Purpose of Life part 2

As seen above in part one, our main purpose of getting human birth, is to first realize that we are not the body which is perishable, like all objects and things made from the 5 tattwas in this huge and unimaginable creation. We have a divine flame of His consciousness, which is known as soul or spirit. We are part and parcel of Satnam. If He is a sagar we are a boond. If He is the Sun, we are rays, emanated from Him.

Once realized our true nature, that we are not the body, our next step is to find the means to merge back in our origin. And this we have to take advantage of His daya meher by bestowing upon us the unvaluable gift of human body, who have the privilege of returning back to Him. Nobody else can do that. Not even the devis or devtas or the so called gods . So let us imagine, what is in store of the destiny of those who worship, to those (devis devtas or gods) who themselves are bound in the Chaurasi Ka Chakar, and long to get this unique oportunity of the human body for their real freedom. By worshipping them we go to their level at most. A B.A teacher can give you give knowledge only up to his level, not more. So by worshipping entities up to Brahm, we are still in the limits of Parlay and Maha Parlay, that means subject to birth and death.
So our sole object of our love and devotion should only be Par Braham, Pari Puran Parmatma, Wahiguru Akal Purukh Satnam. Who is limitless, infinite and beyond the concepts of time and space and everlasting. By worshipping Satnam, who is akal murat, ajoonee(without birth or death), then only, we also become akal and ajoonee.
As it is said: jaisa dhiyaiye vaisa hoiye= which means as you contemplate so you become. So by putting our love and devotion at His Lotus Feet, we surely merge in Him and become one with Him, without distinction.

But for that we have to join the sadh sangat, from where we get our milestones to stay on the right track, not any otherwise.
And that also, as soon as possible, because we have a limited time, as Kal is over our heads, our stock of breaths is decreasing at each passing moment, and death is certain.

We are actually now in this birth, on the bridge, which takes us from one form of life to another, so lets not be so murakhs to build our future on it, our future lies in Sach Khand, with Wahiguru, so all our attention should be there, and do our real job with Nam Simran and cross bhavsagar, our aim should be Wahiguru, not this world, where we are chained with zaat, paat, family, relations, land, country or religions, possesions, wealth, honour, fame... which are all means of Kal to keep us prisoners in this creation.

So we have to hurry up with our real job of getting the graduation of being really free from this maya. Because if one remains uneducated in life, after death one can not be M A or B A or get the Masters degree, if during being alive, one can not merge in Wahiguru, certainly that title, can not be possible after death. It is a great mistake to believe that by doing this or that ritual or ceremony or fasting we earn merits for entering His court. Nothing matters, one may do whatsoever, but what is only going to take us from here is His simran, Nam simran. This is mentioned at many places in the Granth Sahib. And this method is not a policy of any man made religion, it is His method for all the mankind, irrespective of color, caste, creed, religion or nationality, given to us by Him, through our Gurus.
