it is not to be hidden, rather, worked out,"kamaee karnee", and why to do it´s kamaee or jaap, because as we read in the following lines:
(1363-2, Punhy, mÚ 5)
panch sataaveh doot kavan biDh maarnay.
The five evil enemies are tormenting me; how can I destroy them?
(1363-2, Punhy, mÚ 5)
teekhan baan chalaa-ay naam parabh Dha-yaa-ee-ai.
Shoot them with the sharp arrows of meditation on the Name of God.
Here we clearly see that the only effective method of overcoming these five deadly passions(kam, krodh, lobh, moh, ahankar) is by Nam Simran or Nam abhyas. And once these enemies and it´s masters mind, maya and Kal Purukh are defeated by this practice, our way to Sach Khand is free from these obstacles and the soul speeds up like a rocket direct to the lap of Wahiguru Akal Purukh, it´s true home and origin.
And then what else happens once we reach our true Nij Ghar?
(1363-5, Punhy, mÚ 5)
saglay ho-ay sukh har naam Dhi-aavanaa.
All comforts are obtained by meditating on the Lord's Name; because our heavenly Father Wahiguru is the endless and unlimited storehouse of the real happiness.
So brothers and sisters, hurry up, our limited account of our swaasas(inspirations and expirations) is being exhausted with each passing second in this allien land of Kal, where misery and pain are its natural characteristics, and where death is certain... let us not misuse this golden opportunity of human birth, which Sat Purush has gifted us, and make the best use of it with the best thing ever possible, and that is Nam Simran or Nam Bhakti. It is not me who is saying it, it is said by all our Gurus´ as we can read by ourselves in the Granth Sahib, or the banis of the true Bhagats, like Kabir, Tulsi Sahib, Ravi Das...etc... the mahima of Wahiguru is infinite as Himself, and we come to know about it only in the company of the Gurmukhs, as stated above.
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