As seen above at several places, the foremost duty of each human being is to to get back to it´s origin.
But how is that possible?
Through a definite and a precise method of devotion to the highest being or Wahiguru.
We should be thankfull to our beloved Gurus, for describing so accurately Akal Purush, removing our misconceptions, of somebody of whom we can never even think about, no matter how hard we may try.
That is why it is said, sochay soch na hovay, jeh sochay lakh vaar. Why is it so hard or practically impossible? because we do not know anything even about our true and simple reality, that we are a drop,a soul...then how can we know Him, the huge and mighty ocean?
Because all the instruments(karma indriyas, gyan indriyas, mind) that we possess, are for material things. we have made a lot of progress in this physicall universe, we have gone up to the Moon and sent rockets to Mars, and further progress is made in science and almost all the fields. But where spirituality is concerned, ruhaniyat is concerned, we are lost, we have no clue as to where to start from, so many give up and say that, any such thing like God does not exist. Because if He existed why, can not He be seen?
For example, we know that germs and virus exist, though we do not see them through our eyes directly, but if we take a microscope and see, we can cleraly observe them and their activity. Now what we did was just to adjust an adequate instrument needed for something according to its characteristics. In the same way, the Lord exists in a realm, where we have to discard these physicall eyes, and put into practice something essential for that purpose, which is known as raja yoga or more popularly known as meditation. There are several types of meditations for different goals, targets or ends.
Like for example, with a bycycle we can move several Kms, with a motobike again we can reach at different places, the same happens with cars, aeroplanes... etc. Though all have in common, that they are a way of transport but with different reaches.
In a similar way, though all perform different types of devotions, meditations....all do not reach the same destination.
If one goes to a priest, or a brahmin or a monk, or a mullah, etc... all of them will tell what they know, according to their knowledge aquired, and tell us do this type of prayer or pilgrimage or fasting, or worship so and so gods or godesses.
What is the consequence of all that? That one will get the reach at most, to the level of our instructor. And if they themselves are not out of the reach of parlay and mahaparlay, naturally one will go there at most...for instance Swarg, Baikunth, Heaven....
And here lies and comes the greatness of our Gurus, that as they come directly from the level of Sat Purush, they speak to us about Him, they awake in us the real love for Him, and teach us to worship to the highest only, Wahiguru Akal Purukh, with the only possible way accepted by Him, that is love and devotion.
As it is said: jaisa dhiaye waisa hoiye, and so if we worship cows , bulls, elephants, serpents,parrots, etc, which is totally wrong, as they are under the level of human beings, they are not worthy of devotion, because in this ladder of evolution, once reached the human form we have to move forwards and upwards. Their level of consciousness is lowr than of a human being, lesser than that is still of the vegetable kingdom, like as we have seen trees and plants are worshipped, and at the lowest, comes the level of lifeless things or objects, made of stones, paper, wood, metal, etc. We can see that the Lord is just a highest level of consciousness; the level of consciouness is what differs, among all living beings or souls, indepent in the form of life where they are in each moment. From the lowest form of vegetable kingdom to the highest of Satnam, just one step before the Lord, is the human form. So the comon sense says we have to move towards the next and the last one, and not to go backwards. And among us human beings also, we all do not have the same level of understanding(consciousness). That is what differs in each and everyone, and because of that we have different characters, likes,dislikes, tastes...etc. Here our karmas and sanskaras play a vital role in our destinies and personalities.
And again, among us human beings, those who are in constant touch with Akal Purukh, like our Gurus are, their level of consciousness is still higher, because they have merged themselves in Him, constantly through Nam Simran, thus have become one with Him. So in that way while being at our human level, at the same time they are at the level of Wahiguru, otherwise how can we give an explanation of how they describe so accurately Satpurukh. Do we think, they are ordinary humans or do we think their fantasy is over developed?
Outwards they look like us, but inwardly they are in constant comunion with Him.
So we can see how our Gurus, in a very clear, simple, practical and safe way, teach us the way to reach the highest goal of our human life, by knowing Him and becoming one with Him, through Nam Simran. And through their instrucctions, we meditate, we contemplate on Him, the one who is: Ooch Apaar Beant Soami, and so by worshiping Him, we become pure and pavitra, sach chit and anand like Satnam.
Isn´t it marvelous? There are no words to thank them, for all their daya meher, for getting us out of brahams, and giving us in bakshish, in parsad, the method or realizing and becoming one with Wahiguru. In each page, in each parragrapgh of the Granth Sahib, directions are given clearly, as per who is the Highest being and how is HE obtained.
Because devotion, even a brahman like Ravan did of Shiva, with a lot of hardships, japas, tapas, pujas...etc. But as the instructor of Ravan was not perfect, neither the objective of woship(Shiva) was perfect, so the consequence was that, instead of getting free from Maya and reincarnations, inspite of all his knowledge and power, he was unable to know anything about Wahiguru, neither do gods like Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva do.
Because if one does bhakti or abhyas of Wahiguru, of Satnam, slowly and gradually one gets cleansed of all the dirt gathered, since we were separeted from Him, and with this bhakti one becomes worthy of merging in Satnam, such is His greatness, and such is the grace showered on us by his messengers, Saints or Gurus, we have ample examples of all this in the Granth Sahib, and in it, only their fragrance of love and highest devotion is described, and the technique for obtaining it also.
Wahiguru , Wahiguru, Wahiguru.....
But how is that possible?
Through a definite and a precise method of devotion to the highest being or Wahiguru.
We should be thankfull to our beloved Gurus, for describing so accurately Akal Purush, removing our misconceptions, of somebody of whom we can never even think about, no matter how hard we may try.
That is why it is said, sochay soch na hovay, jeh sochay lakh vaar. Why is it so hard or practically impossible? because we do not know anything even about our true and simple reality, that we are a drop,a soul...then how can we know Him, the huge and mighty ocean?
Because all the instruments(karma indriyas, gyan indriyas, mind) that we possess, are for material things. we have made a lot of progress in this physicall universe, we have gone up to the Moon and sent rockets to Mars, and further progress is made in science and almost all the fields. But where spirituality is concerned, ruhaniyat is concerned, we are lost, we have no clue as to where to start from, so many give up and say that, any such thing like God does not exist. Because if He existed why, can not He be seen?
For example, we know that germs and virus exist, though we do not see them through our eyes directly, but if we take a microscope and see, we can cleraly observe them and their activity. Now what we did was just to adjust an adequate instrument needed for something according to its characteristics. In the same way, the Lord exists in a realm, where we have to discard these physicall eyes, and put into practice something essential for that purpose, which is known as raja yoga or more popularly known as meditation. There are several types of meditations for different goals, targets or ends.
Like for example, with a bycycle we can move several Kms, with a motobike again we can reach at different places, the same happens with cars, aeroplanes... etc. Though all have in common, that they are a way of transport but with different reaches.
In a similar way, though all perform different types of devotions, meditations....all do not reach the same destination.
If one goes to a priest, or a brahmin or a monk, or a mullah, etc... all of them will tell what they know, according to their knowledge aquired, and tell us do this type of prayer or pilgrimage or fasting, or worship so and so gods or godesses.
What is the consequence of all that? That one will get the reach at most, to the level of our instructor. And if they themselves are not out of the reach of parlay and mahaparlay, naturally one will go there at most...for instance Swarg, Baikunth, Heaven....
And here lies and comes the greatness of our Gurus, that as they come directly from the level of Sat Purush, they speak to us about Him, they awake in us the real love for Him, and teach us to worship to the highest only, Wahiguru Akal Purukh, with the only possible way accepted by Him, that is love and devotion.
As it is said: jaisa dhiaye waisa hoiye, and so if we worship cows , bulls, elephants, serpents,parrots, etc, which is totally wrong, as they are under the level of human beings, they are not worthy of devotion, because in this ladder of evolution, once reached the human form we have to move forwards and upwards. Their level of consciousness is lowr than of a human being, lesser than that is still of the vegetable kingdom, like as we have seen trees and plants are worshipped, and at the lowest, comes the level of lifeless things or objects, made of stones, paper, wood, metal, etc. We can see that the Lord is just a highest level of consciousness; the level of consciouness is what differs, among all living beings or souls, indepent in the form of life where they are in each moment. From the lowest form of vegetable kingdom to the highest of Satnam, just one step before the Lord, is the human form. So the comon sense says we have to move towards the next and the last one, and not to go backwards. And among us human beings also, we all do not have the same level of understanding(consciousness). That is what differs in each and everyone, and because of that we have different characters, likes,dislikes, tastes...etc. Here our karmas and sanskaras play a vital role in our destinies and personalities.
And again, among us human beings, those who are in constant touch with Akal Purukh, like our Gurus are, their level of consciousness is still higher, because they have merged themselves in Him, constantly through Nam Simran, thus have become one with Him. So in that way while being at our human level, at the same time they are at the level of Wahiguru, otherwise how can we give an explanation of how they describe so accurately Satpurukh. Do we think, they are ordinary humans or do we think their fantasy is over developed?
Outwards they look like us, but inwardly they are in constant comunion with Him.
So we can see how our Gurus, in a very clear, simple, practical and safe way, teach us the way to reach the highest goal of our human life, by knowing Him and becoming one with Him, through Nam Simran. And through their instrucctions, we meditate, we contemplate on Him, the one who is: Ooch Apaar Beant Soami, and so by worshiping Him, we become pure and pavitra, sach chit and anand like Satnam.
Isn´t it marvelous? There are no words to thank them, for all their daya meher, for getting us out of brahams, and giving us in bakshish, in parsad, the method or realizing and becoming one with Wahiguru. In each page, in each parragrapgh of the Granth Sahib, directions are given clearly, as per who is the Highest being and how is HE obtained.
Because devotion, even a brahman like Ravan did of Shiva, with a lot of hardships, japas, tapas, pujas...etc. But as the instructor of Ravan was not perfect, neither the objective of woship(Shiva) was perfect, so the consequence was that, instead of getting free from Maya and reincarnations, inspite of all his knowledge and power, he was unable to know anything about Wahiguru, neither do gods like Brahma, Vishnu or Shiva do.
Because if one does bhakti or abhyas of Wahiguru, of Satnam, slowly and gradually one gets cleansed of all the dirt gathered, since we were separeted from Him, and with this bhakti one becomes worthy of merging in Satnam, such is His greatness, and such is the grace showered on us by his messengers, Saints or Gurus, we have ample examples of all this in the Granth Sahib, and in it, only their fragrance of love and highest devotion is described, and the technique for obtaining it also.
Wahiguru , Wahiguru, Wahiguru.....
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