When we say the purpose of human life to is find God and become one with Him, that means we cut off our chains of karmas which bind us in this creation and free us forever from its clutches.
But then we may ask, where to find Wahiguru, though He is present everywhere. Usually the place we worship Him is callled a temple or a Gurdwara, at least that is the idea which almost everybody has.
But where is that real Gurdwara, where He is to be sought?. According to our Gurus, the real Gurdwara is this human body. This can be confirmed with the Granth Sahib, in the Raag Tukharee, in the words of the first Patshahee, Guru Nanak Dev, as we can see in the below line:
Nav ghar thaap mahal ghar oocha-o nij ghar vaas muraaray. 107-7,
Establishing the nine houses, and the Royal Mansion of the Tenth Gate above them, the Lord dwells in that home deep within the self.
So what are these nine houses or the Royal Mansion? The nine houses referred, are the nine portals of our body, from where our consciouness goes out and get entangled in Maya. Which are these nine portals? These nine portals or nine apertures are the following ones: 2 eyes, 2 ears, one mouth, 2 nostrils and the 2 beolw apertures.
And which is the Tenth Gate, which is referred above and leads us to the Royal Mansion, that 10th gate is above the eyes in the forehead, known also as Tisra Til, Shiv Netra, or daswan Dwar...
It is a spiritual aperture, and its location is at the area mentioned above, and it is from there where our spiritual journey begins, first come the astral region, then causal region and then ParBraham, which is above and beyond the reach of Parlay or Mahaparlay...still there is a long way to travel before we can reach our true Nij Ghar: Sach Khand.
Outer temples, however respectable because Wahiguru is reminded, but they are not real Gurdwaras, because they are lifeless and inert, they are man made, made out one element(earth), and we also know that any thing made out of any of these 5 elements, are transitory, changeable, and perishable, Truth is not to be found in them.
They are just reminders, of our objective and aim: Wahiguru Akal Purukh. In the way a photo or any picture or statue of any person are not that person, they are just reminders, of how he or she look likes, how are the features...and that is all, they do not have or contain any such thing like a soul or consciousness. That picture or piece of paper or stone can neither talk to us, neither they can be talked to. And if this is a case of ordinary limited human beings, we could be well called mahamurakhs, if we think that a superconciousness being like Satpurush is to be found in lifeless and inert objects.
If we think otherwise, we are manmukhs wrapped by a thick covers of agyanta= ignorance.
That is why Christ also said: ye are the living temple of God. All Saints have the same message to share with us, they can be of any time or age, they do not come to establish any new religion, it is only when they are gone away, we limited and weak humans, forget their real message and start with our own interpreations, and surround them with rituals, dogmas and so on outer forms of worship... and we go on to that extent that we start fighting and killing in the name of religion. What a shame. Is this all that our Gurus taught us? When they themselves were an ocean of mercy. Christ was nailed and crucified, Guru Arjan Dev was tortured and made to sit on hot plates and so are the case of almost all Saints, who just come and talk us about Him, about how to go back to Him, and they also talk us about the true nature of Maya and creation, to make us awake from our zombie state, and make us consciouss of our true nature as souls, which are trapped here by Maya and Kal.
We are not just human beings, we are spiritual beings going through earthly experiences.
Saints of the level of Guru Nanak, and the following Gurus or Saints like Kabir Sahib who was contemporary to Guru Nanak, Christ, Guru Ravi Das, Sant Tukaram, etc... They all come with one message, the message of Wahiguru, and His power, which is Nam or Shabad, through which He prevades each and ever corner. Differebt Saints at different times have called this power with different names and in different languages, but its meaning is the same, the essence of truth in them is the same. Christ called it Word or the Holy Ghost, chinese mystics called it Tao, muslim mystics called it Kalam Illahi or Kun, hindus called it Nad.
But the problem is, that as long as those Saints were present, things went more or less right for us humans. Their each and every effort was to draw our attention from unreal things, and attaching it to the real power of Shabad and Nam. The moment they left, we again forgot their real purpose of taking us out from outrer things, and started being murakhs agin, Maya once again succeded in defating us.
Thanks to Him, this world has never been a single moment without His messengers or Saints. He is like a inmense Ocean, who comes to the seashore(this world) in the form of waves(Saints).
But what for, do they come? They come to collect those drops(souls) ready to merge back in the Ocean(Satnam), so they are first merged in the wave, and where does the wave go? Naturally back to the ocean, so then there is no difference now between the drop, wave or ocean. All have become the one ocean. The ocean in spite of its inmensity, can not take back those drops(souls), unless it takes the form of a wave( Saint). So that is the greatness of Wahiguru, through whose utter grace, daya and meher,He comes at our human level like a Saint, and takes us back with Him.
Well going back to the talk of today, which was of the meaning of a true Gurdwara, it ihas to be so, as seen in the above lines of Guru Nanak, because it is there where we get the real Gur parasad, and drink that Amrit of Nam which constantly flows down and by drinking it we become immortal. In this real Gurdwara we get the true Prasad and the true amrit of Nam. Outer Prasads and amrits, how so ever we may have, are not going to wash the dirt of our sins, neither make us pure to be able to merge in Him.
But then we may ask, where to find Wahiguru, though He is present everywhere. Usually the place we worship Him is callled a temple or a Gurdwara, at least that is the idea which almost everybody has.
But where is that real Gurdwara, where He is to be sought?. According to our Gurus, the real Gurdwara is this human body. This can be confirmed with the Granth Sahib, in the Raag Tukharee, in the words of the first Patshahee, Guru Nanak Dev, as we can see in the below line:
Nav ghar thaap mahal ghar oocha-o nij ghar vaas muraaray. 107-7,
Establishing the nine houses, and the Royal Mansion of the Tenth Gate above them, the Lord dwells in that home deep within the self.
So what are these nine houses or the Royal Mansion? The nine houses referred, are the nine portals of our body, from where our consciouness goes out and get entangled in Maya. Which are these nine portals? These nine portals or nine apertures are the following ones: 2 eyes, 2 ears, one mouth, 2 nostrils and the 2 beolw apertures.
And which is the Tenth Gate, which is referred above and leads us to the Royal Mansion, that 10th gate is above the eyes in the forehead, known also as Tisra Til, Shiv Netra, or daswan Dwar...
It is a spiritual aperture, and its location is at the area mentioned above, and it is from there where our spiritual journey begins, first come the astral region, then causal region and then ParBraham, which is above and beyond the reach of Parlay or Mahaparlay...still there is a long way to travel before we can reach our true Nij Ghar: Sach Khand.
Outer temples, however respectable because Wahiguru is reminded, but they are not real Gurdwaras, because they are lifeless and inert, they are man made, made out one element(earth), and we also know that any thing made out of any of these 5 elements, are transitory, changeable, and perishable, Truth is not to be found in them.
They are just reminders, of our objective and aim: Wahiguru Akal Purukh. In the way a photo or any picture or statue of any person are not that person, they are just reminders, of how he or she look likes, how are the features...and that is all, they do not have or contain any such thing like a soul or consciousness. That picture or piece of paper or stone can neither talk to us, neither they can be talked to. And if this is a case of ordinary limited human beings, we could be well called mahamurakhs, if we think that a superconciousness being like Satpurush is to be found in lifeless and inert objects.
If we think otherwise, we are manmukhs wrapped by a thick covers of agyanta= ignorance.
That is why Christ also said: ye are the living temple of God. All Saints have the same message to share with us, they can be of any time or age, they do not come to establish any new religion, it is only when they are gone away, we limited and weak humans, forget their real message and start with our own interpreations, and surround them with rituals, dogmas and so on outer forms of worship... and we go on to that extent that we start fighting and killing in the name of religion. What a shame. Is this all that our Gurus taught us? When they themselves were an ocean of mercy. Christ was nailed and crucified, Guru Arjan Dev was tortured and made to sit on hot plates and so are the case of almost all Saints, who just come and talk us about Him, about how to go back to Him, and they also talk us about the true nature of Maya and creation, to make us awake from our zombie state, and make us consciouss of our true nature as souls, which are trapped here by Maya and Kal.
We are not just human beings, we are spiritual beings going through earthly experiences.
Saints of the level of Guru Nanak, and the following Gurus or Saints like Kabir Sahib who was contemporary to Guru Nanak, Christ, Guru Ravi Das, Sant Tukaram, etc... They all come with one message, the message of Wahiguru, and His power, which is Nam or Shabad, through which He prevades each and ever corner. Differebt Saints at different times have called this power with different names and in different languages, but its meaning is the same, the essence of truth in them is the same. Christ called it Word or the Holy Ghost, chinese mystics called it Tao, muslim mystics called it Kalam Illahi or Kun, hindus called it Nad.
But the problem is, that as long as those Saints were present, things went more or less right for us humans. Their each and every effort was to draw our attention from unreal things, and attaching it to the real power of Shabad and Nam. The moment they left, we again forgot their real purpose of taking us out from outrer things, and started being murakhs agin, Maya once again succeded in defating us.
Thanks to Him, this world has never been a single moment without His messengers or Saints. He is like a inmense Ocean, who comes to the seashore(this world) in the form of waves(Saints).
But what for, do they come? They come to collect those drops(souls) ready to merge back in the Ocean(Satnam), so they are first merged in the wave, and where does the wave go? Naturally back to the ocean, so then there is no difference now between the drop, wave or ocean. All have become the one ocean. The ocean in spite of its inmensity, can not take back those drops(souls), unless it takes the form of a wave( Saint). So that is the greatness of Wahiguru, through whose utter grace, daya and meher,He comes at our human level like a Saint, and takes us back with Him.
Well going back to the talk of today, which was of the meaning of a true Gurdwara, it ihas to be so, as seen in the above lines of Guru Nanak, because it is there where we get the real Gur parasad, and drink that Amrit of Nam which constantly flows down and by drinking it we become immortal. In this real Gurdwara we get the true Prasad and the true amrit of Nam. Outer Prasads and amrits, how so ever we may have, are not going to wash the dirt of our sins, neither make us pure to be able to merge in Him.
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