Karmas are nothing but our own deeds, performed by us. Karmas are a way of keeping souls in this creation, because every action has an reaction... so naturally, for this very reason, one even not wanting the consequences, is condemmed over here in perpetuity. In hinduism and sikhism, this coming and going is called "chaurasee ka chakar " or the wheel of eighty four, which compromises all the species of lives, from the lowest of plant kingdom, up to the human beings, the highest. The soul goes on wandering, in different bodies, according to it`s "karmas" and "unsatisfied desires" or "attachments", which are the main causes of reincarnations. Even in christianity, it is said, as you sow, so shall you reap... or... even the hair on your head is numbered....so if we pay attention, we can see, nothing is left to be labelled as luck, chance or random... everything is precise. The world would be a chaos, if it was so. Just because we humans are limited in mind and knowledge, so we think that God or Supreme Being, is just something like us but on superior level...which is far from reality. He is, sat chit ananad, which means everlasting truth, omniscient and embodiment of bliss.
Karmas are of three types:
a)Kriyaman: those which we perform in this present life
b)pralabdh: those which are responsible of our present life destiny
c)sinchit: those which are the storehouse.
It is just like, suppose we have $200.000, in our bank account(sinchit), and we are going for holidays, and we make budget that we are going to spend around $2000(pralabdh) in those scheduled days, which we withdraw beforehand and proceed for our planned trip, and while there, we make some more money(kriyaman), which we bring back with us and put it in our bank account... so we can see this process is inevitably unending... we are caught in the web of this trap... it is such cunningly designed, that not only we humans but even gods or ishtas can not escape. All our tempers, characters, relations, health, wealth, honor , dishonor, span of life, friends , foes.....are all due to the effects of karmas.
Yogis, increase their span of life through yoga, because they minimize their number of breaths and morsels, which of course, sooner or later, that credit has to come to an end...so when one has not to take anything from anybody or give anything to anybody, one leaves this world, because one has finished one`s cash... so one has to go and come back with it again. The trap, consists of making and spending (karmas).
We all know who Dhritrashtra was, the father of the kauravas. If I am not mistaken he was blind from birth. Once when he was in the company of Krishna, he told him that, due to his spiritual developement, he could go back through his previous 99 births, and he could see no karma as such for which he was blind in this present life. So Krishna, with his power, took him 5 lives more backwards, means his 104th life, and showed him how once as a child, he was near a pond and was taking out the eyes of a worm with a pointed object.
From this simple example, for those who believe, karmas and reincarnation do exist. And it is clear, we do freely perform karmas, but it is totally not in our hands, how and when are they to bear it`s fruits, that is the job of mother nature,(not God please), where and when to unfold.
Karmas are very mysterious, mostly beyond our reach of mind and intellect. It would be wise on our part, to talk good, do dood and be good. Beacuse as said before, our present life is built from our past karmas.... naturally our future will be based on our present karmas. If pain is given(sown), naturally pain will come back to us(destiny).
Mostly, nobody is perfect, so that is why some are more happy , and some are more miserable. If we had more good karmas, we may be reaping it in a paradise, or if we had more bad karmas, we may have been be in a reformatory plane, but in either case, we shall not escape the wheel of eighty four, again we would be born in some specie.
So one may ask, how to come out of this trap? As the bani says: Awar kaaj tere kitte na kam, mil sadh sangat bhaj kewal Nam, which means, nothing else will be of your avail, but get in touch with a saint, a lover of God, a holy man,( holiness is not got, by wearing saffaron dresses ot special attaires, or external complements, or by fastings, nor pilgrimages, or by splashing ashes on the body, but by comunion with the almighty Lord, through meditation) and practice the meditation according to His instructions... this is the remedy, according to the wise ones! As Christ said: man is the living temple of God. God is spiritual being, which has to be realized by our true nature spirit or soul. We are not the body, if anything as such has to be merged in the Universal Spirit, naturally it has to be the spirit, as the body is left here once we die, all phisicall or gross matter is made of the 5 elements, which are transient and perishable.
So it is the soul, which has to merge in it`s origin, known also as Supreme Being, and for that we have to use the vehicle of guided meditation from an expert, from a teacher... or call it Guru.
This science is not anything new.. it was the same with Christ, with Kabir Sahib, Guru Nanak and His succesors, Guru Ravi Das, Tulsi Sahib, Sant Tukaram... and some others, but always with the one same message. If the Sun is one, naturally the rays emanating from it are the same, they can not be different. If we try to find Him outwards, we shall not only not find Him, but shall get lost in disputes,ignorance, fights and wars. But if we try to find Him in His true temple, which is this human body, there is only one way, no matter to which religion, caste or color one belongs.... there only love, devotion and purity counts, for being allowed to enter His court, Sahib ke darbar mein kewal bhakti aur pyar, kewal bhakti aur pyar mein, Sahib razee. Which means: Only love and devotion is needed for the Lord`s court, and only with love and devotion is the Lord satisfied!
Karmas are of three types:
a)Kriyaman: those which we perform in this present life
b)pralabdh: those which are responsible of our present life destiny
c)sinchit: those which are the storehouse.
It is just like, suppose we have $200.000, in our bank account(sinchit), and we are going for holidays, and we make budget that we are going to spend around $2000(pralabdh) in those scheduled days, which we withdraw beforehand and proceed for our planned trip, and while there, we make some more money(kriyaman), which we bring back with us and put it in our bank account... so we can see this process is inevitably unending... we are caught in the web of this trap... it is such cunningly designed, that not only we humans but even gods or ishtas can not escape. All our tempers, characters, relations, health, wealth, honor , dishonor, span of life, friends , foes.....are all due to the effects of karmas.
Yogis, increase their span of life through yoga, because they minimize their number of breaths and morsels, which of course, sooner or later, that credit has to come to an end...so when one has not to take anything from anybody or give anything to anybody, one leaves this world, because one has finished one`s cash... so one has to go and come back with it again. The trap, consists of making and spending (karmas).
We all know who Dhritrashtra was, the father of the kauravas. If I am not mistaken he was blind from birth. Once when he was in the company of Krishna, he told him that, due to his spiritual developement, he could go back through his previous 99 births, and he could see no karma as such for which he was blind in this present life. So Krishna, with his power, took him 5 lives more backwards, means his 104th life, and showed him how once as a child, he was near a pond and was taking out the eyes of a worm with a pointed object.
From this simple example, for those who believe, karmas and reincarnation do exist. And it is clear, we do freely perform karmas, but it is totally not in our hands, how and when are they to bear it`s fruits, that is the job of mother nature,(not God please), where and when to unfold.
Karmas are very mysterious, mostly beyond our reach of mind and intellect. It would be wise on our part, to talk good, do dood and be good. Beacuse as said before, our present life is built from our past karmas.... naturally our future will be based on our present karmas. If pain is given(sown), naturally pain will come back to us(destiny).
Mostly, nobody is perfect, so that is why some are more happy , and some are more miserable. If we had more good karmas, we may be reaping it in a paradise, or if we had more bad karmas, we may have been be in a reformatory plane, but in either case, we shall not escape the wheel of eighty four, again we would be born in some specie.
So one may ask, how to come out of this trap? As the bani says: Awar kaaj tere kitte na kam, mil sadh sangat bhaj kewal Nam, which means, nothing else will be of your avail, but get in touch with a saint, a lover of God, a holy man,( holiness is not got, by wearing saffaron dresses ot special attaires, or external complements, or by fastings, nor pilgrimages, or by splashing ashes on the body, but by comunion with the almighty Lord, through meditation) and practice the meditation according to His instructions... this is the remedy, according to the wise ones! As Christ said: man is the living temple of God. God is spiritual being, which has to be realized by our true nature spirit or soul. We are not the body, if anything as such has to be merged in the Universal Spirit, naturally it has to be the spirit, as the body is left here once we die, all phisicall or gross matter is made of the 5 elements, which are transient and perishable.
So it is the soul, which has to merge in it`s origin, known also as Supreme Being, and for that we have to use the vehicle of guided meditation from an expert, from a teacher... or call it Guru.
This science is not anything new.. it was the same with Christ, with Kabir Sahib, Guru Nanak and His succesors, Guru Ravi Das, Tulsi Sahib, Sant Tukaram... and some others, but always with the one same message. If the Sun is one, naturally the rays emanating from it are the same, they can not be different. If we try to find Him outwards, we shall not only not find Him, but shall get lost in disputes,ignorance, fights and wars. But if we try to find Him in His true temple, which is this human body, there is only one way, no matter to which religion, caste or color one belongs.... there only love, devotion and purity counts, for being allowed to enter His court, Sahib ke darbar mein kewal bhakti aur pyar, kewal bhakti aur pyar mein, Sahib razee. Which means: Only love and devotion is needed for the Lord`s court, and only with love and devotion is the Lord satisfied!
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